Author Topic: Stuff about Battlemaster I enjoy.  (Read 18344 times)

Gabanus family

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Re: Stuff about Battlemaster I enjoy.
« Reply #30: July 08, 2016, 03:53:51 PM »

Thank you, I will definitely try again. Next time with more planning and effort along with what I have learnt in this thread from so many other players.


Oh sorry, I didn't know. It won't happen again, at least I hope I won't make the same mistake again.

Hic Sunt Leones,

Like it was said before, there are some ways to rebel and I've done several of them. The become General is a very good one, or get an active General to support you. Typically those are well respected people as well in a realm. The sending away loyal forces for the rebellion is smart, but can get you into trouble with the neutral parties who feel somewhat upset that you also put them with the loyalists and didn't tell them of your plan. In Sartania I had a difficult time after my rebellion to get everyone on the same path again.

The other is to voice dissent in public. If there is something you do not like, become vocal about it and see which nobles join you in this. In this way you gain respect while not being the rebel, but rather seen as contributing towards the realm. If you play this game well you get enough supporters to strike when dissent is high enough. You begin with 1 or 2 huge things and after a while you bitch about every little thing the ruler does (or doesn't), which I found rather effective as well in my time in Caergoth :)

Good luck, just never try such shenanigans in Oligarch hehe :p
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