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Woo me to your realm

Started by egamma, June 19, 2011, 10:26:49 PM

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I would like to start a new character on either East Island or Far East Island (I have characters on the others). What realm should I join?

I don't have a ton of free time, but I can play every turn. I'd like to write 1-3 short letters a day, and see the same from my realm mates, at least enough to know that the realm is alive.

Realm type:
I would like to play in a theocracy and get all serious about it. I haven't seen a serious religion on the Colonies at all. Something like SA on Dwilight would be interesting, but I have a character there who hates SA. A monarchy with a state religion would work as well, possibly a tyranny.

Realm size:
Any size.

Either one.


Well, Ibladesh is your Theocracy on the East Continent. Big Realm, fighting Perdan and Caligus right now.


I'm going to hate myself for suggesting this, but the closest thing to a Theocracy on FEI is Arcachon.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: De-Legro on June 20, 2011, 12:06:15 AM
I'm going to hate myself for suggesting this, but the closest thing to a Theocracy on FEI is Arcachon.

Adagharinism (religion of Arcachon) is slowly dying, but my character (one of the elders) is looking for bright young priests to take up some work and spread His Word to the heathens. Arcachon is currently at war with a few realms, two of which have a large share of followers of Adagharinism.


Quote from: Nathan on June 20, 2011, 01:54:12 AM
Adagharinism (religion of Arcachon) is slowly dying, but my character (one of the elders) is looking for bright young priests to take up some work and spread His Word to the heathens. Arcachon is currently at war with a few realms, two of which have a large share of followers of Adagharinism.

You are at war with 2 realms, both of which have followers of Adagharinism. Arcaea only has a few nobles that share the faith, and any preist of Adaghar that enters the realm will be arrested at any opportunity :) OW has a much more complex issue since they have a good noble following of the faith. How many priest do you have? Our new faith in Arcaea has 3 priest now with another 2 possibly looking to take up the class.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


If you want a theocracy on EC, Ibladesh is your only choice. Yes, other realms have religion, but it's mostly a tool of the government, and not really any kind of independent organization with any real depth or meaning.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


If you want a strong religious state, then Arcachon on the FEI and Ibladesh on the EC are really your only choices.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


People have referred to appointments in Ibladesh made as "completely untactful, non-strategic and senseless but entirely based on religious merit". Or maybe that's myself.
Ardet nec consumitur.


Quote from: De-Legro on June 20, 2011, 02:00:02 AM
Arcaea only has a few nobles that share the faith, and any preist of Adaghar that enters the realm will be arrested at any opportunity :)

Ahh, so you're the one my character has been getting annoyed at.

I'm a noble of OW, but highly supportive of Arcachon and it's faith. Trying to reignite the faith on OW, but it's pretty difficult with the war and a lacking membership.

Quote from: De-Legro on June 20, 2011, 02:00:02 AM
How many priest do you have? Our new faith in Arcaea has 3 priest now with another 2 possibly looking to take up the class.

Not in a region with a temple now, but I think we also have 3 priests although none that I know of wanting to join up.

As for other theocracies, isn't there another religion in the south of FEI? Adgharinism has a bit of a showing down there, but we've come up against other faiths that keep us contained. No Theocracies, but if you're willing to work at it, you might be able to turn a realm into one.


C'thonia on FEI is close to being a theocracy.  They're technically a monarchy, but their ruler is a religious nut with delusions of grandeur and a habit of getting in fights he can't win, including invading my duchy more than once -- with my duke having built the largest temple of his religion.  Go figure.

That said, I'd be remiss if I didn't try to lure you to Principality of Zonasa.  Activity varies, generally it runs in spurts, but if you start something, people will generally respond.  It's getting someone to start something that's usually the problem.   We are definitely not a theocracy, but there is a lot of opportunity for religious involvement, as I think at least four religions have presences in the realm -- Order of the Elders probably the most (I think Thain doesn't like us because he's jealous of this), but there is a new and fairly active religion, the Church of Echad that might suit you.

We're I think the third largest realm on the FEI, though that's not saying lots, currently involved in a war (at least, probably -- there were some negotiations, but they look like they're falling through).

But for theocracy like realms on FEI, either Arcachon or C'thonia.  Currently the most powerful realm on the FEI is trying to destroy Arcachon, and that may be a fun fight, and is slightly an open question still -- they'll probably lose, but if enough other people attack Arcaea, they could pull through.  C'thonia is just kinda doomed, they have few nobles and most everyone around them would love an excuse to pound them.


I'll try Arcaea and see how it goes, thanks.


Quote from: egamma on June 21, 2011, 12:08:40 AM
I'll try Arcaea and see how it goes, thanks.

Booo. You should at least follow the one true religion of the island: Adgharhinism :P


Quote from: Nathan on June 21, 2011, 10:10:08 PM
Booo. You should at least follow the one true religion of the island: Adgharhinism :P

Still plenty of Adghar temples in Arcaea he can sign up at, since nobody will let me burn them to the ground. I keep hoping they will just fall apart but it never seems to happen.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


I'll keep an open mind about religion.


How are you finding Arcaea? I usually take the time to welcome every noble who joins us, but I have little idea of what newcomers think of the realm.