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Beluaterra, Marpii events...

Started by jaune, August 01, 2016, 11:00:43 AM

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Here is some collection of roleplays which seem to have something to do with Marpii portal.

Roleplay from Outo Olavi Cosula   (3 days, 12 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Fronepu (14 recipients)
OO sent his scouts to Marpii. There was huge rogue and daimon armies there. He waited, but no scout never came back. He sent his last scout... and no, he never came back.

Later they heard that Daimon King Jactosh had ordered his armies to catch him and burn the city of Fronepu. Sir Skiarxon, one of the brave Knights of OO delivered scouting report to King.

OO saw that armies have started to march towards Fronepu. General was worried that if those ranged daimons attack, we are in trouble.

OO went to his treasury, gave order that gold is no problem today. Everybody prepare to battles of your lifetime. Repair your equipment, recruit even that drunken old men from the bar. Next few days will be crucial to our future.

He also sent messenger, his very privat messenger. People at Kings hall were guessing where that messenger was going? Asking help from Golden Feather? To one particular Ruler? Mayby OO had fell in love and sent his last love letter? Nobody knew.

OO started to check armies and prepare for the battle. He looked while the sun went down, how clouds were closing from Marpii.

He turned to his advisors "If i would feel fear, i guess today would be the day i would feel it? But i dont, so there is nothing to be afraid of... filthy big bug coming, lets squash it!" He smiled to his men whom eyes you could spot fear. OO knew how fear looks, how it effects.. he had seen many times his men panic and run like frightened rabbit from battlefield... but he just couldnt feel it by him self. He almost wished that mayby next few days he would feel real fear... He hoped that if he feels it, it would make him even more stronger, even more berserk on the battle... cause he had also seen that when man has lost all his hope and fear goes above certain point without panic, it can give man strenght of bull, speed of cobra...


Roleplay from Dunbor Lorganson   (2 days, 20 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "The Golden Feather" (9 recipients)
Dunbor entered the ruined temple of Vatrona, where once the first place of worship for the Order of the Golden Feather was built. He entered the main hall, a few columns and statues were still standing and it the back the entrance to the catacombs still seemed to be intact.
He distinguished dusty and broken statues of the Blood Eagle and of his own grandfather, the Beacon of Hope. As he prayed he alternated his thoughts between the Bloodeagle and the Beacon, one for fury and prayers of vengeance, the other for hope and a dream of the future.
As he came to his 7th prayer he looked up at the sky above and saw, rather than heard, an explosion ripple through the air above. He spoke loudly now as the whole building seemed to shake. "Dust and bones. Awaken from your slumber. Ride with the Golden Dragon, unleash His wrath and vanquish the imposters who would breathe His fire. Ancestors, let me hear you sing, let me hear long lost bellows of war in gusts of stormy wind. You have been mocked, your bones desecrated and no steel can avenge you, nor us, your children." Rumblings from the catacombs below now. "Awaken, spirits of the North! Draw upon the spirits of your descendants and let loose your fury! Blood Eagle, spread your wings and dip them in daimon blood! Beacon of Hope, shine bright for me, shine for all of humanity! Julma Jaune the Fearless, Jactosh destroyed your grandson's stash of socks! Vengeance is yours. It is ours. For the first time in centuries, go to Marpii and taste again!"
He lifted his arms into the sky and saw the a Beacon of light to the South in the direction of Marpii.


Roleplay from Outo Olavi Cosula   (2 days, 20 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Ar Agyr
As OO saw the lights over Marpii, he knew ofcourse it had something to do with Jactosh, this couldnt be coincidence.
He was guessing if Taran had used his Portal stones? But as far as he knew, Taran was still not here.

Many citizens of Fronepu started to pray, they still remember how the walls flew away and left city defenceless, they remember how not so long ago golden coins were falling from the sky, first people were excited about it, until those coins started to hit and wound people. What if there is lava rocks falling this time?

But OO took his pipe and filled it slowly while watching beam glow in the horizon... light it up, took deep breath from it.

"You know, i think this is good! Soon this will end."

He watched the beam for five to 10 minutes and his servants started to be a bit nervous. They had used to that OO is calm even when danger is closing, but usually he is shouting orders making sure things start to happen and that people would not have time to think upcoming dangers...

But now he just smoked his pipe and smiled, time to time closing his eyes and taking deep breaths from pipe. He emptiet his pipe, went down to chapel. There was no temple of his religion in the city anymore, but he had recently asked acolytes to put small altar on the palace.

He gave order to passed out to whole city. "It is time that who ever your god is, you should ask their help! This is battle what we cant win alone, we need our gods, their guidance. They will help us."

Messengers went to the city and started to give instructions to the people. People gathered to big temple at Fronepu, Daishi is the main religion here and big ceremonies were held. Where there was asked blessings to the brave warriors and to the King, and to the General.

OO him self and those few Golden Feather followers which city had were on the chapel and OO said short prayer "Julma Jaune, the fearless warrior. Give our soldiers bravery and strenght to face what ever tries to get through gates of Fronepu! Your blood runs on my veins, let it boil like oil on the hot pan! Let my sword hand have the power to fend off Daimons attacks and strike back so that their bones will crush!"

After that, he raised up... Those few followers were waiting a bit more spiritual prayer, but they knew King was not man of that many words, he was more man of swords.

As OO walked out from the chapel towards those small walls... some claim to heard him saying "Enough this magic thing, lets go find out if we have battle ahead tonight!"


Roleplay from Osgar Dacara   (2 days, 20 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "The Golden Feather" (9 recipients)
A beam of light quickly got Osgar's attention. It was coming from the sacred place of the Golden Feather, or what it used to be. He and his 6 men followed the path his uncle walked so many times and so many years ago.

He saw King Dunbor standing in the ruins, seemingly unleashing these powers and praying to the Ancestors of the Army of the Golden Dragon. Not sure what he was doing, Osgar quickly joined him in prayer and kneeled beside the King. He ordered his men to do the same.

"Oh great Army of the Golden Dragon. Rise from the ashes and help us defeat these foul creatures. Lord Aetheoddry, the Wise, lead us to the wisdom to achieve these goals for humankind. Lord Gorblood, the Duellist, teach these beasts a lesson with your pointy sword. Oh Lord Gummie the Pathfinder, lead us the way to victory.

May all of your spirits help us in the destruction of daimons, monster, undead and other foul creatures. It is now that we call upon your help, ancesters, Fallen Heroes of the North!"

Osgar continued to pray, head down.
Roleplay from Arnesto De'Verci   (1 hour, 8 minutes ago)
message to all nobles of Ar Agyr
"By order of the Margrave, all citizens of Fronepu are hereby required to relinquish at least one pair of socks per member of their household! Clean or worn, it does not matter."

Cries rang out from the city guard throughout the city as groups traveled from house to house, towing wheelbarrows filled with numerous socks. These wheelbarrows were carted down to the city ramparts, where lines of workers swooped upon them and took them to the top of the walls. There they began to hammer each sock to the top of the wall with nails. Outside of the city gates another group had gathered with even more socks, using ladders to scale portion of the walls and arrange the socks into certain patterns.

From a distance Arnesto sat on his horse overlooking the decoration of the walls. King Outo had informed the daimon-lord that he could eat their socks, and Arnesto wished to ensure that he had a feast prepared for him.

After some time the progress on the walls was finished with one section of the wall spelling out the name - JACTOSH, and other portions which the peasantry had free reign in designing spelling a variety of colorful expletives for the daimon invaders.
Roleplay from Baldrick   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in the region Marpii (3 recipients)
A horde of daimons were heading his way from the East, a black, smoky mass for as far as he could see. Baldrick mumbled. "'Find Jactosh' he said. 'Go out and kill him.'" He spat. And now here I am, starting the jaws of death straight in the face. "Shouldn't I be commander of a castle, lord of thousands if I take these kind of risks?" He cleared his throat for more phlegm but found it dry. He reached into his sack in stead and carefully placed the Golden Feather of Evil and More Evil on the hilltop. "'Obey him' mommy said 'he's your grandfather.'"
Another attempt wielded a pitiful drop that got stuck in his beard rather hitting the ground. "As if he even acknowledges the fact!" Muttering, he carefully placed the first portal stone around the Feather and fell silent as he went for the next. The Golden Feather seemed now to rustle in the wind. A Northern wind, where before it had been Eastern. Awe-struck he forgot his personal trouble and prayed to his long dead ancestors. "Nobility and royalty, the lot of them." Came a last sign of protest in the storm of responsibility that rushed over him. By the fourth stone he was dead silent. As he placed the sixth that siilence had made place for maniacal and senseless mutterings seemingly directed at his ancestors, whose scattered voices he could've sworn he heard on those gusts of wind, now picking up to a storm. The seventh stone left his trembling hands, he placed it exactly right in the circle and was almost blown away by the wind the moment he dropped it. Holding on to leaves of grass he crawled forward, seeking to go beneath the wind yet it seemed now to swirl around him. Baldrick prayed now, he prayed for his life. He prayed to the grasses holding him, to the dead father who abandoned him, he prayed to Kings and Gods, dragons and clouds but most of all, he prayed to dust and bones, and to the voices carried on the wind.
Finally, he reached the spot for the 8th stone, barely able to move and even less able to manage a thought he grabbed it from the sack and placed it down with a determined thump, bracing for the storm that'd carry him away from this cruel world. But the wind did not pick up. A beam of light shot into the sky and the Golden Feather began to levitate within it. The wind now swirled around the feather, flowing in and around the Beacon. Upwards, Eastwards. Dry and coarsey voices now bellowed hatred in Baldrick's ears but the wind seemed less oppressive now. Or less dangerously uplifting. Struggling, he managed to lift himself up and, sighing, positioned himself behind this newly created Beacon of Hope as he looked towards the daimons to the East and sought out the biggest of them all. He spat a full, yellow phlegm. "And so I obey."

An old, torn parchment emerged from within his coat and still bracing for the wind that whipped around his hair he looked at that daimon again. Murderous intent in his eyes. He began to speak.
"Great Great Grandfather! Hear me! I have built you a Beacon! Now get off your old noble ass and get your sweet sweet revenge on the race that killed you!" Adrenaline had poisoned his thoughts. Or was it evil? He slapped himself. "Well, you know, if you feel like it. You'd make us all very happy." Best to switch to silent prayers he figured and cursed a thousand daimons in his thoughts. He silently rolled out the scroll of miracle, as the black cloud in the East seemed to stir, and squinted his eyes. Following the letters with his finger he spoke out loudly but awkwardly "T...O...D...O..."
Roleplay from Tracey   (2 days, 19 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "The Golden Feather" (9 recipients)
Hearing many prayers go up around him, Adventurer Tracey kneels down and joins in the prayer. Though he is just a commoner, he wishes to do all he can.

"Julma Jaune, the fearless warrior. Give our soldiers bravery and strength to face what ever tries to get through gates of Fronepu! Your blood runs on my veins, let it boil like oil on the hot pan! Let my sword hand have the power to fend off Daimons attacks and strike back so that their bones will crush!"

He stops for awhile as he gathers his strength to continue on with a loud booming voice.

"Oh great Army of the Golden Dragon. Rise from the ashes and help us defeat these foul creatures. Lord Aetheoddry, the Wise, lead us to the wisdom to achieve these goals for humankind. Lord Gorblood, the Duellist, teach these beasts a lesson with your pointy sword. Oh Lord Gummie the Pathfinder, lead us the way to victory.

May all of your spirits help us in the destruction of daimons, monster, undead and other foul creatures. It is now that we call upon your help, ancesters, Fallen Heroes of the North!"
Shocked Daimons Turning Livid   (2 days, 15 hours ago)
message to everyone on Beluaterra
As the moon rose upon Beluaterra, daimons everywhere were in a distressed consternation.

Where once, flying daimons had flown over fortifications with ease, as any other flying creature, the magical energy that sustained daimonkind had grown heavy, weary, and exhausting. No longer could they fly over fortification walls, but only sustain an altitude able to attack the gate, walls, and towers. Yet also, their combat reactions had slowed.

Even worse, worst of all, was when their buddies did not heal from their wounds as expected, but...died. What?!? Only humans did that. Never daimons. How was it possible that daimons could die of their wounds like mere humans and monsters? Could the loss of the open Portals to the Netherworld be weakening daimonic protection within Netherworld Upon Beluaterra?

All throughout Beluaterra, daimonkind grew quite irate at this turn of events. But humanity grew more bold, less fearful of fighting daimons in combat, and thus even more capable of capturing daimonic lords in battle.
Roleplay from Outo Olavi Cosula   (2 days, 2 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Ar Agyr
OO was thrown to the jail, last sight he had from battlefield was how those Daimons were not able to push through not so mighty walls of Fronepy, but brave Angry Agyrian army waved their banners and pushed down Daimon horders trying push through.

OO said to his capturers :" Mayby your Lord will get captured as well, we can make a prisoner exchange deal?" and he laughed.

He was taken to camp close by. There was other prisoners shouting and raging. OO heard that cell wagons door was opened. Aletha, Judge of Daimonlandia. She took away all OO's gold, which was not a small amount. Judge were just about to leave and guard locking the door... OO sneezed loudly, both guard and Judge got alerted and almost drew their sword. OO smiled. For some reason guard forgot to lock the door. As soon as they had left. OO sneaked out and escaped.

Back to the Fronepu...
Roleplay from Outo Olavi Cosula   (3 hours, 22 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Fronepu (19 recipients)
OO heard that great adventurer Taran had arriwed to Fronepu.

He immediatly sent his messenger to ask if Taran would meet him at castle.

Didnt take long when Taran came to him. He had nice sword called "Astonishing Nightblade of Battle". OO bought the sword.

They discussed for a while. OO then thanked Taran and told that he will contact him later again and wished this brave man good luck.

OO watched this beautifull sword and said...
"Jactosh, i will crush you..."

