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Perdan and the Realms It Interacts With

Started by Zakilevo, July 10, 2016, 09:50:24 PM

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Quote from: Constantine on July 14, 2016, 10:36:47 AM
People just have to admit that they are only irked by the fact there is an aggressive alpha realm on the continent and it's not their realm.
Repeating it doesn't make it true. 'oh, you just dont like us because we are successful' is the laziest copout.


Quote from: Gabanus family on July 14, 2016, 01:33:00 PM
Perdan and Vix controll the center and with Vix/Caligus that becomes an potential huge problem. Now these two realms consolidate their relations in the south/west by weakening the only one who could harm them and bettering relations with the rest. Slowly but surely you get a position where they may well be nobody to fight them, untill one of the 3 actively fights one of the other 3 central realms.

As I said, that is where at least part of my fear on this matter comes from as it's starting to look more and more like Atamara. I'm not saying it's exactly the same, I'm just saying the situation is slowly evolving to a point where that may well become near enough the case.
I don't understand how you're reaching those conclusions.
Atamara had three superpowers who could not be challenged by the rest of the continent.
EC has two allied realms in the center who can be challenged by a comparable alliance of two or more realms in any configuration.
I mean, do you seriously compare Perdan and Vix to CE and Tara? Seriously?
Of course you're not. And small realms policy ensures that comparison never becomes relevant.
Quote from: Zakky on July 14, 2016, 11:06:14 AM
They are not unbeatable.
And that's the point of small realms policy. To remain beatable. If CE took precautions to stay beatable there would be no trouble on Atamara.
Quote from: Vita on July 14, 2016, 03:52:11 PM
No, it does not, it just claims it does.
a) Perdan refuses to grow beyond two cities.
b) Perdan does not ally with realms who do not uphold the small realms principles.

Now you provide your arguments. You seem to lack any.
Quote from: Vita on July 14, 2016, 03:53:07 PM
Repeating it doesn't make it true. 'oh, you just dont like us because we are successful' is the laziest copout.
The most obvious reason is usually the most correct. Sorry, but all your rants boil down to decrying Perdan for being successful more often than you'd like and at your expense apparently.

Gabanus family

So you're saying that there is even a remote chance that Vix and Caligus will get to war?
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


It's rather telling that the only thing a discussion with a Perdanite player comes down to are winners/losers, and everything else must be reduced to this simple concept.

Gabanus family

Quote from: Vita on July 14, 2016, 04:54:54 PM
It's rather telling that the only thing a discussion with a Perdanite player comes down to are winners/losers, and everything else must be reduced to this simple concept.

I'd like to give them a bit more credit than that (I know you think I'm too much of a nice trusty guy in that one still) and will assume they simply misread, or not well enough read my explanation. So i will put it a bit more clear, or at least state it differently.

For the way I see it currently you have Perdan/Vix/Caligus who rule the center and with Perdan/Vix' policies in the south there will be nobody left there who will A) war Perdan/Vix or B) is able to war you guys (Xavax). The north is currently not strong enough to face Perdan/Vix/Caligus. In fact without Oligarch, they're not even strong enough combined to fight Perdan/Vix.

I'm not trying to be aggressive on this part at all, I'm trying to rationally explain why I as a player have some fears for EC going the wrong way, as you asked why there are some 'anti Perdan' feelings here. I cannot speak for the others, but this is at least something that concerns me among other things. The other thing is the situation in the north, which is rather toxic as well, which combines simply leads to 2 or 3 power blocks, untill one of the blocks beats the other enough times and becomes dominant.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


People are just jealous of Perdan's power.
Ardet nec consumitur.

Gabanus family

Quote from: Fleugs on July 14, 2016, 06:53:59 PM
People are just jealous of Perdan's power.

Are you !@#$ing kidding me Fleugs? I'm trying to rationally explain why I have a thought and you come with this bs?
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Quote from: Gabanus family on July 14, 2016, 07:30:23 PM
Are you !@#$ing kidding me Fleugs? I'm trying to rationally explain why I have a thought and you come with this bs?

I became someone who stopped making sense. I now finally feel part of something here.

It wasn't aimed against you Gabanus.
Ardet nec consumitur.


Quote from: Gabanus family on July 14, 2016, 04:37:00 PM
So you're saying that there is even a remote chance that Vix and Caligus will get to war?
Why not? Happened before, will probably happen again. I mean, what makes you think it is impossible?
Quote from: Vita on July 14, 2016, 04:54:54 PM
It's rather telling that the only thing a discussion with a Perdanite player comes down to are winners/losers, and everything else must be reduced to this simple concept.
Let's see. A certain fellow writes walls of text explaining how Perdan is bent on winning and nothing else. And when he is told that maybe it is him who can not cope OOC with his losing streak, he immediately proclaims it case in point. Gotcha, all Perdanese are in fact only thinking about winning!
Come on, man. That's not even funny at this point.
Quote from: Gabanus family on July 14, 2016, 06:43:15 PM
For the way I see it currently you have Perdan/Vix/Caligus who rule the center and with Perdan/Vix' policies in the south there will be nobody left there who will A) war Perdan/Vix or B) is able to war you guys (Xavax). The north is currently not strong enough to face Perdan/Vix/Caligus. In fact without Oligarch, they're not even strong enough combined to fight Perdan/Vix.
Okay, I thought that was obvious but looks like I'll have to say it. It is okay when a realm or a coalition is dominating. Moreover, it is inevitable in any closed system.
It is only bad when this situation enters a gridlock when power can not be contested and seized even after serious demographic and diplomatic upheaval.
A responsible realm in my opinion does not have to avoid wars, fight with kid gloves or shoot itself in the foot diplomatically to help others overpower it. That's not how you play games.
What a realm can do though is to ensure its hegemony is not eternal by not exploiting its advantage to the max in the long run.
Avoid completely wiping out realms so that they have a second chance later when tides turn. Perdan was in a terrible shape just a year ago, with a single city, poor regions and a handful of knights. Now it's on top again. I honestly believe any realm can accomplish that.
Abstain from hoarding excessive landmass so that it can not be challenged simply due to sheer amount of resources and lack of those on the opposite side.
Limit the number of simultaneous alliances and avoid federations like fire.
If we can achieve that, EC should be fine.
The only real problem that can in fact freeze EC in its current state is lack of new players. If demographics stay the same indefinitely, there can be no real change on political map either.


This just happened in Perdan;

Quote(27 minutes ago)
message to everyone in the vicinity of Perdan
Avuton Aatu had snuck near Perdan's Palace de Leon to lay his eight portal stones in a circle. Doing so, he muttered about teaching Perdan a lesson for executing his long-lost cousin before they had had occasion to meet in-person. And executing his best mate's girlfriend. And all the other adventuring commoners Perdan had executed of late.

With the bright lights and loud humming bringing him unwanted attention, Avuton Aatu jumped up and ran to the city gates. In all the confusion of night-time strangeness, he slipped through the gatehouse unnoticed, but he could not resist shouting out to the guards as he ran by, "Die you Perdan pigs! Die!"

He kept repeating this, even as he ran by a pigpen outside Perdan's walls. Such was the intensity of Avuton Aatu's hate towards both Perdan specifically, and pigs in general, that these pigs emotionally retained the impression of his anti-perdanite hatred.

As Avuton Aatu fled Perdan, the portal circle he left behind is attacked by Archibald. It only results in many chairs being broken down into firewood â€" and not very good firewood at that. After assembling enough firewood for a bonfire, and destroying almost all chairs in the city, Archibald is shocked to find Caissa, his faith's goddess, watching him. He was struck dumb, in reverence.

Once he had realized Her presence, She spoke to him, proclaiming, "You shall be given a voice to bring forth a new realm into the Church." She then walked towards Archibald and placed the Sacred Crown of Caissa upon his head. Leaving him in bewilderment and awe, She strode into the portal circle, disappearing into the column of light. When he spoke, he now felt much more convincing in his oratory. But he did worry about wearing the blessed crown of a fickle goddess. Until the greater worry became the green mist that began pouring from out of where Caissa had disappeared into.

Meanwhile, Ares had been sitting counting his gold, again, when four women interrupted his counting, forcing him to restart. Because Ares did not trust accountants and bankers, he did his own gold counting to avoid any financial bureaucrats pocketing his bloody gold. Muttering complaints before he restarted counting, he ceased complaint and recount when he saw the beauty of the youngest woman.

Without word, they motioned Ares to follow them, taking him deep into the catacombs, where they brought him to a dead end. With a kick, the second-youngest woman, a warrior woman, knocked down the wall, revealing a room upon the other side. The oldest woman pointed a bony finger inside as the three younger women entered, lighting torches inside. Ares followed. Inside, he found a vast library, but the three women had disappeared. Looking back through the hole in the wall, the elderly woman had also disappeared.

And so Ares was alone, in a vast, secret library in the catacombs underneath Perdan City. Later, he would learn that those four women were his faith's four goddesses, and learn of the similarity in his experience as that of Emanuel in founding the Triumvirate in Itorunt City long, long ago.

While Ares was exploring the newly-discovered ancient library and discovering many interesting scrolls, Archibald was fleeing the green mist. Despite his best sprint, it overtook him. While it made eyesight more difficult, he soon realized the green fog was harmless, if not an abnormal color. As the green mist grew, the humming and light decreased until they were no more. It lingered within the city, causing much discussion within tavern and coffeehouse.

First, some claimed that the fog had cleared around the Palace de Leon. Others pointed out that it had now reached the city walls. Later, a few claimed the fog to be slowly leaving Perdan City. After some hours, more pockets of the city were reported as being without fog. Some further time out, many concluded that the green mist was moving into Perdan City's neighbouring regions. All the while, everyone complained about Archibald destroying so many chairs that the only choices left were to sit on the floor, stand, or sit on a table.

