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Greater Xavax Imperium

Started by Schancke, June 30, 2016, 03:03:09 PM

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"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)


As I am a huge fan of metrics, here are some concerning the realms we are at war with, and some others for context (and by popular demand the rest). Feel free to discuss the numbers and my assessment of each realm!

realmdensityGDP (gold)GDP (silver)net fooddemense sizemilitarization
Minas Nova3.24593.670.68973.48104962.12%
Vix Tiramora5.6593.190.78466.1891631.49%
Obsidian Islands0.61512.12239.268555.44%
East Continent3.99449.280.752109.871941.62%

To summarize:
Xavax is prosperous with a large military class (legiones imperi) and a very dense abundance of noble houses. These houses are not very wealthy, reflecting a large merchant class in the cities which compete with the patrician nobility. The realm is largely rural in character, but the farmers live comfortably, likely reflecting more intensive and profitable agricultural practices such as wine and cheese making and orchards rather than solely growing staple crops.

Fallangard is a little poorer than average, possibly due to the ongoing war. Due to the war there is a considerable military class. There are more noble houses than average but these houses are not very wealthy, again probably due to the war. The population density is approximately average for the continent, more rural than urban but not starkly so. These farmers grow mostly staples with some animal husbandry to make extra silvers.

Alara has been hit hard by the war and the populace is suffering for it. There is an average amount of noble houses which are poorer than average from financing this costly war. The realm is a single city and as such is highly urban. Poverty is rampant and the few farms outside the city walls grow mostly staples, craftsmen in the city are either working towards the war or bartering their wares for food.

Minas Nova has profited from this war (without Ejaar Puutl their GDP in gold is 399) but their populace being largely rural has not seen these benefits. The few noble houses dominate trade and wealth: there is likely no native merchant class in Semall nor craftsmen besides military smiths. This gold goes towards financing an extensive military class, who are below only the nobility in wealth and prestige. The farmers grow largely staples which are taxed to support the military class, supplementing their food with unprofitable animal husbandry, likely goatherding or a few chickens.

Perleone (before the Xavax siege in Ibladesh) is a wealthy and prosperous, highly urban country. There are fewer noble houses than average but the high life in their cities is extravagant with very wealthy nobility, an extensive merchant class, and a booming craftsmen class. Military life is not considered prestigious and is definitely not as profitable as engaging in trade. Farming is highly efficient and reflects highly profitable wine and cheesemaking as well as rich nut and fruit orchards.

Perdan is a large and densely populated rural country. Their noble houses are old and powerful, though not necessarily wealthy. Military life is largely unheard of and their armies are likely peasants mass recruited from their considerable population instead of a professional military class. There is probably a very large and wealthy merchant class in the cities. The lands of Perdan are average and the farmers work hard but probably do not suffer often or for very long.

Vix Tiramora is a wealthy and centralized democracy. Their noble houses are powerful and extravagant and their peasantry live comfortably, able to plant fruit orchards and raise animals to supplement their incomes. Trade is dominated by the noble houses though peasant craftsmen in the city live well. Military life is routine, a necessity to survive but not exalted like in other realms.

Sirion is a prototypical feudal realm, large with very powerful and ancient noble houses. Though there has been growing numbers of craftsmen in the cities, there is not a substantial merchant class to combat the power of the elite noble houses. The peasants do not suffer and military life is not the norm.

Caligus is largely rural and mountainous but the farmlands and woodlands are bountiful and prosperous. There are many noble houses competing over extensive mining and smithing in the mountains and badlands. These rough men comprise a formidable and powerful military class.

The Obsidian Islands are distinctly not feudal. Outside of a few large settlements is barren wastes. There is substantial farming in the stronghold and extensive fishing and aquaculture in the badlands. Despite the poor quality of the lands, the peasantry are wealthy and comfortable and craftsmen are common and celebrated for their works which are exported from the islands. There is an enormous military-noble class which collect dues and taxes via noble heritage, but are otherwise considerably poorer than nobility elsewhere. They are the most economically equal country in the continent.

Oligarch is a poor, urban country. While the farmers of Dulbin live without remarkable difficulty, the city is characterized by widespread crime and slums and Greatbridge by crushing poverty. An average number of noble houses are separated from the masses by virtue of no native merchant class, their wealth is superior only to the Obsidian Islands military-nobles. Crafts in the city are added to the war machine or bartered directly for food, trade is minimal. In Greatbridge only hardy staples are grown, while Dulbin has some milk and egg production which is usually sold directly to the city as well as decent hunting grounds.

Nivemus is a rich and highly rural feudal realm. The peasants live comfortable lives from rich fishing grounds and hardy staples accentuated by profitable pasturelands. It is likely that Nivemus consumes the most meat in the continent, exporting beef, eel, and swan elsewhere. Their cities are small, operating mostly as trade posts for the farmlands and fishing grounds. This trade is dominated by highly powerful noble houses rather than a merchant class.

Eponllyn is another impoverished urban country. Under their strict, foreign military nobility, the peasants grow solely staples to feed their extensive military class. There is little trade and the only escape from the crushing poverty of farming is to be taken by one of the military pressers and march in their armies. The noble houses are many, characterized less by wealth than by lineage and their history of military campaigns.

Shadowdale is prosperous and urban, with a noble class mostly disinterested in the workings of the realm. Under their lax hand, the free market has actually benefited the populace. While being a farmer is still difficult due to poor soil, craftsmen in the city and merchants are able to accumulate considerable wealth joining the circus-like courts and intrigue of Shadowdale. As befits their nobles, military life is not cherished, the powerful noble houses prefering to engage in intrigue which is the talk of the continent.

What stands out to me most is that Xavax is very similar to a roman republic/early roman empire, Perleone was probably really nice to live in before Xavax came, when my character calls Minas Nova squalid hill nobility and dirt farmers he is actually pretty correct, Perdan is like old Russia, Sirion is exactly what you think, and the Obsidian Islands strike me as a less bountiful feudal Japanese daimyo-realm!


I enjoyed reading this, agreed with most of it.

Perdan's armies are highly elite due to a long running military tradition and powerful central government. While most of the Kingdom is dark and tangled woods, populated only by the brave and the hardy, the coastal trade keeps the cities and townslands rich.

Ibladesh's economy was stopped since I was ever in EC, Perleone is half a welfare state, feeding a city that does literally nothing.

Vix is largely a mountain state, they remind me of what a militant Switzerland would look like, or a unified Balkans but inland
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


Quote from: JDodger on July 02, 2016, 04:53:33 AM
I enjoyed reading this, agreed with most of it.

Perdan's armies are highly elite due to a long running military tradition and powerful central government. While most of the Kingdom is dark and tangled woods, populated only by the brave and the hardy, the coastal trade keeps the cities and townslands rich.

Ibladesh's economy was stopped since I was ever in EC, Perleone is half a welfare state, feeding a city that does literally nothing.

Vix is largely a mountain state, they remind me of what a militant Switzerland would look like, or a unified Balkans but inland

I'll concede on Perdan, but there must be stark economic inequality which fits the tangled and dense woods. Perdan is very much Russia in that regard.

Perleone would be all extravagant city life, yes.

Yes, that characterizes Vix in my mind 100%.


All this is rather interesting to read, I enjoyed the part about Greater Xavak being an early roman empire, I loved reading about the great roman empire history, I have always wondered if there was a roman-like realm to play in.

Do you mind explaining density, GDP (gold), GDP (silver), net food, demense size and militarization to me?

GDP is gross domestic product which gives us an estimate of the realm's economy but what does the gold and silver represent? Net food is total food of food produced right? Demense size is total amount of land or size of it?

Hic Sunt Leones,
Rise so high, in mud you lie.

Gabanus family

Quote from: BarticaBoat on July 02, 2016, 04:25:37 AM
A cool description of every realm on EC except Oligarch

Aaaah really?  :'(
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Quote from: Licinius on July 02, 2016, 10:36:33 AM
All this is rather interesting to read, I enjoyed the part about Greater Xavak being an early roman empire, I loved reading about the great roman empire history, I have always wondered if there was a roman-like realm to play in.

Do you mind explaining density, GDP (gold), GDP (silver), net food, demense size and militarization to me?

GDP is gross domestic product which gives us an estimate of the realm's economy but what does the gold and silver represent? Net food is total food of food produced right? Demense size is total amount of land or size of it?

Hic Sunt Leones,

silver is the adventurer wealth. I believe


Quote from: Licinius on July 02, 2016, 10:36:33 AM
All this is rather interesting to read, I enjoyed the part about Greater Xavak being an early roman empire, I loved reading about the great roman empire history, I have always wondered if there was a roman-like realm to play in.

Do you mind explaining density, GDP (gold), GDP (silver), net food, demense size and militarization to me?

GDP is gross domestic product which gives us an estimate of the realm's economy but what does the gold and silver represent? Net food is total food of food produced right? Demense size is total amount of land or size of it?

Hic Sunt Leones,
I gave Xavax a one man effort to feel Roman. More like a Roman outpost with Anglo-saxon influence, turned republic/empire.

GDP in gold is the wealth divided amongst nobility, an estimate of the weekly income, GDP in silver is a role-playing stat where the wealth is divided among the population; while the average peasant in Xavax makes 1.24 silvers a day, the average Novan peasant makes 0.68. I extrapolated this to offer how far the class divide is and the presence of merchants and craftsmen, as well as how much the average peasant suffers. Net food is daily production less the population consumption, it unfortunately does not take into account real consumption from military (new stat?). Demesne size is the amount of nobles to peasants indicating old highly feudal societies, an imperial system of non-hereditary titles (like in Xavax), or the absence of true feudal society (Obsidian Islands). Militarization takes the realm CS and via old player knowledge estimates total standing army as a percentage of the population.

Quote from: Gabanus family on July 02, 2016, 03:21:09 PM
Aaaah really?  :'(
Shucks I'll do the rest right now I guess.

Glaumring the Fox

great write up on the realms.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


That was excellent. I loved it, and it would be cool for resident players to expand/edit as well. I particularly like the comparisons to historical states. When I get some free time, I'll make an entry on the Wiki for the East Contient's Warring States period.

I'll also make one for Xavax specifically and the southern war as well, as soon as someone suggests a decent name for it that we can start using in game. This holiday weekend has me busy, So I will try to get to it this week and helpers are always welcome!
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Robb's War. Selenia's Struggle.
War of the Immigrants. War of the Three Refugee Kingdoms. Atamaran Invasion.
Perdanite-Xavax Imperial Struggle.
Perdanite-Daimon Invasion.
Southern Restoration. Reliberation of the South.
The Xavax Test.
Womens' Liberation. Gender War.
Robb's Rapist Rebellion.
Southern Cities' War for Self-Determination.
Xavax Xavax Xavax.
War of Would-Be Alliances.

Romance of The Six Kingdoms? :p


"that whole xavax thing" as it will be remembered in ooc channels
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.