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Sonya's Voyage To A New Isle

Started by Sonya, January 13, 2016, 04:28:45 PM

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Sonya wakes up and finds herself drifting in the sea. All she can remember was the quick getaway, where her trusted friend Tharan grab her by the arms and throw it her the boat, before losing consciousness all she could hears was ""

Looking around she sees nothing but water the boat was adrift, and with no sense of direction she didn’t had a clue where she were, looking at the sky was of no help as well, the life of Atamara didn’t care for such trivial things as sailing. All she could do was wait and waiting she fell asleep.

The sound of a ship bumping on her boat woke her up, the sailors gather on the port of the ship to take a glance of what was there.

Sailor: Look a woman... it’s a Woman! Jejejjejeje.

Sailor: Look this one has pretty clothes must be someone from the sunken isles.

Voice: get your (censored) out of there and go back to work you lazy bastards.

That was the captain of the ship, he approaches to the port and look down to the boat, the sailors returned, only two remained with him. He was missing an eye and had more scars than an experience noble in an old battlefield, life in the sea sees more rough.

Captain: well well what do we have here, but is a noblewoman, and for her clothes must be Atamarian… the lost continent hahahahahahahahaha!

He jumps down from the ship to the boat, his skills were great, and he landed in the middle of it without causing too much movement. Sonya crawls to the border of the boat looking around for things and means how to defend herself, but then there were none.

As the same time the Captain was close to grab Sonya, she yell for help and everything slow down to a point where everything stops, she can see the captain paralyzed, the sailors not moving, neither the ship, boat or waved, only her.

From a far she listen a hum that caught her attention, and there she sees someone actually walking on the sea, a man with an estrange hat and playing with something that resembles a yo-yo. Unmuted by everything he walks approaches to Sonya.

Man: Wassup!

Sonya: Was…what?.... Who are you and what do you want?

Man: ohhh don’t be like that, I came here for you, excuse my dialect I sometimes forget what time in history I am.

He stop humming and the yo-yo disappears, but to make things worse, he summons a Mandolin and with strange rhythms he says.

Man: I came for you rescue girl, and you should now be glad, walking on the sea I walk, to take you from the pirates. I heard your voice and here I am the almighty being everyone calls a Titan by your people.

Sonya: aren’t these things myths? Tales used by the parents to scare the children and commoner... Also your rhythms are awful.

Titan: People these days are hard to please, no wonder we sunk their islands.

Mutters the Titan looking at the sides.

Sonya: what are you talking about I can’t understand anything you say, do you know where I am?

The Titan throws the mandolin and summons a book and strangely a pair of glasses, then starts to read.

Titan: well… apparently you were supposed to get somewhere, but another of you is elsewhere.

Sonya opens her eyes wider in exclamation.

Titan: well in a more simple term there are two Sonya roaming the world and that cause some strange paperwork’s problem, you know we like to observe everyone and take notes on them, and having two like you is kind of….problematic.

Sonya: can you solve that problem?

Titan: aye! All I need to do is a sing a song!

Yes as you guessed… the Mandolin is back…

Sonya: noo the mandolin nooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOO!

Suddenly Sonya wakes up yelling NO! She is on the same boat but this time she is at some where’s harbor, she looks around and the nearby people was looking at her strangely.

Little Kid: Mom what happens to that woman?

Mother: shhhh do not look at her… she is crazy...

A man approaches Sonya help her getting off the boat and taking his hat greets.

Harbor Manager: Welcome to Gelene madam! I am the manager of this harbor, quite the dreams you got there.

Sonya: IT WAS more a of the nightmare type, trust me! So this is Gelene of where?

Harbor manager: the city hall is close by, you should go there and address your papers accordingly, there you can send letter and contact other nobles of the situation, and you see this realm is quite new...

Sonya: thanks! Now I have to find them.

And so Sonya arrives to the land of Gelene, in a new unknown island with new people to meet with many things to do, well if she has the time….


LOL, that is good one roleplay at migration.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)