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Browser Based Gaming

Started by squishymaster, June 21, 2011, 01:20:31 AM

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Regardless of the race bonus, you can choose to make-lots-of-stuff and invest in production, or steal-lots-of-stuff and invest in troops.  Usually a mix is best.

There are a couple of things you can choose to 'research' to help players who are more offline, such as autobanking a percentage of what you make, and hiding a percentage from attackers, and rebuying some of your troops for you.  Other ladder-based games have very similar options as well, I believe.  You can certainly have a good time in the game only logging in two or three times a day.  To do well you'd probably need a little more than that.  But unless you're losing a one-sided war and you have chosen to give people the chance to destroy you, then you'd never need to be unduly worried about losing anything noticeable if you're away for around 10 hours at a time.  I'd want to be relatively sure I could log in once every 8 hours though, really.

You still playing it, squishy?


I haven't played in a couple ages.


Well, if you want to try another age of War of Empires, the next one is due to start on 20 August.
I'll be called 'psyboarg' in-game there in the SETT empire if anyone plays it and wants to say hello.


Figured I'd throw this out there- I actually found out about Battlemaster all those years ago from friends playing Dominion.  Can't speak to the game in the last 8 years or so, but back then it was one of the best ladder style games available.


My favorite type of game is province based war games and thus I'm always on the hunt for these types of games so if you know of any new-ish ones you should post them.  My last big hit was Medieval Total War 1, I say this because all the other ones make your troops walk from region to region using region points instead of just one region to any region next door takes one turn. It makes things a lot smoother to just make them one turn away without having to find an enemy army in the region, if your in the region your there and fight.  Robin Hood Defender of the Crown was really good as well. Others?


I remember having a lot of fun with eRepublik. It was similar to BM, but in a more contemporary setting.

It's too bad they massively updated it. At first I thought the update was great, but then I realized how much all the new complexity made the game take even longer to play daily and the new war system was way too time intensive of 1-2 hours a day. Whereas before I could run a company, be a congressman, and fight in a war every day within 5 minutes. Haven't touched the game since.

Another game I recall playing a long time ago is Renaissance Kingdoms. Very similar to BM, but more on a personal scale rather than macro. Thousands of players take the roles of peasants and craftspeople in individual kingdoms. Think I might try it out again sometime.
Mithridates Family: Vessol (Nivemus), Samos (Farronite Republic)
The White Tree Times, Newspaper for the East Continent


I know of a neat browser-based game coming out soon, it's in beta right now.

It's called... Battefield 3!  ;D
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Reanissance Kingdoms was great, but I don't know why, people mixed too much their characters with real life. Real grudges would show up. Also, everything happened in forums, and people would go back months or years to edit an old post and say they did something they didn't...

I was part of the people that created Portugal when it first opened, and my mother was the first Queen. It was great for some time, until all the bickering and politics and real-life hatred began to show up. Not to mention lots of abuse with little to no reply from the dev team.

I'd go back there, if I had the time, but BM is still much better. And playing a family (not just a character that turns out to be really close to yourself), all the difference between IC and OOC, really improves the atmosphere for most people. What I did love about RK which BM still lacks was the tavern :) A chatroom in the region you were in. You could buy people drinks (and get drunk, which messed up your chat lines and was awesomely funny - you would also be unable to do actions for hours or even a couple of days, depending on how many drinks people bought you), you could eat and fool around in a very friendly way.
Today is Thank Wimpie for Being an Awesome Dev Day. Give Wimpie some gratitude for his constant bugfixing, pestering of admins to get things done, and general Wimpieness.


...Thread returns from the dead...

There was a game I used to play that was all about humans and zombies. Very simple but very fun. Can't remember what it was called though... Hide in the Supermarkets and hope the dead players don't break in and kill you whilst your asleep...
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...


If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


That's the one! Hmmm, I can remember my character name, but may take a while for the password (didn't take email addresses when I signed up...)
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...


I'm not sure if anyone mentioned it but Renaissance Kingdoms was a very good game (I don't play it at the moment). Set in different countries (depending where you're from) its a medieval online RPG/Strategy and is quite unique. You begin in a town and have to make cash by mining, woodcutting, farming and rely on other players to help you on your way. You can travel between towns and regions (although many of the roads are dangerous with bandits) and can become a mayor, priest, army leader, king or queen. The strategy is done via the game mechanics and the RP via the forums.


I was looking for Archmage and thought it had disappeared. Thanks to this thread that i found out it was renamed as The Reincarnation. Haha. I was in Hall of Fame Top 2 once, long long long long time ago. Lolz. Has to be the best and hardest to master game i have seen. Every tactics can be countered. You just have to find a way.


I am digging the old posts to seek some good browser games. And this Renaissance Kingdoms is just awesome!

But I can guess the player base is declining there too. It's shame that the map is not filled at all.

But it's still awesome!