Author Topic: Stuff about Battlemaster I enjoy.  (Read 18333 times)


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Re: Stuff about Battlemaster I enjoy.
« Reply #30: July 08, 2016, 10:41:09 AM »
Thank you all for your gold mines of information! I'll be sure to keep them in mind. I just learnt how to quote!

During a planning of rebellion, I typically do not seek out people by tapping someone in the shoulder and asking them to join. You have to be a bit more clever than that.

Cough* I did exactly that... I tapped someone on the shoulder and gave the player a few reasons why the player should support a rebellion.
I did try to be more clever after reading your post, I approached a priestess and offered a monopoly of her religion,I would close down all temples to other religions except the player's, if both the player and player's followers join me into rebellion. (that backfired as well...)

Licinius, what you need to remember is that no matter how good your ideas are from your perspective, there will always be another perspective that disagrees. you can't force your perspective on others especially if the majority is against it. you can certainly argue your perspective or try to gain support thru various means, but it is unfair to the other players in a realm to simply hijack the realm for your own purposes - no matter how good you see your purposes as being.

Ah! There's a saying, "There is always two* sides of a coin" I suppose all that is true. I just wanted to avoid stagnation and inactivity by launching something big and fun, I learnt that during my time in East Island, War brings nobles and activity which will revive the realm.
The Democracy idea was just to help new nobles gain positions more often rather than just once in a blue moon however as Constantine typed, Oldies will just get elected over and over again as they are more experienced and tested. Not to mention the shrinking player base.
Reading this paragraph again, it seems quite evil...


Hehe that was my plan.
1) Become General.
2) Order all loyalist to move somewhere far on the pretence of incoming hordes of monsters.
3) Rebels will stay behind at the Capital on the pretence of refitting.
4) Disband all militia in Capital.
5) Start rebellion and TO the Capital without a single drop of blood shed.

Well that failed at the first step :'(

The deed has been done, word has gotten out and my rebellion failed before it could even walk.
The next few turns will be certainly interesting, I can't wait!
On the side note, it appears the king is willing to have a compromise by keeping General and Judge positions electable perhaps even the banker.

I'm starting to feel bad at what I have done, darn I had plans for a roleplay on my unique item "Radiating Helm of the Kings" I wanted to write something like.

 Madding Licinius screamed out in pain as he desperately clutched his head with both hands. The "Radiating Helm of the Kings" appears to glow brightly for a split second before subsiding into a fainter but still noticeable glow, at this point, Madding Licinius had already calmed down and seemed fine however on closer inspection of his eyes. Madness and Mayhem(Haha a joke! Yeah...I'll walk myself out) danced around the surface of his eyes.

The "Radiating Helm of the Kings" has overtaken Madding Licinius's mind,body and soul!   
Madding Licinus then muttered to himself perhaps to the wind. Aurvandil, my name is Aurvandil.

Hic Sunt Leones,

« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 06:34:21 PM by Licinius »
Rise so high, in mud you lie.