Author Topic: Monster Problems  (Read 130301 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Monster Problems
« Reply #120: August 18, 2016, 09:16:05 AM »
Yea, small realms can't really compete with the monster/undead avalanches that tend to form up, which is unfortunate since any colonization efforts are doomed to fail given the ferocity of the rogues.

I think one of the biggest issues is that you can't effectively kill the monsters. Depending on the initial size of the group, they'll get down to 10 monsters and then retreat, and then they'll rally and be beaten down to 5 monsters but still remain. Meanwhile you have another 15k CS worth of fresh monsters coming in from the neighboring rogue region which just spits them out like weeds. Sometimes this can be solved by hunting them, but other times they'll instantly rally so you can't touch them.

As for the amount of monsters in the East, you're actually getting a lot of them that are migrating from the West. We've seen the monsters on Western Dwi using the northern rogue regions just to get to Yggdramir, and then they continue going East ignoring us. I am pretty sure I sent out a letter at one point to the General list about the issue, not sure if anyone actually paid attention to it.
Saw your message as my character is a General, but my character realm Morek is really too small to fight against anything rogue. We already lost many battles against rogue monsters in Nimh, my character seriously wounded out cold too. Trying to send army to help Arnor fight against rogue monsters, end up our own capital become rogue. Now I wondering our rogue militia who formerly is Morek militia, did we forget pay them or something? ???
Even Morek got receive help request from other realm to help fight against monster, my character dare not promise anything anymore, since we unable to fight monsters, lest human realm. That's why I say Monster is number one enemy and human realm is a close second. There is no doubt about that :D

Yes. Bore them into declaring war.
It didn't work before, why would it work now?
Religions are the key here. Trigger that in game :P

From what I see, the only way for war is through religions, a crusade of some sort. Maybe have those who open Portal to Roleplay about Religions stuff, enhancing their religion image or something.

And monsters, still will only have the few human realms allied together to fight monsters. Monsters do not really help here ;)

Definitely. When fully occupied, Dwilight just turned into another EC or Atamara. Might as well keep the frontier feeling going.
Not fully occupied either Dwilight. Hear rogue just overtake the west lands from Avernus before they even secured it well. Probably that is another one of many reasons that drive rogue force to attack us further inland.
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BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)