~Violence is always an option!~


Madding Licinius had read letters informing him that both Daishi and The Golden Feather were able to deal with Daimons through Faith.
He muttered to himself "If steel and men does so little to Daimons, why not use Faith as a weapon"
He walked at a steady pace towards the temple of "The Golden Feather" in Jedinchel and proceeded to kneel and pray before a mosaic on the floor in the shape of a golden dragon, recalling a certain verse "When a man or woman becomes a member of this world then he or she gains a small piece from the Golden Dragon in them" Madding unsheathed his sword and made a quick cut beneath his right eye.

He held the blade to his wound and waited till his blood had coated nearly the entire blade before withdrawing his sword away from his wound.
He stood up and held the blood coated sword up in the air before he shouted out "With this blade coated with a piece of the Golden Dragon, I will strike down any Daimon or evil who dares stand in the way of humans!"

Following that, he laid the sword beside him and began to pray throughout the day.
~Violence is always an option!~


Roleplay from Vulpes   (2 days, 11 hours ago)
Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Marpii (5 recipients)
Vulpes silently gave Princely Band of Ar Agyr to Jactosh, recognizing the Daimon as the true ruler of Ar Agyr. Not that Jactosh would have any clue of this, the commoner did not speak with anyone, let alone a Daimon. He would keep his eyes down and averted, not wanting to anger the Daimon or look upon the divine. It was said that doing so would cost someone their soul.

Suddenly a bright pillar of light would shoot up into the sky, grabbing his attention. His thoughts quickly turned to quiet, determined rage as he turned and began to run towards the light, pulling out his Devil's Flute. Arriving at the ring of portal stones, he would find that whoever had set them up had fled. Putting the Devil's flute to his mouth, he began to play, the discordant sounds a haunting, familiar yet alien melody. His body would shudder, head throbbing as if in a vice while blood began to flow from his eyes and nose from the unearthly notes.

The playing would go on as long as his body could hold out, and unless someone intervened he would eventually collapse in exhaustion and pain.

Roleplay from Vulpes   (2 days, 10 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Marpii (2 recipients)
Waking up groggily to the site of the portal still activated, Vulpes growled lowly, his body tensing up on all fours, ready to bound away should any danger show itself. He could feel the blood from playing his flute had dried on his face and clothes. After a few moments of nothing but the brilliant light of the portal, he let his shoulders relax slightly, still alert but accepting there was nothing happening at the moment. From his pack he would take two things, a ceremonial knife, and a stone that looked similar to those set in the circle, except completely inert. Taking the knife, he would slash across his palm, fresh blood soon dripping from his hand. Taking the portal stone, he would slowly coat it in blood, cutting himself again and again along the arm as he needed more, until the stone was a dark red.

After doing this he would work quickly while the blood was still wet, slamming the portal stone down against the ones that were activated, his blood splattering onto the stones and being left wherever the inert stone touched. In his mind he would be cursing the one who had activated the portal, vowing never to rest until he had caught the cretin and gouged out his eyes. Once he had finished the ritualistic spreading of his blood onto the stones, he would bring his cut hand to his face, placing it so that it covered one eye and half his face, with his palm resting on his mouth. Once he took his hand away, a bloody relief would be left on his visage, seeming like red warpaint. As his final act in this bizarre play, he would take the stone in both hands, attempting to walk forward into the light of the portal and place it in the center.


RP to everyone at Fronepu:

OO looked scout reports closely.

"Hmm.. Jactosh still sick i guess. He wont attack. Coward..."

OO went outside ordered all military to be at present.

"Men, tomorrow those Daimons come to seek me again. That coward daimon leader seem not to have guts enough to face me at battlefield. Lets slay those beast once again! Evil Jactosh seems to be somehow sick or wounded. Lets see if that beam of light is the reason and will he get better or worse... mayby we might be able to attack Marpii!"

OO went through the city and told the news to the people. How tomorrow more Daimons heads will be put on the walls along the socks.

Royal Bard Umbzar wrote a song about Jactosha and it spreaded like plague through taverns at Fronepu and were sung whole night by soldiers and peasants.

"Pretty little Jactosh, Pretty little Daimon.
He is so scared,
afraid of Outos words backed by,
The new sword.
Pretty little Daimon, Pretty little Jactosh,
were tickled by feather
Pretty litlle Jactosh, Pretty little daimon
got hurt by feather,
Tomorrow is the day, when pretty little Jactosh is going to die.
Tomorrow is the day, when pretty little daimons head will be tied
Tomorrow is the day, when Fronepu will shine, but today we drink and cheer...
This is the last day of evil year"

Edit: Oh, this was posted after hero ability tell your tale which OO did right before. I forgot to copy results here.
~Violence is always an option!~