Author Topic: Stuff about Battlemaster I enjoy.  (Read 18321 times)


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Re: Stuff about Battlemaster I enjoy.
« Reply #15: July 05, 2016, 03:48:54 PM »
Vita & Victor c,

Thank you both for your input, I'll be sure to use this information. Sadly the realm's government is fairly active but made up of oldies, of which I would like to change and put the young nobles in power. Hopefully I can spur on ambition and lust for power from young nobles.

"Before we can usher in the new, the old must be put to rest" This line is amazing! I can't wait to use it.

I am one of the two candidates to the election of the new General, hopefully I will be elected. I wrote a really long letter on why I should be General, it will be a pity to lose after putting in so much work. I'll disband all militia(do I have to pay them before I can disband them?) in the capital before storming it with my fellow rebels. Of course I'll sending the loyal army away on a mission first :P

Victor c, I will post my roleplays here for you to see when I start my rebellion :D hopefully they will be as good as yours.

Hic Sunt Leones,

There is a disband cost for militia, yes.
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)