Author Topic: Really Eponlynn?  (Read 39966 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Really Eponlynn?
« Reply #45: July 05, 2016, 08:43:02 AM »
abjur, you weren't even part of those type of discussions when magnus was ruler.

im well aware of mn trying to play both sides diplomatically from the beginning. im also well aware that overwhelmingly, mn nobles were anti-xavax way before the rebellion, and that mn consistently tried to play friendly with xavax while working against xavax. im also apparently a lot more aware than you are that magnus always wanted to see mn destroyed and conquered either by xavax or by alara when he was still swearing up and down that robb starfall was his best friend despite all evidence to the contrary, see above.

you seem to forget who blew the whistle on alara and mn trying to form a coalition against xavax, who had the spy in mn that revealed the referendum in which mn voted overwhelmingly, maybe even unanimously, to back alara instead of xavax, who tried to warn you about exactly what has since happened to your poor, silly realm.

right, that was kellan. the evil anti-xavaxian rebel.

ive had enough experience with xavax to understand that the "loyalist" nobles will never have the awareness to realize what actually happened and is happening in their own realm. it doesn't matter to me, because at the end of the day i know that i did everything i could to help xavax and xavax refused to be helped.

so now i get to laugh at xavax while its nobles fall into every mistake i tried to steer them away from, as the destruction i warned them about comes crashing down on them, and in the end i will be gleefully yelling "i told you so" at your retreating backs as you all run for cover, wondering what went so very wrong. it doesn't matter what you yell back over your shoulders.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2016, 08:47:10 AM by JDodger »
By the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.