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Make more clear what actions block other actions

Started by Noone you know, April 27, 2016, 01:34:53 PM

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Noone you know

This is a pretty big project, actually, so maybe we can break it down in actionable items.

There are too many cases in actions (and sometimes orders) where you can do two things in a certain order, but not the reverse. Even where there is a reason why one can't happen after the other, there is no warning to tell you to do it in the right order.

Examples (this is where we can list out specific cases for dev team, so please add your own):

today I built fortifications first, then was told I couldn't hold court because all the men were off building the walls. I know I can do it in reverse, and I don't understand why those two things are even related

off the top of my head can't recall, but I think hunting blocks things but no warning is given that once you click you're "stuck"


While I agree with you that being stuck is kind of irritating. I would personally try to RP around it of some sort.

Lets say that all the administrators need to leave the office to coordinate building those walls, and thus have no time to help you hold court..

Either way, listing every possible action you won't be able to do, sounds a little over the top in my opinion. Think about annoucing a festival or whatever.. There are seriously many things you or others won't be able to do in the city. Do we want it to list all of that?

I say just wait it out and do it 12 or 24h later.
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)


Regarding region lord actions:
The system used to handle this is actually pretty antiquated, too. It would be better to replace it with a system that actually tracks individual actions done, and knows which ones should block others.

That said, the actions you mention don't sound like they should actually produce those results.

First, were you building fortifications, or repairing them? Because from a quick scan of the relevant code, it's only repairing fortifications that should block holding court (which is, itself, pretty messed up, because you'd think there would be more people involved in building new ones...).

Second, when you get a chance, can you please try holding court, then building (or repairing, whichever one you did) fortifications? Because they should mutually block.

Regarding unit-related actions:
This one's a separate, but relatedly irritating, kettle of fish.

I believe (off the top of my head) that the issue with hunting is less that it blocks other actions, and more that performing other actions after sending your men to hunt cancels the "hunting" status. Ideally, this simply shouldn't be the case: hunting should be something that you men automatically do after all the other stuff you have them do during the turn; otherwise, why would it just cost the 3 hours and then let you spend the hours on other stuff? It certainly shouldn't be cancellable without warning.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan

Noone you know

I think you are right, and I mixed chars (had one guy building, the other repairing) - repairing blocked. Don't think those should be the same people, in-game,  or either should be a blocking issue, OOC. But that's a game-design decision.

Not sure I'll have this come up again for a while, but will try to remember for next time.

From a playability standpoint, we should minimize the amount of stuff like this players are expected to memorize in order to be most effective, I think. Unless there's a genuine reason (called a holiday) that makes sense, leave it out IMHO. Where there is one, just make sure it's clearly labeled, like hunting does.