Author Topic: What motivate you to first started play Battlemaster?  (Read 10339 times)


  • BM Dev Team
  • Honourable King
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And so he's been luring us to a new game ever since. ;) I was rather enjoying the web Shopkeeper testing awhile back.

I can't particularly remember how I found the game, I know I was actively searching for something interesting and this is the only online game I've returned to time and again. Probably on some directory of browser games. I remember being intrigued by the idea of political simulation mentioned on the 'Quotes from Players' page.

I do remember how Exiled Family found the game, from a mention on IRC. He was looking for BattleMaster tanks, and found us. Anaris found us when BM got slashdotted in 2004.

There have been quite a few bay12-sourced players over the years. The BM-related threads haven't been updated lately either, I remember noticing some months back when I was still paying attention to such Social Media things...

Dolohov's roleplays are awesome. I wouldn't mind some folks emulating his style.