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Perdan and the Realms It Interacts With

Started by Zakilevo, July 10, 2016, 09:50:24 PM

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Quote from: JDodger on July 13, 2016, 06:06:41 PM
someone made a strategically smart move to win a war

losing side complains despite having used same tactic themselves many times

news at 11

Well in this case I do have to side with Vita. I know I ordered those tactics in Oligarch, but Eponllyn of old would probably not (not saying anything of current Eponllyn, which is a different realm almost). I worked quite closely with their General for long and he was quite strict on tactics used, Jeroen (Vita's char) was even worse and also Garin would not have allowed it from what I've seen.

The point itself is rather moot as the story has played out mostly, but since this is an OOC forum, I would be carefull assuming things too quickly.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


im not specifically referring to ep. as these are ooc complaints im taking a holistic view of player behavior across characters. seems no one has a problem with the use of legitimate ingame functions until they catch the short end of the stick, then suddenly looting and winning wars is wrong and evil.
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


Quote from: JDodger on July 13, 2016, 07:10:02 PM
im not specifically referring to ep. as these are ooc complaints im taking a holistic view of player behavior across characters. seems no one has a problem with the use of legitimate ingame functions until they catch the short end of the stick, then suddenly looting and winning wars is wrong and evil.
I do not have a problem with their usage. Someone must play the roles of winner and victor at some point and we have multiple characters and islands so we can share those roles.


Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


You stated Perdan was a white knight. I stated it was not. Constantine defended your claim. You setup and knocked down strawmen.


yes vita, i genuinely view perdan as a perfectly honorable white knight realm. there's absolutely no sarcasm involved in my perdan and vix thread where i list looting as a reason why i love perdan three times.
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


Perdan is the greatest. Pony realm thought they could escalate the war but their weak allies failed to back them whatsoever - not to mention, when they did back them, they still lost. We took back our city and restored the greatness of our realm. We tripled our nobles and decided that crushing the South is to our advantage to keep the world split up and puppet everyone, because in truth, Vix-Perdan is the only Axis of Evil that ever was.

We own every gym on this continent and smack the kids who even attempt to glance at it. Deal with it.
Ardet nec consumitur.


Because sarcastic trolling totally helps the image of Perdan's players as playing with others and not against others.


its really the only way to handle it when your critics cover their ears and yell nanananana every time you make a point.

the fact that your argument has devolved to "well i just don't like that you say you're white knights... oh that was sarcasm, stop being sarcastic then!" is pretty telling.

everything perdan has done as far as these wars has been legit. we haven't cheated. we have almost entirely avoided even ic personal insults. any light-hearted forum trolling has been the result of exasperation and at the incredible recalcitrance of our critics, whose entire argument boils down to one single point, that they don't like losing and they don't like us for beating them.

you don't like that our two realms are stronger than yours? get allies. your allies cant help you? probably shouldn't have put yourself in a position of conflict. in a position of conflict where you can't win? probably shouldn't say things like "we will never surrender, we will fight you to the death!"

eppy could have avoided war if they'd just let perdan and vix cross their lands. refuse? consequences. simple.

xavax had a chance to surrender. refuse? consequences. simple.

if you don't like perdan, beat us. crying about it wont do you any good.
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


Hypocrites. What are the consequences for Vix betraying Perdan?


Quote from: Fleugs on July 13, 2016, 11:44:29 PM
Perdan is the greatest. Pony realm thought they could escalate the war but their weak allies failed to back them whatsoever - not to mention, when they did back them, they still lost. We took back our city and restored the greatness of our realm. We tripled our nobles and decided that crushing the South is to our advantage to keep the world split up and puppet everyone, because in truth, Vix-Perdan is the only Axis of Evil that ever was.

We own every gym on this continent and smack the kids who even attempt to glance at it. Deal with it.
Actually what Zakky say is right. And Fleugs.

Speaking from one of the realms that interact with Perdan whether through wars, or peace before the storm, Nivemus.

One word I have for Perdan army: Respect. Their movements are impressive, their nobles are working hard. PMW army. Only those opposing military leaders who face them will know what this army did and continue to do.

Taking Perdan army aside, about the reason for war: Perdan has won the war with Eponllyn. The war was first started with intention to acquire Eponllyn lands passage right for themselves to travel to north. Nothing was mentioned about taking lands from Eponllyn; I think there is where Vita come in and states many times about the reason for war. What many Eponllyn nobles dislike is the fact Perdan taking the lands. However we need understand that if you have some other realm namesake city, what to stop them from coming after your realm in future? Reminded me of when Fontan asked for Fontan city back from Caligus realm but Caligus Ruler Dobromir refused to give back. And Caligus had army power to back up his word at that time while Fontan not, for Fontan was at its weakest moment at that time.

