Author Topic: Xavax Imperium  (Read 135549 times)


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Re: Xavax Imperium
« Reply #105: February 11, 2016, 07:51:40 PM »
Battlemaster is a cooperative game. You don't get to dictate to everyone else how things will work. Sometimes they will work with you, sometimes they work against you. Either way, you play it out IC. If most people agree with you, you'll probably win it out. If not, then you won't.

Hell, I came up with a pretty detailed layout for the Sandalak government and RP, and won the election with it. (But lost the recount to Zakky... Grr...) Anyway, they used some of it, and tossed the rest. The people who showed up later changed it even more.

The point is, I didn't get any special privilege to have my ideas universally adopted as canon just because I was one of the original characters in the realm. Everyone else gets to contribute too, even if their contribution is to say my idea sucks, and they want something else entirely.

Also, I find that other characters are most likely to rebel against your ideas if they feel they are being handed afait accompli, and not allowed to contribute their ideas to the system.

In the end, I don't know what happened in Xavax. But if the people there didn't want to follow your plan, then either go with their plan (their ideas are just as valid as yours), or go somewhere else and implement your plan. Either way, plan stop the drama. No one cares about your Myers-Briggs type, and it sure as hell isn't justification for multiple, epic-length ooc rants against other players.

Although I won and replaced Indirik, I still went with what he has created because people liked it. Just that I added my own flavor into it to make it a bit more interesting. If you try to do everything, it won't last long. Let others contribute and build upon what you laid out. Trying to drag a whole realm to the way you want won't work. If your idea is good, people will join in. Look at Sanguis Astroism, Sandalak and Taselak. People stuck by them because they thought those were good and worth contributing to.