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Development Notes and Updates

Started by Tom, April 17, 2016, 07:47:59 PM

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Here is where I will post when a new build is available or something else important happened.


Build 7 has been uploaded. It contains a number of bugfixes, a short in-game tutorial and the family resource display works so that you finally know how much wood, stone and food you have.


Build 12 has been uploaded, improve and repair should now work.


Build 13 includes better feedback about last nights events, a few minor updates, and a (temporary) debug / performance window where you can play with various options.

Please use that last one and report the results (i.e. what affects frame rate?). I very much need some data from you guys to know where to optimize.


I've made a short gameplay video. Probably not the best there is, but it should give a rough idea of how the game plays:


Build 14 has been uploaded, with performance improvements and some UI improvements.


I'm adding a simple scoring system and completing some internal code. Waiting for one player who has login troubles to join the open games and then will start at least one of them.

In the near future, there will be a complete reset and then start of the beta phase.


Currently working on: Animated display for the monsters.



Build 16 has been uploaded, download links:

Current Version: Build 16, released May 17, 2016 This build contains a lot of improvements. You can now see the hunger status of your peasants, the resources stored in houses and some other details. It also contains the new gameplay with ruins and clearing them.

There is also a new background environment, which should improve performance dramatically. There are toggle switches in the lower-right corner, please play with them and report to the feedback topic what you see, performance wise.

This build contains an API update, so you have to update the client.


From now on, turns will run automatically.

Every 2 hours, the game checks if everyone in a game made their move. If so, turn is run. If not, it waits. 24 hours after the last turn, a turn is run even if some people didn't give orders.


Build 17 is compiling as I type this and will be uploaded in one hour or so. This is an incompatible update, so you have to download and use it, older client builds will no longer work.

most important changes:

  • Lots of bugfixes
  • Monsters trampling over fields now damage them. To compensate, fields now yield 6 food instead of 5.
  • All builds are now 64 bit or universal
  • Families that were taken already are no longer listed on the family selection screen - this was the reason for the red errors you sometimes got when trying to join a game.


There was a bug in the latest client. I've pulled the downloads and am building new right now.

That means right now you can't play because the game requires the new client, which you can't download. Sorry. I hope to have this resolved within the hour.

Update: Done, go download and play.


Beta client is making progress and will contain a massive visual update. Check out the preview on the Facebook page (and please like the page while you're there):


For the beta-test, we will expand to to find additional testers: