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Is Dwilight really SMA?

Started by Karnen, June 21, 2011, 11:41:10 AM

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Quote from: Glaumring on June 24, 2011, 08:21:16 PM
Your playing a roleplaying game, use your imagination... There doesn't need to be any massive mind shaking change in your life to roleplay a character.  If they cannot accept the IG mechanics of religion it is because they are still playing a RP character like they themselves would act in reallife , making them !@#$e roleplayers.

Right, because that's completely non-judgmental at all. I will not state whether I am sarcastic here.

Glaumring the Fox

Oh you got me, maybe make a plaque and inscribe it in gold.

So how are things going for you in Nightmarch? Do you sit there all by yourself staring out the window of your tower and saving your tears in a small vial all day every time I write something naughty on the BM forums? Whats your point Artemesia? Whats the big drive.  I am always on these forums 'taking the piss' I am always joking around. I am so sorry that Bm has devoured every aspect of your life and made it all so  seriouz bizzness.

I like how you dis my own roleplays inorder to make a point, like somehow my own arseholery will be nullified if you are an even bigger arse.
We live lives in beautiful lies...

For someone who says I'm always serious you sure seem to be reacting to me.

I believe we should get back to some actual content, which when we left off we got to the ever controversial topic of religion in BM.

Vaylon Kenadell

I would not be adverse to a literacy test.

Quite frankly, some of the posts I have seen have just been awful. Just awful.

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Artemesia on June 25, 2011, 01:24:19 AM
For someone who says I'm always serious you sure seem to be reacting to me.

I believe we should get back to some actual content, which when we left off we got to the ever controversial topic of religion in BM.

It's not reacting, I am merely defending myself from an unjust and cruel world filled with pain and agony... :'(
We live lives in beautiful lies...

Gustav Kuriga

Come now, children, let's not get antagonistic towards each other. Let Glaumring have his drugs and dunce hat, while Artemesia can have his lonely tower in the wastes. I will be happy to have my crazy overlord in the form of Allison and mutual respect with Bustoarsenzio.


Quote from: Vaylon Kenadell on June 25, 2011, 01:31:09 AM
I would not be adverse to a literary test.

Quite frankly, some of the posts I have seen have just been awful. Just awful.

Being good at literature doesn't make you a good roleplayer. RPing is playing a role and being consistent about it, not writing complex literary masterpieces in which your character changes personality every 2 weeks. Some of the best roleplayers I know have almost never written an actual RP message.

Vaylon Kenadell

Quote from: Sacha on June 25, 2011, 02:50:18 AMBeing good at literature doesn't make you a good roleplayer. RPing is playing a role and being consistent about it, not writing complex literary masterpieces in which your character changes personality every 2 weeks. Some of the best roleplayers I know have almost never written an actual RP message.
:facepalm: I meant literacy. :-X


Well, that's a bit discriminating to non-English speakers if you ask me. There are always going to be those who haven't mastered the language and will therefor write in 'pigeon English' (for lack of a better term), and they may not be able to pass a literacy test. Besides, in my 6 years in BM I've not read a single letter that I wasn't able to understand, no matter how poor the writer's English was. And if I can't understand, I'll ask for clarification.


Quote from: Anaris on June 24, 2011, 08:45:54 PM
Like it or not, Glaumring, nobody has to pass a test to get into this game. Nobody is required to be a master roleplayer. Nobody is even required to be a good roleplayer.  There are plenty of people—even among those who write lots of long RP messages—who are, in fact, atrocious at roleplaying their characters.

That is the case, it has always been the case, and it will always be the case.  We cannot ignore it, change it, or pretend it is going to go away. 

What we can do is try to make the game as fun and accessible as possible to people at both extremes—those who primarily want to roleplay being a medieval noble, and find this a good place to do that, and those who primarily want to plan out medieval wars, and find this a good place to do that—as long as they aren't trying to prevent people who fall elsewhere on the spectrum from also having fun.

So are we giving up on SMA or not? Because SMA is my fav part of the game at the moment....  >:(  >:(  >:(


I believe Sasha himself is enough reason to speak against such a literacy test. :) If BM adds the pressure to write in perfect english, I won't dare to have any fun anymore!

The playerbase is already dwindling. If you're going to add selection criteria as well, you're only putting the game even more in a niche-corner.


Quote from: Indirik on June 23, 2011, 07:05:18 PM
So you're assuming that every high noble is a cynical, duplicitous, atheist that only uses religion as a means of social domination of the proletariat?

Wait, so you mean this isn't true?


I said several days ago somewhere I was going to come up with an "SMA checklist." It is flawed. But it is a start. Discuss:

1. Politeness- even if you use the incorrect title, your character would at least try to address others with the right title.

2. Class- Paternalism is acceptable for high-ranking nobles. Encouraged even. All nobles should be paternalistic in regards to adventurers, and there is an acceptable level of violence against them.

3. Religion- Your noble is spiritual, and does believe in "god." You should join a religion, or else be able to give a reason why (such as a "family cult")

4. Personal Honor- Your character can be offended, especially by insults to family, personal integrity, and class. Get offended.

5. Self-Interest- Remember that your character is one of the highest ranking people on a continent. Your character is probably not satisfied just to take orders for the rest of his or her life. Be ambitious.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner

Addendum to #4: If you have been insulted and it's quite justifiable, then if the insulting party does not accept your duel of honor, that person(s) should be aggressively ostracized, ridiculed, and literally have his/her life on Dwilight be so horrible that he/she would wish he/she were dead. I do not like it when people talk big but back out on the natural consequences. At least Bowie for all his talk actually does face the music (and by chance walks away, impressively enough).

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Vellos on June 26, 2011, 01:07:32 AM
I said several days ago somewhere I was going to come up with an "SMA checklist." It is flawed. But it is a start. Discuss:

1. Politeness- even if you use the incorrect title, your character would at least try to address others with the right title.

2. Class- Paternalism is acceptable for high-ranking nobles. Encouraged even. All nobles should be paternalistic in regards to adventurers, and there is an acceptable level of violence against them.

3. Religion- Your noble is spiritual, and does believe in "god." You should join a religion, or else be able to give a reason why (such as a "family cult")

4. Personal Honor- Your character can be offended, especially by insults to family, personal integrity, and class. Get offended.

5. Self-Interest- Remember that your character is one of the highest ranking people on a continent. Your character is probably not satisfied just to take orders for the rest of his or her life. Be ambitious.

Awesome list, I am 100% agree.
We live lives in beautiful lies...