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Greater Xavax Imperium

Started by Schancke, June 30, 2016, 03:03:09 PM

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how about the win above all attitude of xavax?

this was the giant realm fighting midget realms around them with the express goal of destroying and absorbing them to recreate a cagilan empire-style hegemony.

this is the realm that out of the three southern realms formed after the big sink was immediately twice the size of the other two. why? because its proximity to isadril made it the obvious frontrunner to be the strongest of the three. some may have wanted power for good, some may have wanted power for power itself, either way don't play the holier than thou "our enemies are powergaming" card.

this is the realm that blatantly exploits loopholes in the looting code by raising miltiia units WHOSE NAMES REFERENCE THE EXPLOIT. (not today, leave our walls alone, etc)

This is the realm that has launched the saddest and most pathetic ooc attacks I've ever seen in this game and was a nasty ooc environment from the beginning, starting with its first ruler who couldn't even keep (ooc:) from popping up in the middle of paragraphs in his RPs.

This is the realm whose own arrogance and poor leadership put them in the position they are in and now they want to use ooc means to cry, whine and exploit their way out of what their bad ic decisions got them into. Actions lead to consequences, and while Xavax had no problem with that fact when the burden was on Alara MN and Perleone, they can't handle it when the tables are turned.

Xavax deserves to be destroyed and I have no objection to any means used to do so.
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


Quote from: JDodger on July 10, 2016, 08:58:09 PM
Dodger's midlife-crisis rant

Still salty about loosing your Rebellion, it seems. You are a difficult player to understand.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Quote from: BarticaBoat on July 10, 2016, 07:58:27 PM
It's people like you that make this game terrible, you RP your 6'2 blonde blue eyed perfect white knights (who won't duel because it's scary) and drive the people who are actually good at RPing out of the game or into my previous 4-5 years of mostly silence.
I was not aware you were good at RPing. If so, you will be a great asset to the game if you manage to tone down the toxicity and follow the social contract.
Also, this very character of mine does not shun duels and at one time participated in two duels in one week. But I have a rule - duels have to be meaningful and add to the character's story. I do not duel random foreign knights in the middle of a war who's players just got bitter and have no other way to have a go at the enemy.
Quote from: BarticaBoat on July 10, 2016, 07:58:27 PM
And you can't pull "game with friends" on me because you are definitely not my friend,
Perhaps you misunderstood why Tom included in the SC this phrase: "We expect you to play the game as you would play a board game with good friends, and to value fair play above any victory or power". The point is you do not have to be friends with every player in the game. But you have to treat everyone in a friendly manner, without open hostility. At least refrain from insulting them openly. It's not about your feelings but about attitude.
Quote from: BarticaBoat on July 10, 2016, 07:58:27 PM
you guys play this game like 12yos playing StarCraft
And that's incredibly ironic in light of the stream of IC and OOC dirt and bile Xavax is emitting, which intensifies with every battle they lose. Now we're seeing people openly exploiting loopholes and breaking the social contract just to "win" at least a bit. Speaking of making the game terrible, you literally can not do anything worse than that.


Quote from: JeVondair on July 10, 2016, 09:23:11 PM
Still salty about loosing your Rebellion, it seems. You are a difficult player to understand.

you still don't get that the rebels won...
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


Nevermind. It's a textbook unrelated distraction to avoid reacting to your entire post, which was pretty much spot on.

Except the destruction bit, which I disagree with. Xavax is much larger than several players who can not play by the rules and there should be no collective punishment.


xavax being destroyed isnt punishment for those few players. just an opportunity to join a decent realm instead of the mess they are in. hopefully they dont follow the leadership to whatever realm will shelter them, but if they do it's their choice.
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


As if realms around Xavax has the capacity to keep the regions. They will just become bigger and emptier.


Didn't the war start because Minas Nova and Alara were plotting against Xavax? And Xavax kept its federated partner out of the war until Perdan/Vix intervened. And the war was proceeding rather evenly before Perdan/Vix intervened?

Does anyone know Xavax's intent, had they defeated the realms in question, or are we just assuming?

*Disclaimer: I have not paid super-close attention to the South.


Quote from: Vita on July 10, 2016, 10:11:41 PM
Didn't the war start because Minas Nova and Alara were plotting against Xavax? And Xavax kept its federated partner out of the war until Perdan/Vix intervened. And the war was proceeding rather evenly before Perdan/Vix intervened?

Does anyone know Xavax's intent, had they defeated the realms in question, or are we just assuming?

*Disclaimer: I have not paid super-close attention to the South.
Ah, Vita with the good questions.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Take over Alara, and because Nova offended us so much we wanted to drive the lands rogue then ignore them. The idea was to RP them as petty kingdoms and if any of our nobles mustered support for an expedition to conquer Semall and secede, the Imperium didn't care because Semall is not part of Greater Xavax. I think we were just ignoring Perleone because they were useless.


Quote from: Vita on July 10, 2016, 10:11:41 PM
Does anyone know Xavax's intent, had they defeated the realms in question, or are we just assuming?
Well, they have just stolen a city from Perleone and without opposition would continue assaults on the last Alaran region. Their actions are quite evident, blob until every realm around them is destroyed or driven into obscurity.


Don't forget Alara despite losing most of their regions, didn't surrender.

I wish there was a mechanic to enforce peace like CK2. Becoming unable to declare war on the realm you've recently fought for like 5 weeks or something.


alara and mn were plotting against xavax, yes. my objection is not to xavax warring them or even the tactics used. my char kellan was general of xavax before all this and was the one who blew the whistle on alara and mn and was the main proponent of war on alara.

if magnus' actions hadnt brought on the rebellion and if selenia hadnt betrayed the rebellion to clear her path to rulership, if kellan had remained general, alara would not be around now. my strategy of focusing all effort on taking Itorunt would have been implemented and would have succeeded, byebye alara.

so my objection is obviously not to xavax's war on alara or even the "total war" it became. my objection is to hypocritical players who wage a war of annihilation against a tiny realm and then cry foul when a bigger bully shows up and does the same to them in return.

xavax's actions were provoked, perdan's actions were provoked. in the end they were essentially the same actions. how many crying forum posts did alara and mn make? how many players whether involved or not condemned xavax for what they were doing?

i always knew that a northern power would interfere in any xavax war and tried to warn xavax about that. of course my assumption was it'd be caligus, but they decided to pull a caligus move and go gangbang oli instead as soon as they realized that their alaran alliance might actually result in war. convenient how they dropped that as soon as perdan and vix showed how easy crushing xavax is, but i digress.

point is xavax has always known that their actions would draw heat from the north, but they were so pumped up with their own arrogance that they figured theyd win anyway. well, reality check, if you screw up everything from diplomacy to military strategy you get beat.

all of this xavax crying is because they are losing, not because perdan did something unfair. perdan's actions are totally fair, absolutely no different than what xavax was doing before to alara and mn, and a direct result of xavax's poor leadership and inability to get along with people.

the war was not even close to even. alara was down to one region and mn's capital had been sacked. there was maybe one semi successful attack on Xavax soil the entire war until perdan and vix interfered. xavax was running roughshod over their enemies. the fact that they failed to take Itorunt only comes down to poor strategy and army maintenance.

i cant speak for why fallangard was kept out of the war. that was a major point of contention between magnus and kellan as magnus wanted to use fallangard as a "shield" against caligus, which no offense to fallangard would have gone very poorly. "magnus' paper shield of fallangard" should be a unique item actually, +0 prestige, -100% leadership. so ill let jevondair explain why selenia kept fallangard out and eat a big ol' grain of salt as i read the explanation.

xavax's intent was to destroy and absorb alara and mn, who in rp terms they had stripped of their legitimacy as realms, referring to them as bandits and rebels against the xavax imperium, rightful rulers of the entire south.

people think perdan's bad.

edit: i stand corrected on wanting to absorb mn, i guess looting mn lands rogue would have been justified but its a crime against humanity when its done to xavax
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


Quote from: JDodger on July 10, 2016, 11:00:49 PM
Another baseless rant.

Dude, I'm not part of Xavax anymore and I still hate what the people in Perdan have done to this game. The fact that you can't see it is evidence of how blinded you are of anything but your own petty hatred for certain players. Oh, by the way, don't give me your !@#$ing !@#$ about wars of annihilation against Alara. I started out there. I know the players that put it into the position it was in. The only way for Alara to have a stood a chance of being independent was to fight Minas Nova and ally with Xavax, something I !@#$ing told the original ruler of Alara back when I was their general. He didn't listen.

The issue with your entire argument is that from the beginning there was no way for all three of the refugee realms to survive at once. They would have been too small to defend themselves from realms like Perdan and Caligus. Now if Minas Nova or Alara were to absorb one or the other, then you'd have a stable !@#$ing arrangement. But they refused to look at the facts staring them in the face, and instead plotted against Xavax (this was going all the way back to when I was part of Alara, remember. So Alara was already looking to pick a fight with Xavax once they had Caligus and Perleone in their pockets).  Or is there any reason for them to ally with Caligus and Perleone instead of Xavax, then lie about their intentions to the then ruler of Xavax?

Oh, by the way. You weren't the one to blow the whistle on Alara, I was. You got all of your info from me.


you were persona non grata in xavax at the time as you may recall, nothing you could have said would have been believed and the very fact you were my source was a huge part of why magnus wouldn't accept it (the rest being that his ego was too great to believe that his master plan was unraveling around him.)

you may also recall that the only reason you weren't summarily banned from xavax was i argued magnus' ear off for you.

sorry about that.

also for only reading the last line of your post.
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


Quote from: Constantine on July 10, 2016, 10:54:27 PM
Well, they have just stolen a city from Perleone

How does one 'steal' a city from a realm that declared war on them and attacked them?

Quote from: JDodger on July 10, 2016, 11:00:49 PM
JDodger's misinformation

Dude, I can't tell if you actually believe most of what you are saying or if you are intentionally spreading these lies. You do not know Xavax. You abandoned it when the realm was scarcely a month old. All of your presumptions since Magnus abdicated are based on an outsider perspective. If you had, you would have known that Fallangard was kept out of the war as part of an agreement to keep CALIGUS out of the war. It was the only way Selenia could get Teniel to sell it to her court. If you had, you would have known that Minas Nova was never a target. In fact, Then King Warchief was trying to get Xavax to declare war on Alara, up until they declared war AND hatred for Xavax on behalf of Alara, who i assume sold them the lie that they would be next if Alara fell. If you had, you would know that Alara, Minas Nova, and Perleone TOGETHER had a strength that equaled Xavax, except they had a great deal more gold/noble.

We don't really care if we are losing now, that's the nature of the game, tides turn. We don't really care that Vix and Perdan intervened, it made the game even more challenging and there's a certain pride that it took so many to drive us back. What irritates us is how Vix and Perdan players assume a moral high ground, painting themselves as white knights while conveniently ignoring the IG nature of who they've come to defend. That and their only real reason for war is, like you said, to trim a rising power. There's nothing wrong with that, but I maintain that it was lazy how they did it.

As much as your assumptions have irritated me, rants and counter rants accomplish little. Better yet, ask Me, Selenia's player, about the specifics. I don't mind sharing them, and I don't mind having others evaluate/corroborate what I say. You're in the game, I have to play with you. This is my solution.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"