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Lords of Creation: Redux - IC

Started by ^ban^, June 12, 2011, 07:16:25 AM

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Arkh, The Eternal Winter

Things seemed nice in his plane. Arkh was experimenting and learning the cold laws governing the astral physics of the universe, in his own private laboratory. It was... pleasing. Yes, that was the word, it felt right... Until a few seconds later when it felt wrong. Something was displeasing him, but he could not fully grasp what it was. He tried to concentrate on such undesirable sensation, and he spotted the source: that dread plane where he had awakened. He'd have to act.

Arkh, The Void

Traveling back to The Void, now in a white cloud form (for he had learned it was better to reflect the darting rays which carried the dreaded heat, than absorbing them), he looked around for the nuisance. There was no mistake, it was in a tiny spot in the water-covered planet... No, in the now partially water-covered planet. There was a large chunk of earth, yet that didn't seem odd or annoying.

But then he saw it. Calling it an insult or an abomination would be great generosity. It was worse, and words could not describe it. An small island, a tiny place in The Void, yet so filled with... filth. There was a big source of heat, but not common heat, it was something worse... It was heat alive. Something had to be done.

Concentrating and gathering all the power he could into a single spot, not too far from the contaminated planet he sentenced with a cold and cruel tone:

"Forever I curse you, abomination!"

Then, in a swift movement, he released all the tension he was gathering in such spot, creating a huge mass of different gases. (Create Artifact: The White Curse). An uncountable amount of particles started heading towards the center of the mass, solidifying, and creating a huge rock of ice. The size had shrunk, but it still towered over the cursed planet, more than a hundred times bigger.

With that done, he gave it a gentle shove, setting it in motion. And once again, he was pleased.


AP 2 = 9 - 7 (Create Artifact: The White Curse +3 Bane)
GP 10
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Varrach, The Void

He closed the distance between himself and the other being hurriedly. This one did not know him, but it was becoming clearer! His hopes rose, when suddenly the other being exclaimed loudly, rejoicing in the name of Dwyn Gaald. Varrach slowed, somewhat confused. If this Dwyn Gaald only now realized that he was, how could he know another? Were all his brethren like him, unaware of their purpose? No... no that could not be. Dwyn Gaald had said that things were becoming clearer, that must explain it. It must...

"I am Varrach. I seek vengeance... and to maintain." He mentally winced at how little sense it made before hurriedly adding. "And to know myself. Like you, I am, but I do not understand why."
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


Arglwydd, Void

"Brother?" Arglwydd smirked, and then gave to the universe it's first laugh. A thing of purity and beauty. "No, I do not know that we are brothers, just as I do not know you. My name is Arglwydd. Varrach, Dwyn Gaald, behold, that which I am."

At this Arglwydd held forth his hand, where formed the raw stuff of Dreams. Then he held forth is other, where formed the stuff of Fate, and these two he brought together to create something entirely new. This stuff he cast upon the Atlantis he had raised, and there formed new life.

First there formed plants of the world, with thirst for water and hunger for air. Great trees and small sprouts grew, and the Dream Lord smiled, for he was creating a home for what was to come. They were joyous creatures, fleet of foot, fair in appearance, and strong of heart. They had an appearance similar to that of the woman Arglwydd had seen earlier, but from their backs sprouted great white wings, and their bodies were smaller and of more angular appearance. (Create Life: Alfar)

"Behold! The children of Arglwydd, the Alfar." He spoke, once more, but this time to the very hearts of his children, and in doing so began to make them into one people, so that they might create great things of their own among the trees that had grown. (Create Society: Alfar Imperium) This done, he spoke until his children a dream of greatness, so that they in their limited lives might live on. (Lead Populace: Alfar, Music) (Lead Populace: Alfar, Feudalism)

As his newborn children rejoiced in the world around them, Arglwydd rested and paused to consider the many things he had created.


AP 0 = 4 - 1 (Create Life: Alfar) - 1 (Create Society: Alfar Imperium) - 1 (Lead Populace: Alfar, Music) - 1 (Lead Populace: Alfar, Feudalism)
GP 12: Level up! DR2
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.


