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Ut Trutino

Started by Bronnen, July 15, 2016, 06:41:35 PM

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Uh, it already disappeared months (years) ago. And then been refounded and died again months ago. Unless someone had refounded it as a guild or secret society since then.

Also, any realm, religion, or guild is what the players in it make of it. I attest that ESA's already doing the same effort, but ultimately, its where the players can effectively work with each other to build the atmosphere/community they want, whether its in ESA, Ut Trutino, anti-establishment SAers, or something else entirely (though anything new does have a infrastructure hurdle to build themselves up). Or elements of each cooperating with each other where they concur. And by 'work with each other', doesn't necessarily mean alliance-block stasis and never disagree with one another. Just means cooperating on the values you do agree with and not sabotaging each other's efforts.

QuoteAs ESA holds, there is balance in both. A time for conflict and war, a time for unity and cooperation; balance in knowing when and where each are appropriate. Such is the difficult part of Austerity, seeking out that fine line of working with others, but not so much that we deny the land spilt blood and die in our beds shriveled old men, but not being so obsessed with conflict/blood that we turn into feral beasts. Yadda Yadda.


There are, however, bloodmoon orchards still growing.

Vakreno Heaps, Mellifera, Unterstrom Vorstadt.

You'll have to know where to look to find the last two.


Oh, I mentioned this in another thread...
Quote from: Vita on July 12, 2016, 06:00:17 AM
I would roleplay that some Westfold and Lurian ESA temples had had Bloodmoon Groves planted. I tried to play Seoras as rather moderate upon the fruit. He considers overconsumption to be Imbalanced, but was open to it as a helping-aid in seeking the divine.
Maybe more like sacred communion wine than getting sloshed on wine.

Glaumring the Fox

The last guild house of the Bloodmoon in Nihm closed because of lack of funds. There has been no faith or temples in many months for a religion that at one time was strong in the west and would have created a beautiful counter to SA in the East... All of that possible history, vibrancy and life was snuffed out and left us with ashes.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


SA already had the potential to not be status quo. All you had to do was stop acting like twenty first century catholics and start acting like tenth century catholics. It had all the makings of an exciting religeon to serve as a character motivation for believers and enemies alike. There was a holy land still in infidel hands. We had apocalyptic prophecies of doom and recent events to back the idea up. There were thousands (millions?) of peasants just waiting to be whipped into a frenzy. This is what made SA fun back in the golden age. Back then people cared about it. They cared about it winning and cared about resisting it.

The real problem is we need a new prophet. An accepted second prophet. It has to be a whole new character free from the political entanglements of any previous SA big wig.

Glaumring the Fox

the problem with religion in BM is that almost all the players play it like they are 21st century. I had people complaining about the word 'cult' or that they don't follow a faith because they are l337 ath3157 in real life or they just 'didn't like religion' Like seriously, I am basically an atheist in real life but can wrap my head around the fact that religious conflicts and belief systems IG are awesome for RP in an RP game yet to this day people are still on the fence because the whole religion thing makes them uncomfortable or worshiping another god instead of god or Allah is against their real life beliefs. Boring
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Isn't it an in game rule that you cannot play as a true atheist because there weren't really any in the middle ages? You can play as a pagan and reject the organized religions of the game but it's assumed you would have loose superstitions of some kind because this is a prescientific society. Further you'd have to accept that people will have a reason to look down on you for following "peasant superstitions". If people can't separate their character's religious beliefs from their own then role playing games might not be for them. This goes back to criticism of DnD in the 1980s and it's no more valid now then it was then.


Quote from: pcw27 on July 27, 2016, 06:40:57 AM
Isn't it an in game rule that you cannot play as a true atheist because there weren't really any in the middle ages? You can play as a pagan and reject the organized religions of the game but it's assumed you would have loose superstitions of some kind because this is a prescientific society. Further you'd have to accept that people will have a reason to look down on you for following "peasant superstitions". If people can't separate their character's religious beliefs from their own then role playing games might not be for them. This goes back to criticism of DnD in the 1980s and it's no more valid now then it was then.


Well I honestly did try to do something with the church, but it fizzled without anything happening.

So she started her own church! With blackjack! And Hookers!