Even as Eponllyn ally, Nivemus army entered the war a bit too late, let face the reality. Eponllyn allies do not act in time. Eponllyn already under severe pressure from both Perdan and Vix armies; hence my term coinage "one moving in and another moving out". Another Eponllyn ally, Sirion was busy occupied with war against Oligarch and did not come. Another Eponllyn ally, Fallangard now is facing reality or consequence whichever you wish to call it, for not helping Eponllyn. Now Fallangard know who will come to its aid against Vix and Perdan and even Caligus. So I understand Vita phrase previously about "they come for me but you no come help me" kind of quote. I think I listen to this quote somewhere before.

About Vix, I have 1 word for them: Follower. They appear to follow whatever Perdan decides and does. Perdan war with Eponllyn? Well, Vix also followed Perdan. Perdan taking Eponllyn lands? Well, Vix also followed Perdan. Make many players including myself think that perhaps the little war between Perdan and Vix are just civil war for show.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Quote from: Ketchum on July 14, 2016, 03:31:28 AM
Actually what Zakky say is right. And Fleugs.

Speaking from one of the realms that interact with Perdan whether through wars, or peace before the storm, Nivemus.

One word I have for Perdan army: Respect. Their movements are impressive, their nobles are working hard. PMW army. Only those opposing military leaders who face them will know what this army did and continue to do.

Taking Perdan army aside, about the reason for war: Perdan has won the war with Eponllyn. The war was first started with intention to acquire Eponllyn lands passage right for themselves to travel to north. Nothing was mentioned about taking lands from Eponllyn; I think there is where Vita come in and states many times about the reason for war. What many Eponllyn nobles dislike is the fact Perdan taking the lands. However we need understand that if you have some other realm namesake city, what to stop them from coming after your realm in future? Reminded me of when Fontan asked for Fontan city back from Caligus realm but Caligus Ruler Dobromir refused to give back. And Caligus had army power to back up his word at that time while Fontan not, for Fontan was at its weakest moment at that time.

Even as Eponllyn ally, Nivemus army entered the war a bit too late, let face the reality. Eponllyn allies do not act in time. Eponllyn already under severe pressure from both Perdan and Vix armies; hence my term coinage "one moving in and another moving out". Another Eponllyn ally, Sirion was busy occupied with war against Oligarch and did not come. Another Eponllyn ally, Fallangard now is facing reality or consequence whichever you wish to call it, for not helping Eponllyn. Now Fallangard know who will come to its aid against Vix and Perdan and even Caligus. So I understand Vita phrase previously about "they come for me but you no come help me" kind of quote. I think I listen to this quote somewhere before.

About Vix, I have 1 word for them: Follower. They appear to follow whatever Perdan decides and does. Perdan war with Eponllyn? Well, Vix also followed Perdan. Perdan taking Eponllyn lands? Well, Vix also followed Perdan. Make many players including myself think that perhaps the little war between Perdan and Vix are just civil war for show.

The fact that they took the land, by itself, has little to do with why people are angry with Perdan's players. Oh, and I seem to remember a certain army with insanely good movement times in Perdan. A certain Perdan Lions? That in itself has me very unwilling to give Perdan much respect in regards to army ability. Especially the older players.


annnnnd another "we're not mad perdan won, just don't ask us why we're mad, we'll think of something" post.

tell me all about these insane movement rates, please.
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


Perdan has traditionally had a very active military. Only time Perdan didn't have that kind of military was when I was ruling Perdan :o Would have been nice if I had a military like that...

I believe only Fontan in their golden days could match Perdan's insane movement. It is all about how many dedicated nobles you can encourage to stay active. Not an easy task. Many marshals tried and failed.


Quote from: Zakky on July 14, 2016, 07:08:40 AM
Perdan has traditionally had a very active military. Only time Perdan didn't have that kind of military was when I was ruling Perdan :o Would have been nice if I had a military like that...

I believe only Fontan in their golden days could match Perdan's insane movement. It is all about how many dedicated nobles you can encourage to stay active. Not an easy task. Many marshals tried and failed.

You realized that this was because Perdan had a bunch of multis. In fact, that was the very cause of their collapse in the first place. I should know, I arrived just after it happened and tried to help hold the realm together.