Author Topic: Stuff about Battlemaster I enjoy.  (Read 18343 times)


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Re: Stuff about Battlemaster I enjoy.
« Reply #30: July 08, 2016, 02:14:23 PM »
The deed has been done, word has gotten out and my rebellion failed before it could even walk.
To re-emphasize what Constantine said earlier, unfortunately some will use OOC info ICly, whether consciously or unconsciously. So its often recommended to keep things close to your chest, especially shenanigans seen as 'troublesome' like rebellions and secessions (damn you spellcheck and your red squiggly line telling me this word cannot be used plurally - Ack! Plurally too? Update your dictionary, spellcheck!), when they are most-active and recent, only telling the 'rest of the story', after events have cooled for a bit, in wiki on forum for posterity.