Author Topic: Lords of Creation OOC Thread  (Read 33958 times)


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Re: Lords of Creation OOC Thread
« Topic Start: June 10, 2011, 11:49:21 PM »
The Mechanics cont.
  • Combat
    • Combat, both divine and mortal, is ideally to be settled in a freeform RP style. Both sides are expected to Role Play their battles, and find a solution to it, in a constructive manner. We encourage both sides to talk between themselves via PMs if possible in order to decide the course of events. Try to keep things cordial, and even if things are not going your way, do not start pulling out some outlandish stuff out of nowhere, for MODs will come knocking on your door. If it seems that both sides cannot reach an agreement, then it will fall to the MODs to decide the outcome, and that will probably not be a good idea, so try to avoid taking it as far as the MODs.

      However, deities are allowed to challenge each other in duels, putting their AP on the table in a risky confrontation with great risks and rewards. How does it work?

      • God A and Bod B, want to duel.
      • God A bets X AP, if god B wants to duel he will have to bet the same amount. Both have -X AP in their AP pool at the moment.
      • Both gods roll: 1d20+ any combat artifacts + Divine Power (if any)
      • In case of a draw, both sides roll again with the same format stated above
      • God B wins! However both sides still have -X AP from betting
      • Upon roll-over, god B who won, is reimbursed the X AP he originally gambled, plus X AP for winning the duel! However, the X AP of “winnings” is Bonus AP, and should be counted and recorded as such. Bonus AP, when spent, does not count towards Growth. Bonus AP can allow a god to temporarily exceed the AP cap for their GR, but ALL bonus AP is lost at the time of the next rollover, so it is wise to spend your Bonus AP first if possible.

  • ALTS
    • Each player, besides their main character, is also allowed to create one alt character. This character may or may not be related to your main, that is up to the player. While the creation of an Alt does not cost AP, it is required that a player who wishes to create an Alt send to the MODs a request for an Alt using the Character Application Format given above. It is not guaranteed that the MODs will accept though - depending on the time and circumstances, the response may be a negative one. While it is acceptable for an Alt to be related to – or even serve under – your main, bear in mind that they are a god. They are an independent character, with their own goals, methods, and personality, and Alts who are merely lapdogs or AP-slaves will almost certainly be rejected.

  • The Rules of Conduct
    • The Objective of Lords of Creation is to allow the players to create a living breathing and workable world for a playable campaign, but at the same time, create an interesting, original and flowing story. In order to do that, it is important to understand that this is not a 'God Campaign' but a 'World Building Story'. If your objective is to create a god simply to show off how great you are at other people's expense, then this is not the game for you.

      The following guideline is being placed so that the players may be able to focus on world building in harmony, and with respect to each other both in and out of character. Extreme violations of the rules - or just being a general twit and making everyone miserable - will result in your god getting run over by a bus driven by an inter-dimensional clown, scooped up by an insane goblin, and taken off to tiny-town. Seriously. Don't mess around.

      1) Gods are not omnipotent
      Yes, perhaps we are role playing deities, but for the sake of the story, we are going with the notion that gods cannot know everything, and cannot be everywhere at the same time. In the end, it will become almost impossible to do anything without having another god finding out.

      2) Godmodding is bad and wrong
      In this type of game, it is difficult to completely avoid Godmodding, and sometimes it’s done accidentally, but its important to keep it down to a minimum.

      3) Fights/Combat/Plot Devices
      Combat is ALWAYS optional. Always. Just because your god can beat another god in a fight does not mean that your god can order that god around. Gods are tough. Ultimately, even the most savage beatdown will just send them to lick their wounds and regain their power - and ideally, all fights should be worked out ahead of time by those involved. The combat system is designed to provide guidelines, and a potential chancy gamble for power if you're feeling adventurous.

      4) Consider your fellow player
      You are not the only person trying to establish a certain feel to their character. It doesn't hurt to play along with what your opponent may be up to, rather than just shrug it off, and many times this will lead to an interesting situation. If you start shrugging off your fellow players, do not be surprised if they do the same to you, which will make the story-telling process rather lame.

      5) Do not ignore other people's posts
      Particularly if they're directed at you. There is nothing ruder than having someone take time to create an IC post, only to have the post completely ignored. If your character has a reason to ignore the post, then declare it IC "Fred Flintstone ignores Mickey Mouse because he has bad breath". It is much more acceptable than not responding at all and keeping your fellow player waiting.

      6) Respect your fellow player
      Everyone is different, we all have different mentality, different writing styles, different... just about anything. We want to promote harmony in the OOC, so if a player does something wrong, or out of line, leave it to the MODs to take care of it. Do not go to the OOC and start brow beating a player simply because they did something you don't like, or made an honest mistake. Brow beating will not be tolerated.

      7) Respect the MODS
      Seriously. We run the game. Unlike what many people believe, MODs do not accept the title and responsibilities simply because they have a hard-on for authority. Granted, some might, but that is why we have other MODs to keep everyone in check. Our job is not easy and quite thankless. MOD responsibilities are
      a) Keep the OOC nice and harmonious
      b) Make changes to rules if deemed necessary
      c) Accept new players
      d) Arbitrate rules disputes
      e) Make sure the IC rules are followed
      f) Point out any cheating/mistakes done with AP expenditure

      8 ) Do not complain or argue in the OOC thread
      If you have an issue with something or someone, do not go to the OOC to cry/whine or make a big issue out of it. That's the whole reason the MODs were picked. To keep conflicts out of the OOC. They make the atmosphere oppressive, they make things less fun, and generally unpleasant and maybe even make the arguments larger than they need be. So if you do have a complaint, either PM the offending party or ask a MOD to mediate on the issue. If you have a problem with a MOD, or have a reason to distrust a MOD, simply send the message to another MOD.

      9) Keep the general welfare of the game in mind
      As mentioned before, our objective is to create a living world. However, if some people rather put their own characters/personal agendas ahead of the game itself, do not be surprised if you find the MODs knocking on your door.

      10) The ADMIN's word is Final
      The ADMIN is the MOD-MOD. If you don’t like it, feel free to take it to a higher authority… except you can’t… it stops with me.

      11) Lastly, you are expected to follow the BM Social Contract
      As this is on the BattleMaster forums, you are expected to abide by the BattleMaster Social Contract. Remember, we are friends playing a game with one another.

    • A Few Reminders...
      • Gods are not omnipotent. They cannot know everything that is going on at any given time. They may get their “Domain Senses Tingling” when someone trespasses against them, and even then, don’t go around claiming to know everything.
      • Gods don't know where they are unless it’s in their domain or outside their influence on the Material Plane. Do not pop up the first time in someone else’s plane and know everything that is going on (unless you have a very good excuse to know this)
      • Gods cannot physically walk on the material plane. They are instantly rejected by the laws of the universe. That is why we have exarchs and avatars.
      • If a god wants to send a message to another, put it in a spoiler. If it is a secret message then its considered bad form to read it, if the message is not intended for your character.
      • Gods can only be where their main bodies and their avatars are. So your character cannot be in a dozen places at the same time.
      • Overall, we are aiming for a serious world building project. While moments of silliness are encouraged, make sure that it does not wind up as a recurring theme, nor that it gets out of hand.
      • Do not assume that a character is good/bad due to what was written in the application. Wait to see the character’s actions IC, and then have your character make his/her decision. Doing otherwise is considered meta-gaming, and we don’t want that.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2011, 10:59:37 PM by ^ban^ »
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.