As the fog left Perdan City, it covered both the hate-enthused pigs and Avuton Aatu escaping the region. Within this magical cloud, Avuton Aatu's hate found itself growing even stronger within the pigs; he found himself grunting and snorting, as well. Until at last they switched bodies, with the pig spirits all possessing Avuton Aatu's body and Avuton Aatu's spirit being split between each of the pig bodies. This drove both the pigs and Avuton Aatu stark, raving mad. Avuton Aatu led his swarm of pig bodies in open revolt against their Perdanite masters while the multiple pig voices within Avuton Aatu's body drive him to root around in the soil.

  (27 minutes ago)
message to everyone in the vicinity of Perdan
Blacksmiths within Perdan soon noticed that the green mist was indeed harmful, though not to humans, but to metal. All throughout the city, recruitment centers had lost some weapon and armour quality. Yet Bescanon's blacksmiths reported that their weapon and armour quality had improved as a result of the green fog. This good news was soon dashed as the remaining blacksmiths in Brive and Perdan Mines shared news of worsening weapon and armour quality due to the green mist. Priests noted the faithfulness of Bescanon's lord, attributing such to Bescanon being blessed while regions with less faithful lords were cursed.

While those in Perdan City got back to life as normal, one aspect of life was still abnormal. Due to their extreme rarity, chairs were being auctioned for more gold than unique items. Knowing about high demand and low supply, smart traders invested in chair-producing carpenters.
Ardet nec consumitur.


Death to pagans it seems. You guys displeased the gods!


So Some RC's got buffed, some got nerfed, and all of perdan has a chair deficiency now?
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Phear the Pigs! *oink oink*

I was so sure that i get caught by them before i'm able to open it... then i was sure i get caught, didnt have enough hours to exit Perdan lands... but looks like they pretty much ignored whole thing? There were not that much people at Perdan when i opened it.

Anyway, were quite exciting... I wish i had chairs, so i could become rich boy doing business with Perdans :P
~Violence is always an option!~


Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)


Quote from: Wimpie on July 14, 2016, 08:41:43 AM
Vix a Follower? Ya I do not have a problem with it if you feel that way. I believe, in succesful alliance blocks, there is always one who is the alpha leader and the other one follows. Maybe not always this strong but well..

Seeing how Perdan has almost double our noble count and double our combat strength, I think it's even wise  to hear them out what they would like to do. But rest assured, we communicate on a daily basis and it's not a one way street.
Speaking as someone from the other side interacting with Vix, yes I consider Vix as Follower :P
Speaking as someone from the other side interacting with Perdan, sorry Perdan not communicate with Nivemus on daily basis :-X

Quote from: Gabanus family on July 14, 2016, 01:33:00 PM
And now let's put a more thorough analysis on that level on EC.

Perdan and Vix controll the center and with Vix/Caligus that becomes an potential huge problem. Now these two realms consolidate their relations in the south/west by weakening the only one who could harm them and bettering relations with the rest. Slowly but surely you get a position where they may well be nobody to fight them, untill one of the 3 actively fights one of the other 3 central realms.

As I said, that is where at least part of my fear on this matter comes from as it's starting to look more and more like Atamara. I'm not saying it's exactly the same, I'm just saying the situation is slowly evolving to a point where that may well become near enough the case.
In my humble opinion, Sirion used to have the best military back in it heydays, a big realm grows until it stops(either due to its sheer size limited by game code) or it challenged by other. But that for its own realm size, how about its allies? While I do not have much experience in Atamara, speaking of EC, yes Vix/Caligus alliance while Vix/Perdan alliance while Caligus/Sirion alliance pretty much can stop things from evolving. Oh, okay, I being a little biased, Sirion/Eponllyn/Nivemus alliance too but their military could not come out to anything near the other alliances I speak of earlier. Caligus appears to have the best of two worlds, with alliance with Vix and Sirion.

Quote from: Constantine on July 14, 2016, 04:16:45 PM
I don't understand how you're reaching those conclusions.
Atamara had three superpowers who could not be challenged by the rest of the continent.
On a much neutral note, I think EC also has three superpowers: Sirion, Caligus and Perdan. But they can be challenged by the rest of the continent if provided good alliances. There is a difference between EC and Atamara at the very least. Not to mention Xavax, the new superpower in the south who able to withstand many south realms attacks combined.

Quote from: Gabanus family on July 14, 2016, 04:37:00 PM
So you're saying that there is even a remote chance that Vix and Caligus will get to war?
Quote from: Constantine on July 15, 2016, 11:45:19 PM
Why not? Happened before, will probably happen again. I mean, what makes you think it is impossible?
The problem is I see something else, something what Gabanus see as well. Vix and Caligus will not get to war. Speaking strictly from my interactions of course. It happened before yes that both Vix and Caligus dropped the Ally status but from my interactions I know, Ally status is here to stay. See above my reply earlier in this same post.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)