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Lords of Creation: Redux - IC

Started by ^ban^, June 12, 2011, 07:16:25 AM

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Arglwyyd, the Dream Heart

The Lord of Dreams reaches forth into the dreams of his children, grasping the knowledge he has given them, and with his left hand twists it to his design. The knowledge of air he enhances, seeding the idea of long flight and travel among the Alfar. From this seed sprout inspiration and designs, and from designs are born airships of every size. Great and small, slow and fast, the Alfar set forth with a fervor to fill the air with these floating ships.

In the Dream Lord's right hand he grasps his gifts of architecture and weaponry, and in doing so causes the two to join in strange and new ways. The Alfar set forth to bring their understanding of buildings and engineering to do more than create. From this day forward, they also sought the ways, understanding, and tools to unmake the cities they themselves had forged.

Then, Arglwyyd changed subtly the relationship between the Ular and the Kurgin. The Ular's defeat became something more, something which broke the spirit of the brood, and they soon found themselves in something very different from mere servitude.

Lastly, he looked upon those that served in the Alfar, the Children of Dream. He saw in them the seed of hate for the cold and lifeless creations of Arkh, and decided to nuture it. Feeding this seed with dreams and nightmares of his own crafting, Arglwyyd saw to it that the Children of Dream would eventually seek the eradication of these abominations.

OOC: I intend to have several diplomatic envoys meet with the other races soon, and had been hoping for more activity before doing so, but I'll press on with them tomorrow.

AP 6 + 1 (Impulsive)
AP 6 = 6 - 1 Lead Populace: Airships (Impulsive) - 0 Lead Populace: Siege Weaponry (artifact)
AP 5 = 6 - 1 Lead Populace: Slavery
AP 0 = 5 - 5 Curse: Children of Dream have an extreme hate for unlife

GP 6
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.


Laune - The Feyrealm

Deciding that she had spent too long away from the plane she had created, Laune returns to the Feyrealm. It was delightful to be in the beauty of her own creation again. Looking into a nearby lake, she reaches her hand into the water and pulls out her reflection. Breathing life into her reflection, Laune then waves her hand. The image in the water changes into that of the elven lands and she places the copy of herself, her avatar, in the forest. (create avatar: The Fey Queen 2ap) With this done, Laune summons the Pixies to inform her of the events since her absence.

The Pixies relate that during her absence mortals had arrived in the Feyrealm through the Faerie-gates that connect the two worlds. Alfar, Elves, Urdimkal and even some small numbers of the other races had found themselves trapped in the Feyrealm. Finding in these mortals a source of joy, the Pixies had played tricks on them. However, some the mortals hadn't enjoyed the tricks as much and some of the pixies had been caught or injured.

"Children, you seem distressed by these events. Be comforted, it is as I planned. Now watch."

Then, bending the Feyrealm to her will, the world twists and shifts bringing the many mortals trapped to her. For the mortals, it is as if they have been teleported to an entirely different place. Some are taller than Laune, but her presense surpasses her small physical size, as they recognize they are in the presence of the Goddess of this world. A mix of reactions, from fear to wonder ripples through the crowd.

"Behold mortals, you stand in the presence of the Goddess Laune. Those of you that have treated my realm with respect shall be given a gift. You will be able to draw on the power of nature. Once you understand how to use this power, my pixies will show you how to return to your world."
(Create class: Druid 1ap)
"Those of you who have harmed my realm or its inhabitants shall also receive a gift of a different kind, for you will be marked by your time here. (Curse: The feymark MR2) Return to your world now, never to return unless you desire death."

The Fey Queen - Avalon
Laune's avatar, the Fey Queen visits the many villages of the elves. Out of fondness for them, she teachs them many things without revealing her true nature. As her teaching spreads, the elves soon learn how to tame the creatures of the land, knowledge of nature, how to survive in the wild, and how to shape things from wood.

AP 10
Create Avatar 10-2 =8ap
Create Class: Druid 8-1 =7ap
Curse MR2 The Feymark 7-3 = 4ap
Lead Populace (Tame animals, Knowledge: Nature, Survival, and Woodworking) 4-4 = 0

GP 5 + 10 = 15 (lvl up, DR 3)


Ahkram, Hall of Creation

Time, time, time, time...Ahkram could sense how it flowed, faster or slower in the Void or the world or the Hall, and if it flowed, it could be reversed...Then...Think of the potential...Every mistake undone, but that was just the beginning...No longer would he have to be curious about the beginning, he could watch and see how all came to be, his own birth, he only needed...Yes...There...


