Author Topic: Stuff about Battlemaster I enjoy.  (Read 18339 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Stuff about Battlemaster I enjoy.
« Reply #30: July 07, 2016, 09:01:34 PM »
wasn't katrina protested out of office, not rebelled against?

licinius, what you need to remember is that no matter how good your ideas are from your perspective, there will always be another perspective that disagrees. you can't force your perspective on others especially if the majority is against it. you can certainly argue your perspective or try to gain support thru various means, but it is unfair to the other players in a realm to simply hijack the realm for your own purposes - no matter how good you see your purposes as being.

this is something that mayhem doesn't get, his MO is hijacking realms and look how far that usually takes him. and Im saying this as someone who likes both your ideas and what i understand of most of his ideas.

as constantine mentioned, there is something to be said for mature and stable leadership. most players have at some point seen "new" leadership come in with promises of new and fun things for the players of a realm, only to botch it up because they actually dont know what they are doing or the proper steps to get to their goals. heck there are players who have played the game for years, had multiple council positions and still dont get basic mechanics of what theyre doing. the game has become small enough now that most players arent willing to risk their limited fun time on unproven leaders.

on the flip side of that, the potential for stagnation does become increased, and we have indeed seen many realms over the years where entrenched leadership did not make proper efforts to make their realms fun for the players in them.

as i mentioned before rebellions are very difficult, you need absolutely overwhelming support for them to succeed and stick. if you did not get that support and still don't like where the realm is headed, you should look for another realm. its not worth banging your head against the wall if the other players dont want the changes you want.
By the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.