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The Feast of the Black Swan

Started by JeVondair, September 11, 2016, 01:30:39 AM

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Roleplay from Beck Mozzoni   (3 days ago)message to all nobles of Greater Xavax

As Lady Beck receives the last letter, she realizes the increasing number of nobles in the city.
- A lot of nobles, young and old, have just arrived in Isadril and there's a huge battle in the horizon. Captain Paulus, send a messenger to every noble of the Imperium in the city:
"Great party tonight at the Black Swan Inn.
From midnight to last man (or woman) standing."
Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair   [size=-1](2 days, 22 hours ago)[/size]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/size]

As was her habit, Selenia rode at the head of her warriors. There was once a time when she hated horses and everything to do with them. But as she aged and took on the responsibilities of ruling, learning ho to ride had become an uncomfortable necessity. That had been years ago. Now she actually enjoyed the feeling of cantering at speed, but those days were rare indeed as a Xerarch's work was never done. A contstant stream of couriers on horseback bearing livery from over a dozen noble houses streamed to and fro, bringing her messages from near and far with great haste. Her Captain, Xavier, intercepted the more mundane items: Logistics reports, disciplinary reports, and so on. He noticed Selenia gazing off into the distance, her eyes narrowing, and guessed where her mind was.

"The Gilded Company falling behind, Your Highness. Just received a report about gypsies blocking the road. They should still make Isadril shortly."

"Who commands?"

Captain Xaviar thumbed through his pallet of notes, prompting Selenia to guess that it must be one of her new knights if he did not know them off the top of his head.

"That would be...ah...ah yes, that would be Sir Nicolas, Highness, lately knighted of House Harkle. Apparently he road ahead to the Marshal's tent outside the walls. I've already informed him that you commandeered a wing of the Ducal Palace in the city proper should he wish an audience."

"Hmph." Selenia replied, ending her line of inquiry.

"Ah, there is a small matter for your attention Highness. An invitation sent out from Lady Beck-" He handed Selenia the note, well, more of a broadsheet flyer really, with naught more written on it than PARTY AT THE BLACK SWAN!

Despite herself, Selenia chuckled. "That old dame has seen more than seventy winters! What business does she have at a tavern?"

"I'm sure I don't know, Your Majesty. but-"

"But nothing, Xavier. I think I may find out for myself..."

"Uh...Your Majesty, while I am sure you would be well received, with Talon Lionel out and you covering for him, I don't believe I can fit that into your already busy schedule."

"Oh." Selenia said. It wasn't quite a pout. Warrior Queens did not pout. But Had Selenia not been Xerarch, an Empress, it might could possibly have been understandably misconstrued as a pout. SHe said nothing further, returning her attention to the growing battlements of Isadril in the distance.

Xavier silently reminded himself to set an extra guard detail at the Xerach's quarters tonight.

And the Black Swan too, for that matter...
[/size]Roleplay from Beck Mozzoni   (2 days, 7 hours ago)message to all nobles of Greater Xavax

Lady Beck wakes up in the afternoon right before sunset. The party lasted all night long and she came to her tent after breakfast.
-Captain Paulus, order the men to train and get ready to fight. Anything urgent before sunset?
-No Sir. We have received a scout report of Leibo. It came from Xerarch Selenia.
-The party was successful but some of the nobles were still travelling and unable to assist. Also I know the Xerarch didn't want to be seen at the party. Send a new message:
And don't write the last sentence in the messages for Lord Tharan and Lady Kin.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


[/color][/color]Roleplay from Tharan van Belhanka   (2 days, 4 hours ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

Location Tota, Camp Cornelius.

Tharan walked around the camp. Not many soldiers left.... the third or fourth strange even this day.
He had a strange feeling, like something was about to happen...

Tharan : .... Jahar, I am sure we brought my shirts of fine, black velvet..... they are all gone... just about 100 small, round pieces of black velvet some one had cut small circles out of my expensive clothes..
Jahar : ...... Strange indeed my Lord, maybe a giant moth ?

Tharan : .... And then the Keeper of the Black Swann Inn ..... He came to me, Thanked me in name of 1.000 Gods and then even kissed me ..... He seemed the happiest man on earth
Jahar : ...... No comment my Lord but I guess he finds you handsome.

Tharan : .... And now I notice most of our men are gone .... to sleep already ???
Jahar : ...... Possible my Lord, It had been a long ride from Xavax

Tharan : .... Possible....possible.... I think I am going to bed too.
Jahar : ...... Splendid idea .... Good night my Lord.

The moment Tharan stepped into his tent, Jahar took scissors and the last piece of black velvet out of a small hidden place and started to finish the last mask of the day.....
Then he stealth out of the camp and put on the self created mask and ran towards a certain meeting point in Tota.
There he met most of the soldiers of Tharans unit, their faces all covered with a black mask.

"........ NOW UP TO THE BLACK SWANN INN, the men were yelling ...AND LONG LIVE LADY BECK !!!! .....
[/color][/color]Roleplay from Gia Dragonfyre   (1 day, 19 hours ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

That night at the Black Swan Gia kept a rather low profile. But she could not stay away. She liked to see the soldiers make merry. Ever since she was a small child her parents had turned a blind eye to her tagging along to feasts.  Her father had believed the best way to lead men (and women) was from the front. Her mother,  being not unschooled in the combat arts herself,  had taken Gia and her brothers and sisters on more than one occasion to travel with their father during long skirmishes. Sitting quietly in a cozy alcove Gia felt nostalgic.  Of all the places in the world a celebration on the march was where Gia felt at home.
[/color]Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair   [size=-1](1 day, 19 hours ago)[/size][/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]
A female figure with a golden mask dressed all in white entered the Black Swan. The ensemble was meant to be eye catching. By long tradition at a masked ball, a Royal would don the golden mask to be present, and yet officially 'not present'. The golden mask was to be seen and ignored as though its wearer was a spirit, invisible to the eye unless he or she deigned fit to speak.

And so it was that everyone knew who had arrived. And if the golden mask had not been a dead giveaway, the Black Swan being surrounded by Imperial Guard would have been...
Roleplay from Tsubhia Faraya   (1 day, 18 hours ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

Tsubhia slumped against the wall in a back corridor of the Black Swan. The missives from her family bode ill.

Noritor was likely to fall.

And where are you, Tsubhia Faraya? Carousing in a tavern.

Carousing with every member of the Imperium who *matters*. But... yes. Carousing all the same.

And what of the girl who sought knighthood to make the land better? Where are you, when they need you?

She shook her head fiercely. If Xavax fell, nothing would help Noritor after. She *had* to be here. It felt wrong, but it was the only place to be.

She had to trust the Xerarch's orders... even as she despaired for her home.
...good. Continuing to trust is working for you, Tsubhia. Don't let it fail you now.

Great. Now her inner monologue was contradicting itself. This wasn't doing any good, anyhow. She pushed herself off of the wall and made a beeline for the bar.

Time for a *very* stiff drink.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


[/color][/color]Roleplay from Liam Rhynehardt   (1 day, 17 hours ago)

After a long day of training Liam  relinquished his men to their own devices and made his way through the busy streets isadril. The summer heat beat down mercilessly on the small city and its inhabitants. Liam marveled at the sporadic activities taking place. He had been from a farm in Noritor and though he was used to the festivities and on goings of a farmers market he was still taken aback by the scale in which the town operated. 
Shop owners peddling the wares called out to him  as he passed by. Daughters of the twilight offering love for sell were just beginning to come alive as the sun began to set. "Would M'lord like his...dagger polished on this fine evening?" One called out from the shadows of a darkened alleyway. "I'm actually just a knight." He haphazardly corrected. "For one gold, you can be my king tonight, and I your queen." Another called out from the window sill of a brothel with a rusted sign that read "the honey house"  I'm actually not here looking for love." He professed. "Not your cup of tea ay?" An older whore called out. She was wearing a filthy woolen dress and her hair was silver and matted from what He assumed was years of neglect. She by far the most haggard he had seen in regards to working women. "Fancy a lady boy do ya? Don’t worry the honey house comes with a discreet back room" She whispered loudly while winking an eye. " What? Eww! No! I'm not looking for companionship. I'm sorry Good wif..." "Madam Esmeralda If it pleases you!" She interrupted. "I can assure you it does not." Liam rebuffed. "Well if ye aint' here for love then why are you here?" She queried. "It would seem as though I've taken a wrong turn and ended up on the wrong side of town. "What are you looking for?" She asked. "The Black swan." He stated. "Oh that swill den! Its right down the road on the right. Guard your purse and your throat they’ll cut both of them if they catch you lacking!" "Thank you for the words." Liam called back a he made his way to the Black Swan.
As  sauntered down the street he couldn’t shake the feeing that he was being watched. He clutched on his dagger and kept his head on the swivel. Sounds went upas men cheered and jeered from all the taverns. The city population had swollen with military personal looking for a brief respite before the mayhem of war. He pondered if he truly deserved his knighthood and if he could  lead men in battle. Instructor Juarok believed in him and gave him exemplary marks in during his tutoring sessions. He trained him in the aspects of battle and even tested him rigorously but true war was not the same. 
He reached the black swan and stood in front of the doors. He clutched on to a parchment He had received from one of his lieutenants he read it one more time  "Black swan tonight." It read simply.He didn’t want to go but he had been told all of Xavax's leadership would be present. It would the only opportunity to introduce himself and if he didn’t show up it would be considered career suicide. He sucked in a gasp of air mustered his courage and strode inside.  The smell of warm ale and spice wafted around the room. Men and women engrossed in merry making and singing hammered on his ear drums mercilessly. He made his way to the bar and shoulder his way up to a barmaid "What'll it be?" She demanded. "An ale." He proclaimed. She gave him a single nod. 
He turned around and took in the seen. The room was feverish hot. Across the room he saw a woman sitting surrounded by the Selenian guard. She was with posture of royalty and carrying herself with an heir of what he only think of as fire. Her hair was fiery red. It was by the hair he could tell he was in the presence of the Duchess Selenia JeVondair. The other he had never seen before. 
Some one tapped him on his solider and he quickly spun around. It was the bar maid. "One shil please and thank you." She demanded. He dropped two in her palm. "A tip?" She asked. "A payment for information." She coughed indicating it wasn’t enough. So he dropped 3 more. "Go ahead then." She insisted as she started polishing a mug. " It that the duchess Selenia?" "It is and shes not in a talking mood. Steer clear of her or they’ll run a spear so far up your arse youll be spewing wood chips out of your mouth for years to come." Then she left without another word. "Well that was rude." Liam thought to himself.
"Excuse me are you Liam RhyneHardt, Knight of Noritor?" A wispy asked. He looked down to see a young boy no older than ten standing in front of him. "Depends on who's asking?"

The Letter Read 
"Dearest Brother,
After you left the lands thrive and prospered. Then one day things changed.
Small things happened such as skirmishes and crop being either stolen or burned then they started robbing financial institutions. They even came to the farm once demanding taxes though Jonas and Master Jaurok ran them off with a good thrashing. Things are not well in Noritor and I fear we must retreat to our families designated safe quarters until such a time with when help can arrive. I pray this message reaches you in time. Though I know the war effort need your blades and men.
Your Dearest Sister Samantha,
P.s. your Dire Cat has become a fearsome adversary to the coyotes in the area. We almost 3 weeks without a single sheep being lost. The local constables believe she has reached nearly 50 stones in weight."
[/color][/color]Roleplay from Aramon Abjur   (1 day, 17 hours ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

The black silk mask did little to hide arguably the second most powerful person in the Imperium. Sure, it covered his facial features, but what good was that when it's wearer was a giant of a man with tattoos that covered all the visible (and most non-visible) surface of his body? The Imperial Arbiter had forgone his usual armor in favor of a maroon robe made of silk, though given the size of it's wearer, it might have once been a curtain with a hole cut in for his head. He casually glanced around as he made his way to the bar, making a barely perceivable nod toward the golden masked figure, before leaning against it and motioning to the keeper.

