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Started by mikm, June 15, 2011, 12:39:06 PM

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Quote from: Indirik on June 16, 2011, 02:41:55 PM
I really don't think anything like this will ever happen. That's more of an RTS of FPS style "leaderboard" thing than fits within the feel of BattleMaster. The Huge Battle  Reports already list some of the information, such as captured and severely wounded nobles. If you want all the details, get your hands on the original battle report and you get everything.

Ok, then what about the first alternative?


It's all pretty much in the same category. medieval battles, especially the big ones, are chaotic things. And there's no one sitting on the sidelines with a score card keeping track of kills.

And the truly important stuff is already reported to the entire island for huge battles, and to all involve realms for regular battles. Take, for instance, the recent huge battle in Walefishire on Dwilight, with my added annotations:

Battle in Walefishire   (1 day, 21 hours ago)
(rogue), Astrum, Corsanctum, Morek Empire vs. Caerwyn
Estimated strengths: 1400 men vs. 710 men

Armies, sponsors, marshals
The Halgawaras-Ingaevoangeln (Caerwyn), sponsored by Sir Hyperion Harte, High Magistrate of Caerwyn, Earl of Walefishire, were led into battle by Marshal Infaustus Godhelm Brythonic.
The Legion of the Golden Griffin (Caerwyn), sponsored by Feawen Aldaríon (Lord), were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Graviel Lupercal.
The Defenders of the Blood Stars (Astrum), sponsored by Sir Brance Indirik, Vasilif of Astrum, Duke of Libidizedd, were led into battle by Marshal Allison Kabrinski.
The Corsanctum's Sword (Corsanctum), sponsored by Sir Branthorpe Silverbear, High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Marquis of Freke's Deep, were led into battle by Marshal Chlodio Cuvelier.
The Order of the Auspicious Star (Morek Empire), sponsored by Francois de Leon, Duke of Donghaiwei, were led into battle by Marshal Masaharu Hayabusa.

Unique items and wielders
Sergio Mozzoni, Strategos of Astrum is spotted wearing the Ornate Jacket of Protection.
Chlodio Cuvelier, Marshal of the Corsanctum's Sword is spotted wielding the Long-Lost Dagger.
Sir Branthorpe Silverbear, High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Marquis of Freke's Deep is spotted wearing the Mysterious Chain Mail from the North.
Allison Kabrinski, Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood Stars is spotted wielding the Mysterious Club.
Thomas Greyson, General of Corsanctum is spotted wielding the Enchanted Shield of Reflection.

Captured nobles
Wulfric Lucifer (Knight of Grazne, Caerwyn) was captured by Allison Kabrinski's unit.
Jeremy Sedgwick, Viscount of Kybcyell was captured by Aram Stien's unit.
Chlodio Cuvelier, Marshal of the Corsanctum's Sword was captured by Daenah Dragoria's unit.
Attacker Victory!

You have:

  • All the armies involved, listing the important noble things: Sponsors and marshals of each.
  • Unique items, and who wields them. A short list, capped at five I think. All are listed in the full report.
  • All the nobles who were captured, and who captured them.
  • All the major woundings.(This battle just happens to not have any major wounds suffered.)
  • All the noble deaths, and who killed them.(Again, no deaths in this battle.)

This seems to me to have most of what you want, minus the exact kill counts. Which won't be added.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


That actually looks like really nice formatting for ingame :)

What would be nice, now that I think about it, is to get such a summary even if you've participated in that battle. The armies and unique items can easily be looked up, but the Captured / Injured / Killed Nobles thing would be nice to get as a summary afterwards. When you have very big battles, it's hard to easily see.


Splitting it out with spacing, headings, formatting, etc., could make the report quite a bit longer than it already is. Tom was hesitant to even let us add armies and items, fearing that the battle report summaries would start getting too long. That one is already 17 lines. Add a wounding and a death and it makes 19. Add in 5 headings, and a blank line spacer for each, and you're up to 29 lines for a battle summary. Yes, it's a big battle, but still, that's nearly an entire screen.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on June 16, 2011, 05:14:16 PM
Splitting it out with spacing, headings, formatting, etc., could make the report quite a bit longer than it already is. Tom was hesitant to even let us add armies and items, fearing that the battle report summaries would start getting too long. That one is already 17 lines. Add a wounding and a death and it makes 19. Add in 5 headings, and a blank line spacer for each, and you're up to 29 lines for a battle summary. Yes, it's a big battle, but still, that's nearly an entire screen.

What if big battle reports like that could be expanded/shrank? Lots of people don't care, but some do, and that would be the best of both worlds.


Quotecould make the report quite a bit longer than it already is

That's a good point. What if we put a space between the Battle Setup (amount of men, armies, unique items) and the wounded / killed / captured Nobles? That would already help a lot for me personally. Having that last bit (wounded / killed / captured Nobles) as a summary after a battle you yourself participated in would also be nice, albeit you can also just look closer to the battle report for that.

