Author Topic: Dwilight players, we are Mongols!  (Read 6684 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Dwilight players, we are Mongols!
« Topic Start: April 02, 2016, 03:44:18 AM »
So, call me a freak if you wish, but I was playing with Dwi's current numbers a bit and, well, how do I put this... Supposing Dwilight was at FULL population, we would be playing in Mongolia. Why am I saying this? You'll see it soon enough.

I added up every region's max population and surface, then compared it to this excellent website that every medieval history lover and RPer must know: Medieval Demographics Made Easy ( The results were quite interesting, to say the least.

As it stands, Dwilight at max population has 3,244,440 people, which measured against its 598,141 square miles leaves us with a whopping 5.42 people per square mile. I will insert this quote from the previously cited website for you to understand how ridiculously low this value is:

The average population density for a fully-developed medieval country is from 30 per square mile (for countries with lots of rocks, lots of rain, and lots of ice-or a slave-driving Mad King) to a limit of about 120 per square mile, for a land with rich soil, favorable seasons and maybe a touch of magical help.

And, if we check Wikipedia (I know, I know, maybe not the most reliable source of the Internet, but hey, I'm not getting paid for this, you know. It has been greatly improved in the last few years as well, so it should be enough for the time being) we can see that, funnily enough, the one country that most fits with the data for a FULLY developed Dwilight is, in fact, very close to that of current Mongolia. Not only is Dwilight just slightly smaller than Mongolia (Dwi's 598,141 square miles against Mongolia's 603,909 square miles), but the population density is also very similar, with Dwilight having it somewhat higher than Mongolia (Dwi's 5.42 people per square mile against Mongolia's 5.04 people per square mile). Very, very similar indeed (total population is obviously very close as well, Dwilight's 3,244,440 people are just above Mongolia's 3,042,511 people as of 2015).

That's pretty much it, folks. Never again RPing a peasant crowded realm, that for sure. In fact, we very well should start RPing riding for miles and miles of arid, barren land. Statistics have spoken. All hail the Dwilight Mongols!

EDIT: Substract from Dwilight's count 60,000 people and 1,800 square miles and you have it, I checked it just in case and those numbers are in excess. My bad!
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 04:11:58 AM by D'Espana »
D'Espana Family