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Battle Master Twitter Revolution

Started by House le Drake, January 11, 2016, 08:08:20 AM

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House le Drake


Join me at @DwilightBM!  Whether you have a character on that continent or not, let's lead the charge in getting ourselves out there!

Original Post:

Let's face it: we're hemorrhaging players faster than new players are being infused. It's a slow process, but every realm big or small (especially the small ones) feels the sting of loss when someone decides, "Eh, not going to log in today," and then realizes it's been weeks since they last did.

I propose a Twitter revolution.

I've been to the Battle Master Twitter page, and let me tell you: it hurts my heart how rarely this vital tool (and let me tell you; it IS vital) is utilized. Twitter is not a source for occasional updates, and our page there should cater to a broader audience than its meager 20-30 followers. Its 160-letter limit is the perfect supplemental format for a game in which actions occur over a 12-hour period, and the ability to attach pictures and video should not be taken lightly.

I think I speak for a large part of our audience when I call us geeks. So we should act the part! Holy !@#$, I play a neurotic, reclusive, widowed bureaucrat with 4 children and a country to upkeep with one of my characters! Why don't I have a place where I can slap together a !@#$ty D&D-flavored meme and plaster it up like a picture on Mom's fridge? I can do that here, but scrolling through forums is a lot more time-intensive than the instant gratification of a 160-letter post!

Getting people involved with the Twitter account, getting the page actively posting in the way Twitter is supposed to be used (shootin' the !@#$ with the community), and getting new players involved in an active learning process where they can ask and receive immediate feedback from everyone else following the account is the way to attract more people!

Let's get out there and get geeky! Post to Wizards of the Coast, Wil Wheaton, D&D, parody accounts, who gives a !@#$ who!

#BattleMaster #BMCrusade #BMStrong #BMLives #BMAddict #100ProblemsBMAin'tOne
"what is best in life?" "To see your enemies driven before you and laminate their women."


Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


....BattleMaster has a Twitter account?!?!
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan

House le Drake

I know, right?!

I already sent OOC messages to the rulers of 2 continents my characters are on. If players are worried about anonymity they can create an account under their favorite character's name, but it's no less anonymous than Facebook. More so, even.

"what is best in life?" "To see your enemies driven before you and laminate their women."

House le Drake

Unfortunately, Twitter accounts really only work if there's reciprocation from the account host. It does require a lot of activity, but the payoff is a place where we don't seem like a bunch of stick-up-our-asses nerds. Hell, individual realms and continents could have their own Twitter accounts and trash-talk each other.

Nothing gets people more involved than having a common enemy. "What, you think you won that last battle? We LET you win that battle! You wait until you see what's next! #Diversion #WatchYourBack #Astrum"
"what is best in life?" "To see your enemies driven before you and laminate their women."


I think a similar policy as used to exist for Facebook posts would be fine. There used to be a point person for Social Media/Facebook posts. There isn't anymore. As usual, everything in BM is a volunteer effort.

House le Drake

"what is best in life?" "To see your enemies driven before you and laminate their women."


Battlemaster itself does not have a twitter account. Your just taking about using hash tags, right?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

House le Drake

Doesn't it?

Because I totally found one with the most recent updates about the game and a link to the website. Maybe it's an overzealous player, but if it were it wouldn't be so banal (I hope).
"what is best in life?" "To see your enemies driven before you and laminate their women."

House le Drake

"what is best in life?" "To see your enemies driven before you and laminate their women."


First I've heard of it. If it were official, I would think I'd have heard of it before now.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


That's Tom. He's using it to occasionally post news, mostly about his other projects.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Azerax may have also been using it to post some if the local news that he was also posting to Facebook.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

House le Drake

It's great that they use it for updates, but that's a VERY small part of the app's full potential. If the message boards are formal wear and Facebook is casual, Twitter is the glitzy club where you slam a martini and hit the dance floor. It's fast, shallow, and great for members of the community who usually play on the go.

Imagine you're sitting in the doctor's office waiting to be seen. You could load up the website, but you don't know when you're going to get called back. So you pop onto Twitter and see 4 new notifications from your realm that !@#$ is about to go down. Now who's excited to pop back on when they get home, instead of habitually checking it from time to time?
"what is best in life?" "To see your enemies driven before you and laminate their women."

House le Drake

I got overexcited and started an unofficial page for Dwilight. @DwilightBM
"what is best in life?" "To see your enemies driven before you and laminate their women."