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Xavax Imperium

Started by Ehndras, January 05, 2016, 02:11:13 PM

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Posting here to answer any questions you folks may have regarding the Xavax. :) Been quite the interesting experience so far. Definitely my most entertaining in BM to this day.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Namechanges: what's up with that?
Ardet nec consumitur.


Why? For the Glory of The Xavax of course!
Taselak is Best-elak.

Xavax, to be taken all day erry' day.


Why not ask Anaris to just change the actual neame to Xavax Imperium instead of Greater Xavax?


I was unaware I could do that. I thought the initial name-change was for good. Didn't want to piss off the admins by going back on my word. :)

Well, before I became ruler I wanted Xavax to be a Meritocratic Republic. Then, folks wanted me to be king, I shrugged and agreed. I did my best to keep the meritocratic aspect, rewarding those who proved themselves able to properly engage in various Lordships and Councils, rather than rule alone and make demands. Open referenda asking our peoples' opinions on various topics, and plenty of open-ended questions. Our dreams of empire are by-and-far a distant concept, but when I heard a certain amount of support from others in Xavax, I decided to re-name it to reflect this fledgling ideal.

Thus, the (Greater) Xavax Imperium was born.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Addendum: People REALLY didn't like the name "Meritocratic Monarchy of Greater Xavax", and after a good night's partial rest, neither did I.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Just ask him. He may do it. If you wait too long, he will say no though.


I asked - they said they'll see what they can do. In the absence of further response, I assume its a no. Ah well.

So, beside going into a suicidal war before we're ready for such campaign, what can the Xavax do to entertain you folks? I'm currently planning a tournament with Selenia, Viridiana's grand plans are in a temporary stall - for those of you in the know, I'm too scared of losing Kingship and haven't found someone willing to be my high priest - so no founding the Xavax state religion of the Phoenix Kin just yet, and my proposal for joint-military exercises with Fallengard are being considered, but the fear of Caligan invasion at some random point in ear-time makes that seems like an impossibility.

Help me come up with an entertaining solution to our current lull in activity. :)
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Because EC needs another religion. Nine EC religions. Seven of those with only a single priest in them.


Everybody wants their own religion. Too bad nobody has enough priests to support them.


Oh, I have those who want to be a priest - just no one willing to be the mastermind. Seeing as how I'm pushing for it, its my own responsibility really...

I plan for it to be the Xavax state religion - if not the religion of the southern free states. A sort of expatriate faith comprised of those who came from the sinking islands. The whole concept is mostly a pseudo-spiritual philosophy about honoring our fallen homelands and seeking rebirth in the image of the Phoenix, constantly reforging ourselves anew with every subsequent conquest or defeat. Its supposed to be vague enough for anyone to join in, rather than overly-specific and thus incredibly limiting.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Quote from: Vita on January 18, 2016, 03:37:04 PM
Because EC needs another religion. Nine EC religions. Seven of those with only a single priest in them.
Time for a purge then!
Taselak is Best-elak.

Xavax, to be taken all day erry' day.


Too many religions = too many powerless, crappy religions that never do anything. We need fewer, more active religions.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Gabanus family

Quote from: Ehndras on January 18, 2016, 04:51:37 PM
Oh, I have those who want to be a priest - just no one willing to be the mastermind. Seeing as how I'm pushing for it, its my own responsibility really...

I plan for it to be the Xavax state religion - if not the religion of the southern free states. A sort of expatriate faith comprised of those who came from the sinking islands. The whole concept is mostly a pseudo-spiritual philosophy about honoring our fallen homelands and seeking rebirth in the image of the Phoenix, constantly reforging ourselves anew with every subsequent conquest or defeat. Its supposed to be vague enough for anyone to join in, rather than overly-specific and thus incredibly limiting.

Haha, you really want people to rebel against you don't you :)
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


No, I want to actually follow the game-plan that was discussed and put into play by the first 20 or so to found Xavax. That was the whole point of all this. Pseudo-Romanic empire of pagan faithfuls who accept other faiths yet use their own as a springboard to conquer the world in the name of not only material interests, but those of divine light as well. Its a legitimacy thing, at its heart.

Not to mention, as a ruler, I've become aware that everyone and their mother uses their state religion to !@#$ over their neighbors during and before war. Why the hell can't Xavax do the same?

Not to mention, going with my plans and lore, the Phoenixian faith would lend credibility and allow us to assimilate foreign nobles and lands without needing to go through the process of warring them and their list of allies.

You know, BM isn't just a war-game, if that hasn't dawned on you. There's far more to it than war. Hell, war is the least of my interests. I'm in major wars on every single character I have, save Alekhsandr of Fissoa, though if Luria decides to pursue this new line, its becoming a possibility that Fissoa will be wiped off the map soon. *shrug*

We will war, and very soon, but I have to help the many little plots here and there to move forward, and not just the warmongers. You know, you folks aren't the only ones in Xavax, nor your interests the only ones worthy of respect.

If I didn't want you guys here, though, why would I have made y'all marshal, Strategos, and the like? Why start a military tribune?

If you all rebel for this, then it will be the most ridiculous rebellion I've ever seen. I'm in two realms with FAR greater problems and yet - lo! - no rebellion. If you're itching for war, then give me a damn reason I can use as casus belli, establish a plan, and work for it - don't just go "Hey! Declare on Perleone / Alara / Your Mother! Do it!"

If this little ambassadorial trip goes well upon Selenia and Ruslan's return, we'll have all we need to fight the first Xavax war. Otherwise, show some bloody patience and prepare Xavax for war. How about we conduct training exercises? Give out gold so people can train at the academy? How about my attempt at getting some joint-military exercises done? How about a tournament?

The world won't end if we don't go to war this week. Not to mention, I no longer manage an insurance agency. I just started my new security job and am having an extremely busy week, I haven't been able to log in properly since 2 days ago. Today I get my permanent schedule and list of alternate posts, so I'll have a better idea of when I'll be available. Today I have a very long day, and will be in training like yesterday. Though, today, I'll finally be assigned a security vehicle, so I get to drive - rather than walk - in this god damn blistering snowy freeze from hell.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.