Author Topic: Monster Problems  (Read 130445 times)


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Re: Monster Problems
« Reply #15: April 28, 2016, 04:51:32 AM »
I don't presume to think I know the answer, however, I will be willing to spar some theoretic ideas. Could one be to simply sink the Western Isle of Dwilight?
I do not think so.

The realms with the highest player densities on Dwilight are Westgard, Madina, and D'Hara, which are exactly the realms which are getting swarmed with Monsters because "player density is too low". The human realms are giving ground very slowly precisely because they are the realms who can least afford to give up ground.
That's like saying the security company is not working because there are no burglers around since hiring the security company. It's not a useful comparison because you are comparing the current densities and using that as reason why the policy implemented before the current densities is not working as if they always had those high densities and did not in fact have lower densities. Madina was one of the worst, lowest densities before these changes. D'Hara has always been slightly higher than other realms on Dwilight ebcaues of less regions/more gold city-island phenomena. Westgard didn't even exist. You didn't mention Astrum, but its density was probably only a touch better than Madina. Between island sinking folks interested in playing on the frontier emigrations, and monsters chipping away on regions, of course they now have higher density. They are where the action is! And as I wrote above, the density is measured in island-wide terms, not realm terms. Because otherwise you would have realms isolated from each other and unable to interact. Rather, what is desired is for humanity's edge to slowly crumble, not to isolate realms away from each other surrounded by long marches through rogue monster territory.

This is not the right strategy to increase player density. In fact this may be the exact opposite of the right strategy. D'Haran nobles are not going to join other realms if they lose their estates. They are either going to emigrate or just quit the game. If you want to encourage the players to bunch up, have the Monsters attack the realms with low player density. They actually have ground to give.
And this is what is frustrating that players prefer to keep their IC titles and estates than try to improve the game so new players don't have so many boring realms to choose from. Again, attacking by realm density will result in realms being isolated from each other. What you're basically asking is that realms with lower density are killed so that frontier realms can survive long enough to become isolated away from humanity and besieged by monsters on both sides.

And I know that the GMs did not intend it as such, but putting the refugee realm on western Dwilight just seems spiteful in hindsight. "We are sinking your island. What's that? You want to keep playing? You can go play meat-shields for some strangers on this other island."
No. There was not a single realm. There was a specifically advertised frontier realm and three EC realms to provide blank slate realms, in addition to whatever shenanigans could be had in a pre-existing realm with a large group of folks. They were destination choices.

The addition of portal stones is quite interesting though.
Maybe their spawn rate could be similar to the rogues spawn rate in Dwilight, based on Player density on the continent.
Realms could destroy them selves with the effects of the portal stones or destroy realms using them.
This way the players get to do the mopping up.
In addition to their initial effects, portals could serve as beacons, drawing many rogues towards it.
This could be used to save your realm as well as destroy it or or other realms.
Portal stones were not added, they've always been aware. I increased the overall advy game item generation to improve the sage/wizard experience from a time when having the item you needed was rare for an older, experienced advy. This inadvertently increased portal stone generation. Also, GMs had a bit of free time to write roleplays for the portal events. I think we intend to leave it as a Summon Unexpected Event. Some of the portals on Dwilight cleared monsters for frontier realms.

Another idea could be to involve the Zuma into this, play them based on player density, or perhaps even the amount of inter realm conflicts.
If there isn't enough war the Zuma come to destroy some realms.
These realms get a chance in saving them selves by defending and using portal stones, or worshipping the Zuma and go to war with their neighbours.
This might be doable in some form. But I do not think the Zuma have ever destroyed a realm.

Rogues spawn rate could also go in waves, still based on player density.
Testing island spawn rate does change based upon season.

Another alternative is to adjust food production on player density.
Food production is reduced for lordless regions now.

My first impression upon seeing Dwilight island is this is People fight against Environment. (PvE as some players may call it)
Indeed. Dwilight is Frontier. Beluaterra are Invasions. Colonies are Slow. War is War. EC is Normal.

Have Undead hordes rise up from the sea and attack Dwilight's east coast.
This might be doable in some form.

Will the monsters also face penalties upon landing against a stationary enemy?
I would imagine the landing penalties are the same regardless of who is landing upon teh shore.

In either case, perhaps a some sort of cap on the spawning to keep things within reason?
Rather, travel destination changes so they do not form one 94k CS stack, but multiple smaller stacks throughout multiple regions wandering in diverse directions. Some improvements have already been made since the 94k CS stack.

4)  A goal.
I have some ideas to confer with Anaris about.