Author Topic: How is the game calculating who will be attacker/defender?  (Read 3683 times)


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- If both owner's and invader's units are arriving to the region or if owner's units are stationary and invader's units are arriving then owner's units will defend while invader's units will attack.
- If invader's units are already stationary in the region that is without owner's units and if owner's units are arriving to the region owner's units will fight as attackers and invader's units will fight as defenders.

But it just happened to one of my characters that in yesterday battle his realm's army won the battle in foreign territory and tuck the control over the battlefield and today more enemy units landed to the region and those enemies again fought as defenders. - Why? Is it a bug? If not, how exactly is the game calculating who will be attacker/defender?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2016, 09:57:01 AM by T0mislav »