"Water," said Aramon.

The keeper looked for a moment like he might argue against serving something nonalcoholic, but after a glance at the ham-sized and sword calloused fist resting on the bar, bit his tongue and rather quickly fetched a tankard of water for the man. Taking it from the keeper, Aramon finished it in two large gulps. Noticing for the first time the young warrior Gia in her alcove, the Arbiter's face split with a filed-toothed grin as he cast a welcoming nod in her direction.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


[/color]Roleplay from Nicolas Harkle   (1 day, 17 hours ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

Harkle walked back to his tent as the horizon swallowed up the sun. Being a lover of astronomy, he gazed over at the swollen and crimson western sky and watched as Venus valiantly fought its eventual demise. He was so caught up in the sunset that he hadn't realized he was about to stumble into a circle of soldiers cheering and laughing.

It didn't take long for the rankers to notice the knight but they immediately became quiet when one man screamed "Hark! A man of nobility!". Harkle almost apologized when he remembered he was indeed a man of nobility and was expected to act like one.

The soldiers made space for him and Harkle noticed the two bloody shirtless men in the center of the circle. The soldiers had a collective look of terror on their face as they watched Harkle with apprehension.

"My lord, you see, we we-", one man started.

Nicolas raised his hand and the soldier immediately reconsidered his outburst.

Nicolas grinned. "Well what are you all waiting for? Shall I not be allowed a wager?"


As Nicolas approached his camp, his captain excitedly reported that the tents were set and that mess was being served.

"Captain, you ought to accompany me to a, let us say, 'festive gathering' tonight at the Black Swan." Harkle started.

"Me, sire? And what of the men? And besides, what place would a commoner like me have in a gathering of nobility?"

Nicolas cringed. What was it with these rigid class distinctions? Harkle was not born into nobility, and personally despised the gentry as what he considered 'wretched and slothful fiends'. He liked his captain more than most nobles he knew, anyways. Captain Ulfman was older than Nicolas, and was a great leader. Ulfman worked very throughly and had great attention to detail, which his liege loved. Nicolas wondered if someday Ulfman would have place among the nobility of Greater Xavax. Harkle knew for sure if he ever became Xerarch he would knight Ulfman. But Ulfman definitely deserved a break from the stresses of managing a company.

"Nonsense, I would rather give audience to a man who can tell me they bloodied their sword with that of their enemy than to a slothful and lazy noble that can barely pickup an axe. Any man who has served on any field of honor is reputable enough to raise a glass of wine with me. You are an expert fighter and without you this company would fall apart."

Ulfman hesitated for a moment, "...Sire, if I may beg to say this without meaning offense to you, I am more worried about you than me. I cannot let my lord fall to such ill disrepute for carousing with peasants. What will the other lords of Xavax think?"

Harkle's face flushed red for a moment and then he calmly collected himself.

"Ulfman," he began, noting the raised eyebrow on his captain's face, "There is no place for me to carouse with nobility. Nobles are a sad and dreary bunch, and their parties are quite boring. Etiquitte and manners and all that rubbish. I can barely stand the tedium of sorting through papers in the study of my manor. I'm no administrator, and this life does not suit a man of the sword such as myself. I would sooner be appointed the Xerarch's court jester than be forced to attend a party and have to talk about such indolent topics as politics or gossip. I was hardly even thinking of going until a quite dashing countess convinced me to do otherwise. Besides, you deserve it, my man, you work way too hard."

"But-", Ulfman tried.

