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Frustration to the exponential power

Started by daviceroy, June 01, 2016, 07:18:19 PM

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Right now, I am so very frustrated with the BM code.  It seems everytime I have a possible solution, I find out it doesn't work out.  So, let's start from the beginning to get background and better explain the issues.

First, we had two duchies remaining.  One with only 1 region and the other with the capitol.  (No, I didn't appoint the Capitol duke as it was an inherited position and BM code prevents removal of a Duke in the government system we had).  Duke of the Capitol region switched to another realm.  Now, our capitol is "occupied".

What happens now?
1) No one can recruit
2) The ruler can not create a new army (since the old army was dissolved since it was based in our capitol and it's occupied)
3) Anyone who gets captured must pick another realm to join when released
4) Can't change government system
5) Unrest in new region due to "distance" from capitol

So, it's as simple as moving the capitol right?  Well.... you can't do that unless there has been no unrest in the region for x turns.  Every turn, there has been battles.  If my estimate is correct, it'll be about a week before that can be fixed assuming no other monsters or anything enters the region.  Then, we'll have to hope that the region control is strong enough.  Oh, wait... someone used scrolls today... so....

Now, we also have the lord of the region that has gone nuts.  As duke, you can't remove them.  Second, they snuck into a government position.  So, they have to be removed from that first anyway....  Oh, and anyone who rejoined the realm from the Duchy switch is considered new and can't protest.  *sighs*  Exile is worthless and won't remove them from the Lordship.

Let's add a little bit more to the frustration.  Apparently, the Lord can create an army in the region, but the ruler can't?  Really?  Really?!?  What's the point of being a ruler then?!?

Here I am trying to work within BM's code to try to keep a realm running, but every turn I'm getting boxed in.  Players are begging me to resolve a situation that the code prevents me to.  The players are socially interacting demanding an IC resolution that my character wants... but I can't do.  The opponents have the buttons that I don't.  This is becoming a situation where it's a button only game and the ones with the button wins.  I don't have it... so everyone in the realm loses.

All of this is just outright frustrating.  It makes me want to walk away.  It shouldn't be this hard just to try to keep a realm going.  I would be happy if the realm was destroyed by social interaction amongst players, but in reality it's because we don't have the buttons.  If this game is all about being in the right lower positions to inflict damage against others against their will, then you have achieved the goal.  If this game is about social interaction, we have currently failed.

Noone you know

Not that it helps your situation, but "Duke of the Capitol region switched to another realm" is obviously the bug.

Can you check into that & give details how it happened, as that's where the future fix sounds like it will need to start.


That is not, and never has been, a bug.

The Duke of the duchy containing the capital cannot secede, but since duchies have been a formal division of the hierarchy in the game, Dukes have been able to move them to another realm even if they contained the capital. This situation was primarily caused by a ruler who didn't think through the consequences of creating a second Duchy, when the Duke of the existing Duchy didn't like her and would be happy to sabotage her.

That doesn't change the fact that the situation it put the Vale in neatly ticks several of the nastiest boxes BM has.

However, so far as I can tell, there are only a couple of things in this perfect storm of problems that are actually bugs (or pieces of undesirable behaviour, which are arguably the same thing):

- Who can create armies in what circumstances is still something of a mess. This is known, but we haven't pinned down exactly what we think the situation should be.
- Not being able to move the capital due to unrest, when you clearly have no other choices. Vita and I are already working on removing this restriction, given a similar situation.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan

Noone you know

Oh, well. So much for your realm.

Hopefully your players will stick around.