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Priests and Temples

Started by daviceroy, October 06, 2016, 03:38:30 PM

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I've been meaning to bring this matter up for a bit, but I kept forgetting to post. LOL

Right now, the only way a new temple can be built is for the Lord of a Region to build it.  After it's built, only a Priest can enlarge it and almost anyone can work on tearing it down.  This is something that made me scratch my head for a few reasons.

1) If it's that hard to build, then why is it so easy to destroy?  After all, making it where a Priest can build it would make it easier and still everyone can remove it if they so desire.

2) Shouldn't the person responsible for maintaining/upgrading be the one who builds it?  Like walls in the cities?

3) If a Lord in another area wants to build a temple, how does one get them funding especially if banking functions aren't available due to relations between realms?

4) As someone who plays a Lord, I know often we are out in the battlefield.  It's hard to come home just for something that is not of much importance.  (Since Temples offer no real benefit to a region... why bother as a Lord?)

5) I've been mailing Lords left and right as a priest trying to get permission to preach.  (One of those pesky character decisions, I know).  I've had 3 answer.  Most go unread from what I can tell.  If a Priest can't even get a "get lost" message, how can they get a building built?

6) With the player population spread out as it is, there are regions without a Lord.  I know I've come across more than a couple recently.  Does this really mean that no temple could ever be built in those regions?

7) Financially speaking, most Lords are more strapped for cash than priests.  After all, most other nobles can recruit some type of unit.  Priests can not.

So, with the above in mind, I propose that Priests be allowed to build temples.  It would add to the Priest class by giving them a function to build and expand upon their focus (Temples and religion!).  It would also allow them to make better use of the funding they do receive.  In addition, it would contribute to the RP aspect of Priests as they could help move (and expand) their followers by the construction, expansion and glorification of the Center of Worship known as the temple.  This could also lead to more inter-fighting amongst Priests to build more temples in more regions expanding and fighting for more believers.


I agree with this! It should be put in feature requests though.


Good point,  Forgot about that area.  Posted there.