Author Topic: Stuff about Battlemaster I enjoy.  (Read 18309 times)

Victor C

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  • I didn't know what to write here, so I wrote this.
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Re: Stuff about Battlemaster I enjoy.
« Reply #15: July 04, 2016, 10:44:32 PM »
I don't think I'm that good at writing roleplays, but sure.
For me, I just write what comes to mind (I hardly spend a moment to think of what I've written, sometimes I'll reread and correct errors etc. But no true brainstorm. It's just a short story

Roleplay from Draken Druezar   (2 days ago)
message to all nobles of Spearhold
Draken stared at Reeds at the horizon under the cover of his black shrouded cloak, the walls towered over the trees. It would be a pleasant site to watch those walls fall! The echoes of the voices filled him with hatred! The lies were flowing deep in these lands, he could feel them at their roots. Disgusted, he turned way from the walls.

His camp of men were near invisible, they walked through towns with no opposition what so ever. These elites were no simple war party, for they had been trained for this very situation.

The darkness was their home. It sheltered them from the lies of the world. It fed them with the blood of evil and kept them warm with the bodies gifted by justice. It was a job not many could do, but then again... not everyone could be a hero.

Those walls will fall.

Roleplay from Draken Druezar   (18 days, 13 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Tahgalez (13 recipients)
Draken peered over the walls at the corpses that still stained the dirt. The bodies appeared to be writhing in pain as they stiffened from the lack of life, their sweat and tears only made the stench worse as they began to shroud the city in a wild musk.

With contempt, Draken walked back into the town. He preached the way of the truth to any who was near and and gripped his lasher in case of nonconformists.

It was an interesting city... His great great great uncle had told him many stories of this land. How chaotic it was and how dead the nobles seemed. A chuckle escaping his lips as he reminisced on how NOW the nobles WERE dead.

Roleplay from Nezar Druezar   (3 days, 6 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Swordfell
Nezar stared at his letters as the men rallied for the second attack.

They'd absorbed quite a bit of damage and many lay wounded or dying. However, the will of Swordfell would bring them to rise to the occasion once again, it was assured.

As Nezar came upon the notice for the upcoming elections, he pondered whether he should run for a position. It was a hard political task that required a great deal of knowledge, had he this divine knowledge? Even if he'd come across such knowledge, had he the support of his fellow countrymen?

With a sigh, Nezar discarded the notice and continued to sift notes, the time was not right for Nezar... Perhaps another day he'd find a way to bring change to this continent and bring it upon a world of excitement like in the stories of his elders.

Roleplay from Nezar Druezar   (28 days ago)
(Personal message to Kaylee)
The stench was REPULSIVE, it almost made Nezar want to puke. With pure willpower, he fought the tears and said most likely the bravest thing he's ever said before, "It is fine. I'll search it."

As the words left his lips, regret quickly followed. As he stepped forward into the room, his boots met a pool of vomit immediately. He'd stepped in blood, he'd stepped in mud, but he'd never stepped in vomit before... it's something he'd never wish to repeat ever again surely.

He hovered over one of the passed out noble, his face was hidden in the dark, but the stench of ale was strong with this one. Nezar slowly raised the sheets to discover that the man had no purse. Unfortunate...

With a quick step, Nezar came upon the next one who slept. As Nezar raised the covers, a sudden flash of gold began to shine bright, so bright that it awake both men.

They stared at Nezar confused for a moment, not realizing what they were seeing, they rub their eyes in disbelief. Suddenly they pounced from their covers, they hacked at Nezar but their swings were slow due to their drowsiness. He kicked one away and threw the other out of the room, hoping that Kaylee may deal with him instead. Nezar looked at the sheet with gold and found that this was indeed his, for he made a small mark on each of his coins to ensure it's legitimacy. As the he turned to meet the one he'd kicked away, he found a man sprawled across the floor attempting to regain his senses. He raised his hands hoping to block whatever may come down upon him, he begged for forgiveness and made empty promises. "You have wronged me! And for this, you will pay a consequence... it is not of equal value, but it will have to suffice!" Said the Nezar as he raise his sword. The man's eyes filled with fear as he knew his fate. Nezar came down with a force far too superior for the noble's hands to withstand. He plunged the sword into the noble's chest and watched as the life vanished from his eyes.

The deed was done, he turned to face the door thinking how Kaylee had served him well, seeing as how a sword was not protruding from his chest.... perhaps she deserved more gold, let us say perhaps... 100 coins. It was nothing compared to what Nezar held in the bank, but it was a fair share.


Yah rebellions are really hard... requires extreme planning and carful execution. When I rebel, normally I have to turn everyone against the ruler by exploiting every small thing he does... even then I can't guarantee support ;P
« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 10:48:20 PM by victor c »
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