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Forum reputation power

Started by Attano, June 25, 2016, 03:02:59 PM

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Once the Daleborn family, now the Attano family.


Just like the goggles, they do nothing.


I had a feeling this would go the same way conversations about medals or fight clubs go.
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It showed up/activated-itself with a forum upgrade, reinstallation (server move), or some forum change I forget exactly. I vaguely remember Indirik mentioning it as probably needing to be removed as we don't use it, but then it never did. Story of BM. Indirik was our most forum-oriented volunteer and the forum hasn't had the same attention since he slid away. Fortunately with a forum merger looming, I'm certain Andrew will clean up such aspects and provide renewed forum attention.


Haha. I actually have a todo list already.
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Once the Daleborn family, now the Attano family.