Author Topic: Is Dwilight really SMA?  (Read 43008 times)


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Re: Is Dwilight really SMA?
« Reply #45: June 23, 2011, 08:07:29 PM »
So you're assuming that every high noble is a cynical, duplicitous, atheist that only uses religion as a means of social domination of the proletariat?

In a way, yes. I mean: look at the Pope. Look at Medieval monasteries where nobles' kids just had a playground away from society. "Ora et labora", yeah right. I am sure the Catholic Church has a basis of faith, but that basis lies not at the top. ;)

In-game that would be: yes some nobles show true zeal and faith, but face it: most of them joined a religion to gain influence, not to spread the truth.

IR: Prophets don't prophetise the truth, they spread their influence. Or they became a prophet involuntarily (~Jesus)