"Enough of this. Go get on some nicer clothes and let us be off."
[/color][/color]Roleplay from Jane Celes   (1 day ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

A young thinly figured lady enters the ball in a silk green mask with matching dress. Anyone that has met the young woman could easily recognize her by the head of tightly knit curls atop her head. She looks about the room anxiously. She can assume who is behind each of the masks, but she still knows very few individuals. Alas, standing aside the room does nothing to phase introduction or to create relationship amongst others. She draws herself into the room and looks for a conversation to join.
[/color][/color]Roleplay from Beck Mozzoni   (1 day ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

7 pm, Camp Tharan

Eutimius was born in Atblane, Atamara. When the island sunk he emigrated to Xavax in the East Continent. He was in love with Lord Tharan since the time he was the young General of Carelia and chose Xavax to emigrate because of that reason. He opened the Black Swann Inn in the city of Isadril and things are going well recently. Two nights in a row hosting a great party for the nobility of Xavax (Xerarch Selenia included) will make him earn thousands of gold.
Now he should receive his money from Lord Tharan and is very nervous for finding his platonic love.
[/color][/color]Roleplay from Tharan van Belhanka   (1 day ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

Location Isadril, Camp Cornelius.

Tharan sat outside, enjoying the warm afternoon.
At some point, he noticed some servants with the tunics and symbol of the Black Swann Inn, stepping into his personal tent.
After a few minutes, they came out, carrying large sacks containing a heavy load.
At the end of this event,  Eutimius the Keeper of the certain Inn, - with tears in his eyes of joy - walked to Tharan, kissed him, thanked him, blessed him, and continued his travels.

Tharan : ..  Jahar, maybe its me, but what the H&^%$LL did they do in my tent ?
Jahar : ....  I guess they tried to capture the giant moths we talked about yesterday.

Tharan : ..  (looking into his tent) ... Good, but why is my treasurer chest opened ?
Jahar : ....  The moths are known to eat gold too my Intelligent Lord..

Tharan : ..   (running into his quarters and checking the gold in his chest) ... Jahar ... I miss half of my gold !!!!
Jahar : ....  I told you my Lord, never trust those Giant Moths !!!

"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


[/color][/color]Roleplay from Tsubhia Faraya   (18 hours, 9 minutes ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

The Black Swan:

Tsubhia looked around the Black Swan at the array of newly knighted commoners, and couldn't stop grinning.

THIS, you stupid voice. This is what I put my trust in.

I concede, it matches your desires. Will it be everything it's cracked up to be, I wonder?

Having heard about the defector (because she will never have a name again), Tsubhia's blood had begun to boil. Just after
deciding she would put her faith and the fate of her land in the hands of the Imperium, to have someone else just... give up...
go over... it was unthinkable. Unspeakable. Unforgiveable.

But now... now... THIS. The elevation of commoners to titles. It was the kind of thing she thought she'd have had to labor YEARS to
achieve, and here the Xerarch had done it all in one heavy stroke.

She did her best not to stare at the golden-masked figure. It was too much, for now. She tried to keep her focus on the new nobles milling
about.  Some of them seemed smug, as if they knew they were born for better. Some looked uncomfortable, like the title didn't fit yet. She
knew that feeling all too well. She even recognized a couple from touring Noritor in her youth. She found herself wishing she'd been a less
selfish child, that she'd paid more attention to the folk during those tours.

She spotted Lady Gia chatting across the inn. There was a woman with the kind of fire that would inspire the newly knighted. It was like
she had seen with Ranald, but somehow even brighter.

We should work together, she thought. Lead these men and women into a new era.

Indeed, Tsubhia Faraya, the voice said. Perhaps she'll even finally light the fire in YOU.

Trying to ignore the voice as best she could, Tsubhia screwed on her best grin and marched over to where Lady Gia was sitting.

"My Lady Gia. I've been paying attention to you for several days now. I have a deep admiration for your... spirit, and I wanted to speak
to you about working with me for the betterment of the realm. I think we can lead -"
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


[/color]Roleplay from Jonathan Rivenstock   (16 hours, 51 minutes ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

A Masquerade ball to celebrate a call to arms? Interesting. