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Greater Xavax Imperium

Started by Schancke, June 30, 2016, 03:03:09 PM

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Yeah, switching of rulers does not make the bad feelings go away. When Fiona took over as Queen of Perdan, I was all like "Hey guys, sorry about everything, Perdan is going to turn over a new leaf with me" and the entire north was all like "Eff you Fiona, Perdan has screwed with our !@#$ for too long, we gonna merc yo ass" and I was like "shiiiiiiiiiiiittttt, buckle up!"

Fiona is dead now, so take what you will from that lol.
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.


And likewise, Eponllyn was totally on-board for turning a new page with Perdan. Then Perdan decided it didn't actually want to turn over a new leaf, became best friends with its mortal enemy, and raped Eponllyn.


I have been rather curious about that. After the war, King Garin became the closest thing to a friend that Fiona had. There were even talks of potential alliance before Vix Tiramora ceded from Perdan. I paused for a while after that whole ordeal, and when I unpaused Perdan had Perdan City back and Epponlyn looked shockingly smaller than when I left.
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.


Albert Gottfried/Castle Ubent joined Caligus because strongholds can't secede. Caligus used the opportunity to try to kill Fallangard, with refits taking many weeks and huge assaults. Zakky's character Meivmayr became duke. Fleug's character Odoaker became ruler of Perdan. Pressure from surrounding realms finally had Caligus secede Vix Tiramora. Eponllyn was ready to defend Perdan's lands to protect Perdan from destruction and allow Perdan and Vix to fight evenly.

Instead, Zakky and Fleugs fixed a "limited" war between them with OOC agreements. Vix and Perdan became best friends, rather than fighting a civil war, and the battles were practically sporting contests. Eponllyn had been waiting for this war these 6 months, and was rudely told it wasn't wanted, after Perdan had been going on about how they wanted a defensive alliance. So they pursued a new war not wanting to bore our players after the expectred war vaporized. Just as that war started with Caligus in defense of Fallangard, Vix and Perdan ended their war and wanted to join our war. After they'd demanded no one else was allowed in their war, they wanted to participate in other wars. Caligus was okay with this instead of joining Eponllyn to tell *them* to stay out of our war. So Vix joined to help Caligus and Perdan joined to help Fallangard/Eponllyn. After it became apparent that Vix and Caligus were too much for Eponllyn, and Perdan refused to fight Vix and only march to defend Fallangard proper, Nivemus joined in to balance things out. Vix begged for peace, which ended that whole war only a few weeks after Vix and Perdan butt themselves into it. So, yet again, Perdan/Vix end an opportunity for war, seeing more players bored and leaving as we readjust.

And that all led into the final gangbang and broken agreements by Perdan, that saw Eponllyn reduced to its current size.


Heh good times. Eponllyn and Nivemus focused too heavily on Vix while Caligus was pathetic back then.

So Vix pressured Caligus to accept the defeat. Of course, Vix joined in with Perdan for a payback.

Gabanus family

Quote from: on January 18, 2017, 07:24:40 PM
Considering GX, even at the time, was nearly twice Alara's size, of course it wasn't going to be an equal alliance and GX was naturally going to be at the head of it. Perleone is tiny and allied with Perdan and Vix, are we to expect them to treat them as an equal? Considering they just handed over a region, I think not. Had we followed through with Magnus' plan Alara would have been in as much a client state/Ally position as Perleone is now, but stronger than they are now for it and with GX ready to supply support because we would have good reason to.

Perleone did it out of necessity because they were threathened from all sides and could otherwise not survive. Alara made the decision they do not want to be controlled by a "greater" realm and give up her independence. In fact, you'll find few people/realms who are willing to give up their independence willingly if there are other options. Alara chose to find allies in stead and so did the others, I'm not certain why people are confused about that. Virtually all realms would have taken their route, because 'allying' with GX would have meant becoming a member of their empire and having to follow their diplomatic policies rather than their own. Where's the fun in that?
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Sounds like GX = CE in disguise!


Quote from: Zakky on January 18, 2017, 11:33:48 PM
Sounds like GX = CE in disguise!

I'm sorry? CE would be allied with all their neighbors, and gangbanging any possible threat. OH hey, that's what Perdan and Vix are doing!

Quote from: Gabanus family on January 18, 2017, 10:50:29 PM
Perleone did it out of necessity because they were threathened from all sides and could otherwise not survive. Alara made the decision they do not want to be controlled by a "greater" realm and give up her independence. In fact, you'll find few people/realms who are willing to give up their independence willingly if there are other options. Alara chose to find allies in stead and so did the others, I'm not certain why people are confused about that. Virtually all realms would have taken their route, because 'allying' with GX would have meant becoming a member of their empire and having to follow their diplomatic policies rather than their own. Where's the fun in that?

Having a viable realm? I think having a viable realm is fun, how about anyone else?


Quote from: Vita on January 18, 2017, 08:29:34 PM
Albert Gottfried/Castle Ubent joined Caligus because strongholds can't secede. Caligus used the opportunity to try to kill Fallangard, with refits taking many weeks and huge assaults. Zakky's character Meivmayr became duke. Fleug's character Odoaker became ruler of Perdan. Pressure from surrounding realms finally had Caligus secede Vix Tiramora. Eponllyn was ready to defend Perdan's lands to protect Perdan from destruction and allow Perdan and Vix to fight evenly.

Instead, Zakky and Fleugs fixed a "limited" war between them with OOC agreements. Vix and Perdan became best friends, rather than fighting a civil war, and the battles were practically sporting contests. Eponllyn had been waiting for this war these 6 months, and was rudely told it wasn't wanted, after Perdan had been going on about how they wanted a defensive alliance. So they pursued a new war not wanting to bore our players after the expectred war vaporized. Just as that war started with Caligus in defense of Fallangard, Vix and Perdan ended their war and wanted to join our war. After they'd demanded no one else was allowed in their war, they wanted to participate in other wars. Caligus was okay with this instead of joining Eponllyn to tell *them* to stay out of our war. So Vix joined to help Caligus and Perdan joined to help Fallangard/Eponllyn. After it became apparent that Vix and Caligus were too much for Eponllyn, and Perdan refused to fight Vix and only march to defend Fallangard proper, Nivemus joined in to balance things out. Vix begged for peace, which ended that whole war only a few weeks after Vix and Perdan butt themselves into it. So, yet again, Perdan/Vix end an opportunity for war, seeing more players bored and leaving as we readjust.

And that all led into the final gangbang and broken agreements by Perdan, that saw Eponllyn reduced to its current size.
I was a little surprised when Vix's under Meivmayr seceded from Perdan. As with all realms borned from its mother realm, we did expect some wars between Vix and Perdan. Maybe not to the point of previous Perdan founding Westmoor stuff in the past or most recent example is Sirion founding Shadowdale.

Yes, with Nivemus entrance to balance things out, the war over as fast as it started out. Not long time period of war enough to cause any significance values. I even had my character sit atop that Mountain Roleplay on Vix land and had a painting draw to boot :P

The final part is quite true... I dont know how Eppy can survive that massive loss of economy. Duke Jeroen kept change sides just to annoy Perdan ;D

Present day Eppy tried hard to rebuild back their life. Given the instability with losses of a few Eppy Kings in quick succession, that is understandable.

Quote from: Zakky on January 18, 2017, 08:58:27 PM
Heh good times. Eponllyn and Nivemus focused too heavily on Vix while Caligus was pathetic back then.

So Vix pressured Caligus to accept the defeat. Of course, Vix joined in with Perdan for a payback.
Think you right. Yes, have to focus on Vix as most pressure appeared to come from Vix on Eppy.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)

Gabanus family

Quote from: GundamMerc on January 19, 2017, 05:34:10 AM
I'm sorry? CE would be allied with all their neighbors, and gangbanging any possible threat. OH hey, that's what Perdan and Vix are doing!

Well was that not the plan of GX? And we'll have to see whether or not Vix/Perdan will continue this path once GX has been subdued. I doubt (hope not) that all the current alliances will hold after that.

QuoteHaving a viable realm? I think having a viable realm is fun, how about anyone else?

What makes you believe Alara is not viable? I can assure you that even with a city you can still have a viable realm in the right circomstances.

Personally I would rather see my realm destroyed, than to be the permanent slave of another realm following all their diplomacy and having no independence. Of course you'll try to make it viable then.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Quote from: GundamMerc on January 19, 2017, 05:34:10 AM
I'm sorry? CE would be allied with all their neighbors, and gangbanging any possible threat. OH hey, that's what Perdan and Vix are doing!

Having a viable realm? I think having a viable realm is fun, how about anyone else?

CE didn't ally with their neighbours from the get go. They crushed an enemy then place their future allies as they went. Just like Morek did on Dwilight and Perdan with Westmoor and Perleone.


Quote from: Gabanus family on January 19, 2017, 10:51:10 AM
Well was that not the plan of GX?

No, it wasn't. GX was to expand to a certain size and stay there, only allied to one or two realms at most. As for Alara, they might have been lower on the totem pole than GX if they allied with them, over the long term that would have been the best way to turn around and break said alliance, once they had Minas Nova's lands. And any realm that gets reduced to their sole remaining city as fast as Alara did isn't exactly going to be equal to anyone in any alliance they make, so I'm not exactly sure where you're coming from with this argument.

Quote from: Zakky on January 19, 2017, 11:09:51 AM
CE didn't ally with their neighbours from the get go. They crushed an enemy then place their future allies as they went. Just like Morek did on Dwilight and Perdan with Westmoor and Perleone.

The difference being that GX never had any plans to replace Perleone and other neighboring realms with anything once the war started with Alara. Their only goal at that point was to remove Alara, possibly replace it with a vassal realm (one possibility being that vassal realm would be ruled by my character, though I'm not sure how likely that plan was), and that was about it. Perleone was merely an enemy to defeat, and Vix/Perdan interlopers to be crushed whenever they brought their armies down to fight. Though with the way that Perdan and Vix entering the war has cornered GX and see most realms in the south as threats, Perdan and Vix may have created their own CE rather than squash a threat like they were aiming for.

Gabanus family

Quote from: GundamMerc on January 19, 2017, 02:42:30 PM
No, it wasn't. GX was to expand to a certain size and stay there, only allied to one or two realms at most. As for Alara, they might have been lower on the totem pole than GX if they allied with them, over the long term that would have been the best way to turn around and break said alliance, once they had Minas Nova's lands. And any realm that gets reduced to their sole remaining city as fast as Alara did isn't exactly going to be equal to anyone in any alliance they make, so I'm not exactly sure where you're coming from with this argument.

Really? Because I remember distinctly that the rulers in GX really wanted Ibladesh City as well, either within GX or as a new realm. I'm about 70% sure this was also the information the rulers in Perleone had IG.

As for Alara, they were outnumbered enormously in noble count compared with GX, but GX is an exception in this case. In most other alliances at the time their noblecount back then would have kept them on a relative equal basis, especially if they can take some lands from GX in stead of Miinas Nova. It's Minas Nova who has the most problems atm with thei size of their cities, location and neighbours.

With the difference in noble count I'm not surprised GX had a strong upper hand from the beginning. 1 on 1 GX would beat any realm atm into a pulp and that's most likely what's scaring all the other realms. As all everyone else has heard is that GX wants to expand and that they have a lot of nobles. Everyone then did their math and went "uhm, nope let's stop them!"
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


I am pretty sure Kuriga doesn't know the full details either. I also remember GX wanting Ibladesh as well.

After repeated incursions by Perleone, it was decided by Selenia that the best way to get them to back off would be to remove Ibladesh from them.

Considering Perleone's decision to fight GX was based on a pre-ice claim on Oc Lu Pesh (according to their own ruler), I just can't let the fact that they gave away a region (which let Vix take OC Lu Pesh) drop.