No, no, no, no...


Ahkram's entire being became an organ for the sole purpose of shrieking as he realized what was happening.  All undone, none of his works...No, this could not be!

The shriek intensified as he flexed, trying desperately, frantically, to save his children.  The rest could fall, but they had to be preserved!

Ahkram tried to hold against the torrential flow of reversing time, but he could not last.  But...What if...There might be a way...The time reversed for him but if he were no longer him then...

He released, falling into the torrent, and with one last agonizing shriek tore into himself.

And it stopped.

The flow of time resumed its natural course, though the peoples of the world were lesser for it, as all that Ahkram had taught was lost.

All that remained was the Hall, and the Ahkrons.

One, very last message echoed in the mind of the being that had once been Ahkram.

It nodded, as it was still of Ahkram, though that no longer existed.  The children would be protected.

Eyes opened.

A new God was born.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"

Torus, Hall of Creation

When Torus came into being, he had a slight but fading awareness of some past unknown to him. He only knew that he was not the first to emerge, nor would he be the last. But such thoughts quickly were pushed away, for he was filled with a driving curiosity and desire to see it satisfied.

What was he? He did not know. But he knew what were not like he was, those who lived in a world separate from his own. For such different existences that blinked in and out of their realities like sparks of light, what hope had they? Torus did not understand, yet he wanted to see what could become of such things.

First, though, he had to separate himself from this oppressive plane. This place that felt ancient and oppressive, with histories he could not comprehend. Too rigid, too sturdy, it was a fortress to Torus' mind, one that had stood and will stand constant for eternity, whatever such a concept entailed.

He focused, but when he finished forging his own space, away from the Hall of Creation, Torus could not understand how, only that it felt natural. (Create Plane: The Metamorphoses)

Torus, The Metamorphoses

It was dark, though occasionally faint white glows would illuminate some areas. There was no perceptible ceiling, for it was simply an expanse of blackness. The ground was smooth and flat,  though everywhere tall, smooth walls of glossy texture and highly reflective surfaces broke the floor. It was clear that this was a labyrinth, though its walls never remained the same. Torus was unconcerned. The space he determined would be his sanctuary would always appear to him no matter how complex the path. And so, he entered, a wispy entity of gray smoke. He had much to do and no time to waste, even if he had a long time. And he mustn't be disturbed. Not yet, at least. (Lock Plane: The Metamorphoses

What to do first? He wondered about the mortals whose presence he had sensed while in the Hall of Creation. But they were too close, and Torus had no interest in them yet. Perhaps some other creations would suffice as his initial test subjects, for he was not keen on making any mistakes on anything too valuable. Through the worlds, he extended his senses, observing for seconds that passed in his sanctuary, but for decades his non-interacting observation lasted in the mortal world. He had seen his first candidate to attempt "transcendence".

The Urdimkal appeared to be an adaptable people. They already forged things of metals and minerals, cold things and artificial. Why not push them a bit further? Like many mortals, they killed each other, but they were limited in their progress because they would always become too emotional about their losses. No more. Let them understand the true power of fire. Let them become as cold as their creations of steel and stone, and then in that passionless existence, would there finally be room for them to advance beyond the chains binding them to their pitiful existence.

And so his influence infiltrated the minds of two Urdimkal: A young warrior named Argent, and a veteran smith, named Blackhammer. (Raise Hero: Blackhammer the Clockwork Smith, Urdimkal)

Through this gifted smith's hands, Torus subtly guided his hands to forge a vessel of steel and diamond, and through the many planes, the artifact Torus had concurrently forged in his own study took residence in that mortal-crafted vessel. A steel-framed lantern with diamond panes, glowed with a fierce crimson flame that never flickered in the wind, nor was ever quenched by water. A bright red pattern depicting a stylized lotus that burned brightly, seared into the base of the lantern. (Create Artifact: Lantern of Enlightenment, Mortal)