QuoteWhat if big battle reports like that could be expanded/shrank? Lots of people don't care, but some do, and that would be the best of both worlds.

You could just see that there was a big battle between two Realms and who won perhaps, and then can expand it to see the rest of the info?


Quote from: egamma on June 16, 2011, 08:00:38 PMWhat if big battle reports like that could be expanded/shrank? Lots of people don't care, but some do, and that would be the best of both worlds.
That's a good point. I don't know what is possible in that area. I know that the use of things like Javascript has intentionally been held to a minimum to maintain compatibility with, for example, mobile devices and tablets. (The new "marked" message feature, for example, has some compatibility issues with mobile devices.) Maybe Anaris or Foundation could address this issue.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on June 16, 2011, 08:48:12 PM
That's a good point. I don't know what is possible in that area. I know that the use of things like Javascript has intentionally been held to a minimum to maintain compatibility with, for example, mobile devices and tablets. (The new "marked" message feature, for example, has some compatibility issues with mobile devices.) Maybe Anaris or Foundation could address this issue.

We already have functionality of that nature, scribe notes.  What if we put the detailed info in a "battle rumours" scribe note?  Then those who are interested can see it with a single click, and those who don't can pass over it without it taking more than a line.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Quote from: Telrunya on June 16, 2011, 01:21:05 PM
It's colourcoded and everything to give you an indication on how bad it is. If you spend some time on keeping regions in shape, you will figure it out quickly enough. The whole thing gives a lot less obsession with keeping it at exactly 100% at least.

I know it's colour-coded, but how dark is bad? For example, production. I read "slow", and thought it was awful, like around the 25% mark. Turns out its over 50%. Seemed rather dark to me...

100% is safe, without a doubt. There's a buffer under it in which it's still "safe". But then, bad stats tend to only get worse if left alone, so you want to make sure it never drops below a certain amount. What is this buffer's limit? Who knows. It's easier to play it safe than to take the risk of it dropping like crazy. It's easier to put a little maintenance work here and then to keep it at 100% than to only come when the stats dropped to critical levels.
Quote from: Indirik on June 16, 2011, 02:14:53 PM
I hated the idea of that particular change. Still don't really like it, but I can live with it. In fact, it wouldn't bother me at all if the words were completely removed and replaced with a simple colored box that went from bright green to dark red. (In fact, I think I would prefer that a lot more than the words.) But that's a bit hard on the color blind people, isn't it?  :(

Anyway, the point is that I have no idea what all the different descriptive words are. If you put them all in front of me I couldn't arrange them in order. The effect that they've had on region maintenance in general, though, I think has been positive. You don't see people obsessing over "Gotta get 100%" all the time.

I still don't like it. But I can deal with it. Because they have colors.

The sentiment is mostly similar here. Except that the color code often makes it feel worse than it actually is. And as such, I personally obsess over having top stats more than I used to.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Bedwyr on June 16, 2011, 09:45:54 PM
We already have functionality of that nature, scribe notes.  What if we put the detailed info in a "battle rumours" scribe note?  Then those who are interested can see it with a single click, and those who don't can pass over it without it taking more than a line.

I think that would make everyone happy.

Stue (DC)

Quote from: mikm on June 15, 2011, 12:39:06 PM
This game has  got me so bored latly.The bigest I say would be too much focus on game mechanics and too litle focus on roleplay.Plenty of so called IC mesages sound a lot like OCC mesages.Game mechanics are not intresting at all.Am tired of hearing words like CS,settings,persantege and other stuff like that all over the place.Sometimes all you get is system mesages.

roleplaying without some specific, sensible in-game events is quite useless.

it is current game mechanics that creates boredom, together with some developed habits, which are quite odd in my opinion, but are also induced by game mechanics (like rather widely developed opinion that good players are those who hold their posts forever).

the fact that you find nothing but steward messages on turn-change is ultimate consequence of that stall.

i can understand that in rare messages you see you are somewhat annoyed be seeing only cs, and similar data, but it comes more from the fact that anything you will ever find in messages are marshal's orders and occasional notes how someone raised region stats by 4%.

there is, simply, no conflict and people have nothing to talk about.

so, that is some casual structure: no conflicts - no events - no messages - no roleplay

generally important conflicts can come only from power struggles among those with highest power. mechanics, however, allows them to sit idly forever, or have extremely easy and comfortable way to avoid any conflicts, while preserving power.

long time ago i took advice to replace boring realm with another one, and that worked, at that time.

currently, i think it will not work at all - i changed many realms in recent time and everywhere is almost absolutely the same, some realms have few players willing for continual attempts to fight apathy, but they cannot do much, as a rule.