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Looking for Alpha Testers

Started by Tom, March 17, 2016, 02:28:14 AM

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I'm looking for a bunch of alpha testers, people who would like to play the game before anyone else does.

  • needs to have a PC, Mac or Linux machine to test it. Post which it is so I know what clients to build.
  • needs to be ready to give feedback. Don't need silent people.
  • needs to understand this is an alpha development state - things will break, everything is unfinished, graphics are placeholders, etc. etc.
  • time demand for the game is probably 10-15 minutes a turn. During alpha test, we will experiment with the number of turns per day, from one to several, to find out what works.

To sign up, post below. I need to know how many people I can count on.

Skirting boards



I'm inviting everyone who checked in on other places, such as Facebook, to join here. The forum is the primary location now, I just can't post updates all over the place.


I'd like to give what time I can to the testing. PC.


If I've got a device to play on, I'll be in (currently away from home for a while but hoping to get a MacBook of some type soon)
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...


Got a PC and too much free time on my hands.


Also spread word to your friends. I would like to have about 20 people in the test game, because the game needs 28 players in a full game.


Website has been updated with some reasonably good documentation, so you can get a first impression of the gameplay:


Just to confirm I now have something to use when away from home, Mac...
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...


I have just published the very first alpha build of the client, please download it and check it out here:


I might be able to help in two or three weeks too, at least if giving feedback three times a week or so is enough for you. I'll surely be able to play through most turns, but elaborating about them won't be possible everyday. I am currently waiting for my new laptop, once it arrives I'll post once again to see how everything goes.
D'Espana Family


Thanks. Every eye matters, to catch problems early.


My pleasure, it's only a little return for what you have given us for years.
D'Espana Family


Game 2 just got a turn, I'm holding back game 3 a bit. Is anyone waiting for a game to start?