But it was not quite enough. The smith alone could not rally followers to his cause. He was simply a craftsman, though supremely useful, for he would pass to the future, blueprints of weapons beyond the imaginations of his current generation. Thus with the whispers of a faraway god in the deepest reaches of his mortal mind, Blackhammer passed the lantern to the young warrior Argent, who immediately changed, though subtly. His manner became more bold, his eyes, where once were unsure and darting, now looked set and forward (Raise Hero: Argent of Crimson Flame, Urdimkal). He and the smith made their move, and Torus saw through the many years that passed like seconds to him, their expulsion, their exile, their journey across foreign and frightening lands. He saw that they had begun to use the knowledge of the unpredictable fire, to create impersonal methods of death and destruction. (Lead Populace: Gunpowder Research and Application, 20 years)

Outcasts, every one of them. But that was fine, for the few who followed the exiled warrior and smith pair soon grew once tales of their powerful weapons reached the territories under the Kalvaz Kingdoms. In short order, the former outcasts declared themselves a separate identity from the Urdimkal in their fortresses far away from the surface world. These dwarves were wanderers, but hardy visionaries beyond their time, who could understand the changes in the world around them. And they would seek to make their own changes as well. And so they called themselves the Dwarves of the Red Lotus and moved through the surface world, recruiting other Urdimkal who also adapted the ideals of effecting changes to their surroundings, and gaining a place in their world such that they would never have to fear from other lifeforms. (Create Society: Dwarves of the Red Lotus)

Still, they could not continue to be nomads. Torus, in his own world, understood this. And so, through hints in the minds of the dwarves who became his unwitting test subjects, he led them to a vast forest, thick with trees. The native life was quickly exterminated for these Dwarves to replace. Most of the forest was cleared and burned, and with some assistance, a single, self-sustaining, self-contained, white-walled city of marble emerged in the clearing, surrounded by some lightly populated villages. (Create Terrain: The Ivory City)

That was more like it. Torus was pleased that now his experiment would have a place of their own, like he had The Metamorphoses, to pursue their research in earnest. And so he had the now settled Urdimkal outcasts begin the next phase of their existences. (Lead Populace: Basic Scientific Research, Advanced Scientific Research, Fringe Research; Ongoing in series for around 100 years each)

And so the day would come when the legendary smith, Blackhammer the Clockwork Smith, would die, though his fearsome weapon plans would be recorded and researched in the decades, even centuries, following his death. Then too would follow in death Argent of the Crimson Flame, first of the Leaders to rule over the Ivory City. And after his death, the Lantern of Enlightenment passed on to the next Leader, who would see to it that the original ideas of Argent and Blackhammer would continue on.

But such a future was only a vision Torus imagined. The reality, so far as he could see, was that the Dwarves were continuing to build their white-walled city in the midst of the forest. Slipping out of his plane, Torus decided he had enough meddling in the mortal world for the time being, and sought to see what had occurred among those he sensed were like him, in the Void.


AP = 12

AP 9 = 12 - 3: Create Plane: The Metamorphoses

AP 7 = 9 - 2: Lock Plane: The Metamorphoses

AP 7 = 7 - 0: Raise Hero: Blackhammer the Clockwork Smith (Free from Mythic)

AP 4 = 7 - 3: Create Artifact: Lantern of Enlighenment, Mortal

AP 4 = 4 - 0: Raise Hero: Argent of Crimson Flame (Free from Artifact)

AP 4 = 4 - 0: Lead Populace: Gunpowder Research and Application (Free from Artifact)

AP 4 = 4 - 0: Create Society: Dwarves of the Red Lotus (Free from Organized)

AP 3 = 4 - 1: Create Terrain: The Ivory City (SR:1)

AP 0 = 3 - 3: Lead Populace (Basic Scientific Research, Advanced Scientific Research, Fringe Research)

GP 12 -> 0

DR 1 -> 2, DR up, GP zeroed


Some minor fluff actions:

Lead Populace: Religion (Encourage the worship of Oberon among Alfar)
Lead Populace: Biology

The Alfar Imperium

They felt the change. Deep in their beings, in their souls, and in their dreams, the Alfar felt the change. In ever building, tree, leaf, ship and stone, they saw the world change subtly as Knowledge gasped one last breath.

And then they felt the fires. They felt the Ka'Alfar and Sa'Alfar burn, and saw from the skies as their ash rose into the winds they rode. The great plants destroyed to make way for small and vain creatures that did not know their place in this world.

So it was in fury that the first emissary of Emperor Oberon of the Alfar Imperium arrived at the gates of the newly forged white-city. But the Alfar are children of the Lord of Dream, and they know well the dream of justice.

The Ivory City

It is a clear day outside, with the skies bright in the wake of a just-passed storm. Far from the walls of the city, animals skitter about their lives cautiously. Near as far as the eye can see are the scorch marks that preceeded the construction. So it was as the airship descended on that day.

The airships of the Alfar are not particuarlly quiet things up close. A great buzzing can be heard for thousands of yards as the ship touches down, followed by the crash of the gangplank as two dozen Alfar make their way to the gates of the Ivory City with efficient purpose.

On one of every three of the walking plants are the marks of Brood Kurgin, with the rest split evenly between the closed white eye of Arglwyyd and the blood drops of the Children of Dream. Not that these Urdimkal knew the meaning of these yet, but they would learn.

Upon reaching the gates of the city, an eye-marked Alfar, of slightly stronger build than his eye-marked peers, steps forward and speaks to the minds of the Urdimkal.

"We are the Alfar. The offspring of that which you burned and destroyed. Come forth and answer for your crimes!"

AP 6 + 1
AP 6 = - 1 LP: Religion - 0 LP: Biology

GP 6 of 18
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.


Laune - Feyrealm

Laune could feel her powers changing and growing. She felt more attuned with nature, as if it was a part of her. (Gain Domain: Nature)

The mortals who had come to the Feyrealm were gone, scattered across the wild places of the world they came from. Those that survive might form small villages. Some of the mortals remained, having begged to stay. Laune had mercy on them and allowed this. This mixed group of mortals would collect those that wandered to the Feyrealm and reveal the secrets granted to them.Taking some crystals, Laune plants them in the grown and they begin to grow into towers. The towers that will grow would be a beacon that would attract those that get lost. (create society: The Shining Towers).

The Fey Queen - Avalon
The Green Island would not hold the elves for much longer. It is time for them to spread out into the world. The Fey Queen would give them the tools they would need to make their first steps by showing them how to craft boats and how to navigate the waters. Those she taught would share their knowledge allowing the Elven tribes to venture out to the Slyvan isles and beyond (Lead Populace: Shipbuilding, Navigation). The journey far from home would be full of challenges. To lift their spirits, she will bless them with music to comfort them in times of sorrow and celebrate in times of joy. (Lead Populace: music)

Laune - The Void

It having been a long time since visiting the Void, Laune returns there. Some of the others she had sensed before seemed to be gone. But, she could sense a new presence. Drawing near this new god, Laune attempts to get a good look at him. Laune's own appearance has settled since her birth, taking the same shape as one of her elves, with tanned skin, reddish-brown hair and brown-green eyes. White flowers decorate her hair like a tiara matching a white dress.

AP 6 +1 impulsive
Gain Domain: Nature 3ap (6-3 =3) (Classes: Ranger & Druid; Lead Populace: Tame animals, Knowledge: Nature, Survival, and Woodworking)
Create Society: Shining Towers 1ap (free from impulsive)
Lead Populace: Shipbuilding, Navigation, music 3ap (3-3=0
GP 6
DR 3


Arkh, The Void

Surprised, the Elder God saw little negative reaction to his tragic creations from the Young Goddess. "Wicked as it is, it's almost like she enjoys it, the tragedy... The villainy of passion!" he thought. She then came back at him with a response to his words, which left him quite annoyed. As she spoke, his Skeleton form began to become more and more ethereal, with crackling sounds of orbiting ice shards breaking.

"No, you tell me... why do you assume to know what I prefer or do not? How can you attempt to read such chaotic things as desires and preferences? If you want to know, I prefer peace..." As Arkh noticed his agitated state, he started forming a large black-as-the-void cape in which he covered himself, only letting his skeleton face and his bony hands revealed. While doing this he continued, in a sort of absent mumble: "And the unlife is but a way to achieve it. Dead creatures are not opposition to life, unlike undead creatures, who will counter-balance the living one's destruction.". As he said this, he thought to himself he had indeed grown quite fond of his creations, in a possibly unnatural way. Possibly a weakness... In a moment of silence he thought to himself "such are the perils of dealing with life so closely", before proceeding in a more firm tone "I have no form of attachment to the creatures that are only to serve their function. Only in the expectation that they do so correctly. Success rate that is now lower since you cursed them with the ability to awake from their peaceful slumber of unlife. But I can work around that limitation of theirs. There are many things one can do. In fact, we can give each living creature a special unique present, to maximize effectiveness.

Saying so, he looked into the planet and made a gesture with his hands, indicating a demand for something to rise from the ground. And things rose.

Create Unlife: Angel of Decay "The outsiders, these need someone to put them in their own place!"
As a mockery to the wise and mysterious Ahkrons, came Arkh's Angels of Decay, in order to show the true nature of those apparently superior beings. Everywhere they would seek to hunt the Ahkrons, and undo their doings. Though their grudge is special against the Ahkrons and any other outsider they sense, no living creature, but very powerful Necromancers, is at peace with them. And the peace with these Necromancers is an uneasy one.

Create Unlife: Dream Vestige "The sons of the dream and the nightmares, great specialists in making both of these come alive, they too should find the peace of unlife. Why not through the substance they are made of?"
Born and more prevalent in the Alfar populations, though not restricted to those, these monsters of nightmare lurk mocking the dream lord while hunting his children.

Create Unlife: Mohrg "The Urdimkal, so obsessed with vengeance and retribution. Well let's aid them in that task, bringing punishment for those who escaped it, and for those that failed to apply the law."
From the remains of brutal unpunished assassins, terrible creatures spawned causing chaos to the region and peoples that allowed such being to meet his eternal rest without doing the same with justice.

Create Unlife: Grave Dirt Golem "To their technology-driven siblings, some rotten advances for them to enjoy."
Out of the experiments of Necromancy-practicing Dwarves arose a necromantic machine that would soon be replicated more than it should...

Create Unlife: Ghoul Create Unlife: Lacedon "The bestial Eyonoi, deserve nothing more civilized than their undead counterparts."
Now resting was unsafe both near land and near water in the Eyonoi lands. As long as one would prefer to stay alive, of course.

Create Unlife: Dracolich "The arrogant Dragons, when set it their right places, can make good serfs."
Though nothing happened instantly, the spark of potential arose, and it was only a matter of opportunity of an evil Dragon mixing with the right necromantic arts to form this incredibly powerful beast.

Create Unlife: Carcass Eater "Ah, your precious Wolves, creatures of honor and love. Let's give them something new to love."
Eating the carcasses of any animal available, whenever possible preying in the young wolves not momentarily defended by their packs, the Carcass Eaters turned life for Wolves (and for any living creatures that met them, as they gradually expanded their presence) into a more dangerous one.

Create Unlife: Bloodmote Cloud "The annoying pixies, childish creatures of the forests. This will be a new toy which we'll see how funny they'll find."
Specially present in swamps and filthy lands, the Booldmotes migrated to almost every forested place in the mortal realm, looking for all those who inhabited them, to suck them dry of their precious blood.

Create Unlife: Crypt Chanter Create Unlife: Spectral Lyrist "The isolated and elevated Elves. Don't they love music and arts? Then that they shall have."
Both haunting and beautiful melodies start echoing through the Elven Forests, specially in the Sylvan isles, giving Elves a taste of what dangers the lands outside their island will present them, and a reason not to trust very much the music makers.

Create Unlife: Bleakborn "The wastelands are not welcoming enough. Let's make them receive their visitors properly..."
In the wastelands of his creation, around the very common frozen and unforgiving places, a new creature rose in order to call forward others into its unliving slumber. Even when not directly encountering these beings explorers with not enough precaution that got lost in freezing climates, suffering death by either environmental or magic cold, could end up turning into one of these unliving murderous traps for travelers.

"Ahh, is this not good?" Asked Arkh with evident pleasure.

AP 0 (12-12) (Create Unlife: Angel of Decay, Dream Vestige, Mohrg, Grave Dirt Golem, Ghoul, Lacedon, Dracolich, Carcass Eater, Bloodmote Cloud, Crypt Chanter, Spectral Lyrist, Bleakborn)

GP 12 of 18
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).

The Ivory City

The Urdimkal were confused by this strange form of communication, but they did not falter. They had long ago asserted in their minds that they would suffer judgment from no other power that walked their world.

Looking above at the airships, the now-advanced autocannons that had since been established at the walls took aim and fired.

That was their answer to the Alfar, for better or for worse.

Torus, The Void

Upon seeing the goddess take a seemingly mortal form, Torus pondered whether he would do the same. But in the end, he decided against it, maintaining his mostly vapor-like appearance of wisps of gray smoke. He did not wait long, as he said, with the sound of impatience in his voice, "Can I help you?"


Laune - The Void

A voice comes from what appears to be a cloud of smoke,
"Can I help you?"

Finding the question funny, Laune laughs. As she examines the cloud for a moment, a smirk appears on her face. "Help me? Oh I don't think you could help me with anything, at least not right now. I wanted to greet you and find out who you are. My name is Laune."

Glancing down at the mortal world, she says "Things are getting interesting down below aren't they?"


Arkh, The Void

Paying better attention to the Alfar, he noticed a group of them more enthusiastic than usual in the eradication of his undead. The Children of Dream. He pondered what to do with them, and finally thought it would be better to attack at the root of the problem. He would make that which separates them from his undead their weak spot: their feelings. He would make so the loved ones of the Children of Dream would get unusually interested in the ways of necromancy: their families, their loved ones, even their own children.

Seeing that as not enough, he decided to go on. He chose a promising Alfar Necromancer, a natural leader, and bestowed upon him a gift and a task: to lead the rebellion against the Emperor, sabotaging his authority and giving the oppressed populations an illusion and fake hopes of change. For that, Arkh crafted an object that would channel his energy, and augment the necromantic use of magic of its user in unthinkable ways. (Create Mortal Artifact: The Divine Staff of Necromancy). Then he placed inside a cave in a hill of Atlantis.

Mal-Korkhat Ion Kurgin, Gulisain Hills, Atlantis

Mal-Korkhat, of the Ion clan and the Kurgin brood, who had became the scourge of the Gulisain region and controlled its very capital, Zolnaek, hid now like a rat in the Hills of Gulisain. The cursed imperial forces had not tolerated his rule over this rural region, and made him flee to avoid certain death. On his meditation, he was interrupted by a disturbance he felt on his acolytes, for his Alfar henchmen had found something in the caves that didn't seem of this world. Having his Skeletons opening and closing doors on his way, he moved to the source of the commotion. Around one of his unholy altars, he found several of his highest ranked disciples debating in low voice. Without a word he casted them aside and took a look at the finely carved staff, made almost entirely out of bone, in an extremely unnatural way, for there should be no animal in the world able to provide raw material for this. Its top was the skull of a goat, with two large twisted horns. Its shaft was slightly irregular in the middle, providing a good grip, and ending in a spear-like bone blade. Its texture seemed that of the ivory and its strength was much higher than what would be expected. Two onyx-black stones were socked in the eyes of the goat skull.

No words needed to be said. For long had he dreamed of this moment, and for long had he patiently waited. It was now time to start mobilizing the rest of the cells in the Imperium. It was time for a revolution... (Create Organization: The Dark Order)

Along some distant regions, the local lords did not content themselves on the subtle plotting and sabotaging of the empire. They would go further: the directly revolted against the central government and made a Theocracy to which Mal Korkhat was invited to rule. A dark  era had begun for the citizens of said areas. (Create Society: The Dark Hagiarchy)

AP 6 = 6 - 0 MR3 Curse (Free from The White Curse): Children of Dream's loved ones have an unusual interest for unlife.
AP 3 = 6 - 3 (Create Mortal Artifact: The Divine Staff of Necromancy)
AP 3 = 3 - 0 (Raise Hero - Free from Mortal Artifact)
AP 1 = 3 - 1 (Create Organization: The Dark Order)
AP 0 = 1 - 1 (Create Society: The Dark Hagiarchy)

GP 16 = DR 4
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Laune - The Void

Growing bored from the lack of response, Laune drifts from the silent God.

The undead seemed to spread throughout the world below. Laune found them ugly mockeries of nature. They seemed to resist decay, to resist how chaos wears things down into their base elements. With an idea now forming, Laune curses the undead. "Rot foul creatures, your bodies shall decay and turn to dust. Your dark magic may preserve you for a time but your minds shall rot and memories fade." (MR 6: Entropy Curse on Undead) Laune knew the curse wouldn't rid the world of undead by itself, but it would prevent them from growing without limit and overwhelming the living.

With that done, Laune decides to create something to live in the sea. The seals that live on the coast attract her attention and thus she decides in a moment to transform some of them into something new. The seals morph and change as she molds them. They would be the Sealkie, mortals able to take the form of seals in the water and yet able to change their appearance so that they can walk on two legs like the elves.

AP 12 (6ap/wk x 2)
Curse MR 6: Undead Entropy Curse (12ap - 11 = 1)
Create Life: Sealkie (1ap -1 =0)

GP 6 + 12 = 18 DR 4