Celona, the Void

"Behold! The children of Arglwydd, the Alfar."

Deciding that she wanted something not only for herself, but also for the pebble in the Void as this other being had done, she came to the conclusion that she would envelop it within a domain she would create. Holding her arms in front of her, she moved her hands in a spherical motion. At first, it was slow and deliberate, but then the speed greatly increased until her hands became a blur and a small ball of air was forming in the space between her hands. Trying not to break her concentration, she stopped her motions abruptly, and held her hands on either side of the ball.

On the planet, clouds began to form and with a flash of light, a coat of air had formed around the planet. Not only was it composed of air, but it was feeding off of the plane that had been created by the Guide's hands. (Create Plane, Eye of the Storm) With the plane of wind and the material plane coexisting, the makeshift living conditions of the planet settled and the air became plentiful.

Deciding that was not yet enough, Celona snapped her fingers and the ball she was holding began to lose it's form. Instead of willing it away, she willed it to the planet, where it became a gentle breeze. Realizing that she could control the power of it, she was content with allowing it to stay as it was for the time being.

One she was done with her work, the Guide began to observe this newly created group of creatures on the planet. She felt that she should no longer call it a pebble, as it had ascended that title. It was now planet, although incomplete. The concept of life on the planet intrigued Celona, but she was unsure how she would go about doing it herself. With a thought, she willed herself to this one that called himself Arglwydd and spoke in a voice that was carried everywhere in the nowhere that they existed.

"These beings you have given life to... how did you decide to create them as they are now, in the stead of another form?" The Guide was also curious of this being, and as such she began to inspect him from every side. Once content, she crossed her legs and faced him, although to see eye to eye, her feet only went down to his chest. She was small, indeed.


AP 9 = 12 - 3 (Create Plane, Eye of the Storm)
GP 3


Arglwydd, Void

As Celona gazed upon Arglwydd she noticed his form begin to change. In fact, his form became something close to her own, as though seen at a distance through murky glass.

"How did I choose their form, you ask? You, who's form changes at a whim? It was not I that shaped their dream, I merely planted the seed." The Dream Lord gestured broadly towards Atlantis. "Look and see how they now impose their own dreams upon the world."


Son of Dream, they called him, as he spent most of his life shaping the world to his dream. A dream of a united Alfar, spreading to all corners of Atlantis. The Alfar were at war. It began during the longest Cold of memory: three tribes joined together as one, led by Kurgin, Son of Dream.

This was the birth of the Alfar Imperium.
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.


Ahkram, Hall of Creation

Some Ahkrons, driven by insatiable curiosity, wished to explore beyond the Hall of Creation, and after finally achieving the union of magic and science (Lead Populace: Magitech) and ensuring that they prepared well for the journeys ahead, he allowed them to depart and search the Void.  They came and told of the existence of other planes, the conflicts on the new world, of Atlantis and the Alfar.

It was this last that Ahkram became interested in.  Other beings with the capability of thought...But so pitifully primitive, so lacking in understanding...But their potential...

He touched each of those that wished to explore, and granted them the Gifts of Knowledge and Magic.  He sent them back to this Atlantis to seek out those with the most supple minds, those who could create and learn and understand, to show them how to use Knowledge and wield Magic.  But they all asked one question with such desperation that the Ahkrons asked their father for guidance, as they could not comprehend the difficulty at first.  But Ahkram looked, and understood, and taught his Ahkrons the why, and the how, and they saw and began teaching the new lessons to all across Atlantis.  And they also began teaching that this was a gift from Ahkram, the Teacher, and as this new knowledge spread, so did worship of the great Teacher who had saved them from dire hunger.

The first gift of Ahkram to the Alfar, was the gift of Agriculture (Lead Populace: Agriculture).

And with this understanding of the Alfar and their growing devotion, Ahkram felt himself expand, able to see more, do more...


AP 0 = 2-2: Lead Populace x2 (Magitech, Agriculture)

GP 0 = 12-12 Divine Rank 2
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Varrach, The Void

Curiously, Varrach watched as the Alfar came to be, their mortal lives little but a blink of an eye. They struggled against the bitter cold, wrapping their bodies in the thick skins of the beasts they hunted and huddling in caves to escape the harsh wind. He saw the death of a proud warrior, the Alfar's wing thrashing helplessly as the would be prey gored him, and the solemnity as the fallen one's comrades placed him in the earth. The ones calling themselves Ahkrons came, servants of another of Varrach's brothers, teaching the Alfar how to grow and collect the hardy plants. He heard the songs they sang about their great father Arglwydd and the wise Ahkram, voices joined by the simple instruments they made. Above all else, he watched the progress of the one name Kurgim, seeing him divide the land amongst his followers and lead the tribes into battle with spear and club. As the Alfar Imperium spread, Varrach began to hear something else.

Survivors wailed as they were dragged away to toil for the new order. A pair of soldiers laughed, circling aloft as they chased down another Alfar who running clumsily, his broken wing trailing. Somewhere a girl sobbed for mercy as a vicelike grip held her down. Drumbeats sounded as the Imperium went to war, filling the sky with red wings and grim visages. The overseer beat his whip against the back of a screaming slave, warning the others that the same awaited them if the Son of Dream's harvest was not ready when the army arrived. A dying warrior gurgled blood, lungs pentrated by his own broken ribs. All of them and more cried out and Varrach recoiled as their demand struck him. They cried out to their families, to the spirits, to their tormentors, to anyone who would listen. They cried out for Vengeance.

Slowly Varrack turned away to face Arglwydd. "Do you hear them?" He demanded, divine features pained. "Do you hear them scream!"
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


Arglwydd, the Void

"Yes, I hear, and I see as well. I see as dreams of greatness swallow up those of mediocrity."
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.


Dwyn Gaald, The Void,

Dwyn Gaald was now, as was Arglwydd it seemed, mostly distracted by the events taking place on the planet below him. There were living things there, now. Placed there being guided by strange creatures channeling forth from a place concealed from the Void itself. These living things on this planet below were experiencing so many things. They were living. They were dying, they were bleeding, they were fighting, they were feeling. What a strange way to exist.

What a very strange way to exist, thought Dwyn Gaald. In fact, there were far more perfect ways to exist, even if one had to exist upon a planet, in simplistic form, subject to the laws of that planet. Not all were blessed with the ability to dwell in the solemnity of the Void, but surely even a serene existence was able to be found in life upon a planet.

In that moment, Dwyn Gaald realized that what he thought must so surely be so, could be made so. And so, in that instance, Dwyn Gaald set out to make it so.

First of all, a rightful place for such an existence would need be raised. Dwyn Gaald looked at the earth and mimicked upon it the beauty and perfection of the void and next to Atlantis he rose from the seas the Great Ganbazatar Desert (Create Terrain: Great Ganbazatar Desert).

Within these deserts he would place the beings designed to live a life reflective and opposite of those things in the forests. Carefully, he crafted the Scraads (Create Life: Scraads).

But being simple creatures that they were, Dwyn Gaald would lead them and organize them, and after a time he showed them how to live and work with another (Create Society: Scraads, Kingdom of Ganbazatar).

And to the first King of the Kingdom of Ganbazatar, Dwyn Gald crafted a stone worn from the seas of sand perfectly smooth, and it was called The RainBringer Stone (Create Artifact: Boon, The Rain-Bringer Stone, MR-2). With it, Dwyn Gaald blessed his creations with the seasonal rains that came but once or twice a year to his people's crops, allowing them their city oasis in the middle of the great desert.

When Dwyn Gaald has done all of this, he stepped back from it all and saw it and was content with what he had done. He would watch his creations and he would measure his success. They would please him, they would not fall short of his expectations.


AP 7 = 12 - 5 (Create Terrain: Great Ganbazatar Desert)

AP 6 = 7 - 1 (Create Life: Scraads)

AP 5 = 6 - 1 (Create Society: Scraads, Kingdom of Ganbazatar)

AP 0 = 5 - 5 (Create Artifact: The Rain-Bringer Stone, MR-2)

GP 0 = 12 - 12 (Divine Growth: Rank 2!)
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Varrach, the Void

"Greatness!" The god's anger rumbled across the Void. "Your dreams are nothing but chaos and despair. They demand Vengeance!"

Casting his attention back to mortal world, Varrach looked deep into the rock of Atlantis, seeking out the key fissures and divides. The land rumbled as he bent it to his divine will, casting up mountains across the centre of Atlantis (Alter Terrain: Spine of Atlantis). High peaks ran for thousands of miles, looming above shocked Alfars who gaped at the new wall of rock. In the valleys and plateaus came forth life, life to sustain something greater. Short but hardy he made them, heavily built to survive in the cold and the mountains. Where his brothers had named their offspring after themselves, Varrach gave his one of their own, calling them the Urdimkal (Create Life).

From amongst them he choose one to be his messenger, so that the Urdimkal could know themselves and their purpose. Eraad would be both King and Prophet, bringing the knowledge of the divine in one hand and demanding the allegiance of all with the other (Raise Hero). Varrack commanded that all of the Urdimkal would owe obedience to their High King, but that each valley and clan would have its own leaders to avenge wrongs in the absence of Eraad (Create Society: Kalvaz Kingdoms and Create Class: Nobles). Remembering the Alfas, he taught them the secrets of finding metals within the mountains surrounding them, and how to work them into hard tools and weapons, so they would remain safe and prosperous (Lead Populace: Metallurgy).

But there was one more gift for the Urdimkal. For though they were his children, they were mortal and he saw the weakness within them. Fear, doubt, pity and more clouded their judgement, made them content to let be what was and ignore their desire for vengeance. So Varrack spoke into the very souls of their leaders, imbueing them with the focus, the purity of intent necessary. "Let none escape the reach of your vengeance, no matter the cost." No wrong would go unavenged amongst his creation (Curse MR4: Urdimkal Nobles will go to any length to seek vengeance).

"There is greatness brother." Varrach declared, proud but tired from his labours.

Two guards dragged the prisoner into the Thane's Court, but one could have done it without difficulty. If the sniffling boy had seen even the first hairs of his beard it would be a suprise. Such a waste, Dorim reflected, scratching absent mindedly at the long, gray expanse that marked his position as much as the well carved throne he sat upon and the metal chain that hung around his neck. His captain discreetly whispered the details. A thief, no question of it; he'd been caught in the act itself. That at least was a relief, there was no need to waste time sorting the lies from fact. Looking down at the child, Dorim felt a moment of regret, but his sense of duty promptly crushed it. Vengeance must be done.

"In the name of the High King of Kalvaz-Var and in the sight of Lord Varrach, I find you guilty." The words rolled off his tongue with practiced ease as the Thane looked to the Urdimkal standing at his left, face hidden behind an elaborate helmet. "Hammerer, give us Vengeance." Both guards hurriedly backed away from the prisoner, who began to wail. The sound did not last long.

9 AP = 12 - 3 (Alter Terrain MR2: Spine of Atlantis)
8 AP = 9 - 1 (Create Life: Urdimkal)
8 AP = 8 - 0 (Free from Mythic) (Raise Hero)
7 AP = 8 - 1 (Create Society: Kalvaz Kingdoms)
6 AP = 7 - 1 (Create Class: Noble)
5 AP = 6 - 1 (Lead Populace: Metallurgy)
0 AP = 5 - 5(+2 from Plaguebringer)  (Curse MR4: Urdimkal Nobility, Unforgiving)

12 GP
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


Zbartivlast, The Abyss

The Deity was drawn out of his trance by a certain activity in the otherplanely essence. More creation was going on. More gods were roaming the Void. "They might come for us. Will they like us?" he spoke to himself. "Who knows? We should protect our haven here. Let us do something. Let us get... minions." And so Zbartivlast created his minions from what he learned while being in a trance. They were meant to be his servants in his plane, and to carry out his eternal will in it. (Create life: The Buin-ak)

Suddenly, out of the scorch that is the plane, creatures emerged. They were cruel in appearance: a dark, leather skin. Rather small of size, and no hair whatsoever. They were capable of running very fast, and jumping rather high, but like their creator their sight was limited in a bright light. They were accustomed to the darkness of the Plane, where barely any light was to be found (more of a dark shade). The creatures rarely had to feed themselves, but when they went into a feeding frenzy (a full out hunt) they preferred to eat the brains of their victims. Rarely did they resort to plants to feed upon.

Zbartivlast, The Void

Zbartivlast was happy with his minions. They would guard and maintain The Abyss for him, while he was busy elsewhere. He left his plane, the Abyss, only to begin with his immense work on the mortal world. He spotted the planet that was, mostly covered by water, but with spots of land already visible. Life was already present. Though that did not satisfy Zbartivlast. Upon watching, he casts his will, and his essence watching from the Void spawned a mass of land, a place upon which a few million could live. (Create Terrain: Goralian)

Zbartivlast, Goralian

The vast land mass was surrounded by water. It was a diverse place: there was green vegetation on some place, then desert, then a scorched earth in the vicinity of volcanoes. A mixture of inhospitable mountains and fertile plains might easily confuse someone. There was not much logic behind the shaping of the texture of the Goralian. It seems as if it was done at random. Yet Zbartivlast smiled, and made his next step. There was no life on his land. That would change. In a hard discussion with himself, Zbartivlast had trouble determining what his offspring would look like. Finally, he came to a consensus with himself. (Create Life:  Eyonoi)

The Eyonoi were a strange sort of creatures. Dwelling the more hospitable parts of Goralian, there were several thousands of them. Natural to their behaviour was an expansionist mind, set to conquering unknown parts of land and to spread their 'dominance' over it. They had a cruel way of dealing with nature, and when they depleted the resources of one region, they would move on to another. Gatherers at best, they sometimes resorted to cannibalism when they ran out of an immediate source of food. It was time for the Deity to meet his creatures. (Create Avatar: The Black Kingfisher)

And as a Kingfisher, Zbartivlast went to his people, and the appearance shook the Eyonoi, as they bent down and praised that what they did not recognize as being worldly. The Black Kingfisher was only capable of intruding once thoughts and mind, as he could only make shrieking sounds that one could not understand but being an outcry of a dark and dangerous bird. The avatar would resort with his people, and keep a constant watch on them. Intervention was not yet needed... for now.

AP 8 = 9-1(Create Life: The Buin-ak)
AP 3 = 8-5(Create Terrain: Goralian)
AP 2 = 2-1(Create Life: Eyonoi)
AP 0 = 2-2(Create Avatar: The Black Kingfisher)
GP 12 -> DR 2
Ardet nec consumitur.


Ular, Atlantis

"Did you think you could resist me forever, Ulan?"

The war of unification had reached it's head with the Battle of Dhor's Pass, where the last of the resistance leadership was captured or slain. It had been a long, violent, and bloody affair, with whole regions scoured of Ka'Alfar that refused to bend. And now here, before Kurgin, Son of Dream, lay the last surviving leader of the resistance. Beaten, starved, exposed... and broken.

"That you could stand in rebellion against my Imperium?"

Ular knew the terrible fate which awaited him. It was a slow death at the hands of Sa'Alfar. He would be restrained in a field of the Imperium's Sa'Alfar, where over the course of several days the mighty plants would slowly devour him alive. It was how every captured rebel had been executed. How his friends had been executed. His family.

There was no more resistance.
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.


Arkh, The Void

Though the planet had not yet met the harsh winter his major creation would bring, living beings were spreading everywhere. They quarreled, waged war and loved. Such chaotic elements should not be tolerated...

Suddenly Arkh started fearing that imposing a harsh glacial era might not be enough. The creatures seemed to colonize everything, stand against any kind of harsh environment and spread like a a disease through every corner of the world. For a long time he thought of a way to destroy them, until he reached a conclusion:

"It will not be I who will destroy you, it will be your own flaws who'll consume you, vermin."

Saying that he started crafting a form not like the vermin that populated the planet, but a more refined version of them. It wouldn't have that annoying burning spark in them, though it would look similar. They would be beings of the cold, and brothers of the ethereal as much as of the material. Each souled race would have his own counter-part represented, who'd imprison their souls and consume them. (Create Unlife: Ghost [Template])

"What good would do for me to destroy your material vessels? I shall rather corrupt you and have you extinguish your own essences, your own souls..."

And that way throughout the world, in secrecy, in underground organizations and where the law wasn't strong enough to impose control, knowledge of a new dark art spread. It was the art of the manipulation, imprisonment and destruction of the soul. (Create Class: Dread Necromancer)


AP 1 = 2-1 (Create Unlife: Ghost [Template])
AP 0 = 1-1 (Create Class: Dread Necromancer)
GP 12
DR 2
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Caradon, The Void

An uneasy energy moved through the Void moments after creation.  As these chaotic undercurrents collected, the restless energy—the sheer potential—coalesced around a singular need to be, and the Wellspring was born (Create Plane, The Wellspring)

Within this sentient plane, a presence awakened.  Slowly at first, but soon unable to drown out the singular consciousness that filled existence.  Sensing the utter emptiness in planes beyond, this energy sought expression in the Void but lacked the very ability to articulate the chaos inside.  As it drifted through the Void, it was drawn toward a place that, in the cosmic choir of noise, shouted above all others—a place where the complete manifestation of form beckoned.  Passing over the surface of this wondrous find, the presence sensed it was not alone.  And as it felt the others near him... much like him, in fact... it began to assume a form vaguely similar to the others, though with much less definition.

AP 9 = 12-3 (Create Plane: The Wellspring)
GP 3


Celona, the Void

"How did I choose their form, you ask? You, who's form changes at a whim? It was not I that shaped their dream, I merely planted the seed." Arglwydd spoke while changing his form to something similar to Celona's, "Look and see how they now impose their own dreams upon the world."

The Guide stopped to consider the statement she had just heard. Planting a seed seemed like it would take time, but if she used her power as Arglwydd had, it would seem like an instant. She only now had to decide what kind of being she wished to create. While thinking, she created a few gusts of wind to carry her around. While doing this, she was struck by a most interesting thought. Holding out her arms and allowing the wind to carry her faster, she willed her own arms wider to see if it worked. Without having to test much more than that, Celona now know what kind of creature she would create.

Turning her arms back to their original form, she closed her eyes and imagined the outline of the creature she wished to create. In front of her, a form of pure energy appeared and the Guide reached out to mold it into her own mental image. After trial and error, she arrived at the perfect form for her new creature. After making some finishing touches, she snapped her fingers.

Down on the planet, forms began to appear left and right.  Some were content with sitting on the ground, while others jumped up, spread their wings, and took flight along the currents that Celona had left for them. They each had agendas of their own, and neither needed a god to worship nor an understanding of the world. They were simple creatures. (Create Life, Birds)

Smiling inwardly, she knew she had not yet finished. Creating life was quite fun, and she wanted to see what else she would do. Again closing her eyes, Celona imagined a similar being to what she had created before, but this time it was much bigger and very intimidating. Willing it's basic form to appear via energy in front of her, she went to work. Smoothing out the wings and adding layers of thick scales, she would give it the movement of her previous creations and armor enough to avoid most forms of harm. Before creating this beast on the planet, she decided to do something else. Reaching into the creation that was in front of her, she judged how big its heart would be and not only did she create a heart for the beast, but she shared just a touch of her own power and created a mortal artifact so that the beast would forever know its creator and her wish. (Create Mortal Artifact, Dragon Heart)

Once her creation was complete, the Guide knew that she was not done just yet. Scanning the planet for a suitable home for her new creatures, she noticed an expanse of water near Atlantis that was unused for the time being. With a single snap of her fingers, the land rose up and the island of Draconis had been formed. With a rocky outcropping surrounding the more lush forests on the inside, the island would make a suitable home for beings that did not take kindly to being disturbed. (Create Land, Draconis)

With so much time spent, Celona not only knew that these creatures would be a part of herself, but she felt a strong attraction to them. They would be free to fly in the colourful world, strong enough to defend themselves, and she decided that she would teach them everything they needed to know. With this, the Guide began to breathe out slowly and steadily until not only wind was formed, but raw energy that looked just like she did. It only took a little more to manifest this energy on Draconis. (Create Avatar, Nill)

Nill, Draconis

On the ground, things were much different. Everything felt heavier, different, strange, but Celona did not regret the decision she had made and embraced this new experience with open arms. The way she manifested herself varied quite a bit from the form she took in the Void mainly in the way of appearances. From the outside, she appeared to be near five feet tall with a slender body, pointed ears, and fierce eyes. Her senses were heightened compared to the regular human, and her speed was increased signifigantly as well. Underneath this guise, she held the ability to turn herself into a fully fledged dragon at will. She stopped to think for a moment, as this name she gave her creation came almost without hesitation. It was decided then, these creatures would be known as Dragons. With her newfound form, she scanned the area for a suitable place to begin this life for her new creations.

"Excellent," her words were sharp and did not carry as they did in the void, "I believe this will do nicely." Before the Guide stood an immense tree near the center of the forest. Believing this to be the best place to set her plans into motion, she began the transformation of this body into a dragon. It was quick and painless, but the result was perfect. Where once stood a humanoid now stood a large dragon. There was only one thing left to do.

Celona, the Void

Celona had finally completed the process of creating the very first dragon, and decided she would leave the rest up to the seed that she was about to plant. With a wave of her hand, the energy in front of her disappeared, and manifested itself in material form down on the planet. (Create Life, Dragons)

Nill, Draconis

The Guide decided before meeting with the dragons, she would develop an alias for her avatar. With that, she took on the alias Nill just as the dragons were brought into existence. The first of the dragons that was created contained the artifact that Celona had created for him earlier and with that, he easily knew that this being in front of him was truly his creator. Lowering his head in an attempt to show respect, the other dragons that had appeared followed suit. Once this act had been accomplished, Nill decided it was time to show them their power.

In what seemed like an instant, Nill transformed her body into the same as before.

"This..." she began by grabbing the attention of the others, "This is your power. You may assume a form similar to the other races and creatures of this earth and avoid unecessary attention." With a slight mental nudge, Nill showed the newly brought to life dragons to understand the method by which to change their bodies. It was within their grasp, but the specifics had to be revealed in order for it to go as smoothly as her own change.

Each dragon in turn changed to their own unique form. Once this was done, Nill checked to make sure everyone had done it properly. She noticed that the dragon with the special heart that she created was male due to the unique mark that was created on his chest. Deciding that he would need a suitable partner, she found the strongest looking female out of the group, and by placing a similar mark on her chest, the female dragon became a hero that would change destiny, Nill felt, for the betterment of her people. (Raise Hero /Exarch: Spero) Once satisfied, she began speaking again.

"With that, I establish this forest as the Enclave of the Dragons. This is your domain. Your land. You are free to do with it as you wish." (Create Society, Enclave of the Dragons)


AP 6 = 9 - 3 (Create Mortal Artifact, Dragon Heart)
AP 5 = 6 - 1 (Create Land, Draconis)
AP 4 = 5 - 1 (Raise Hero /Exarch: Spero)
AP 2 = 4 - 2 (Create Avatar, Nill)
AP 1 = 2 - 1 (Create Life, Dragons)
AP 0 = 1 - 1 (Create Society, Enclave of the Dragons)

GP 0 = 12 - 12 Rank Up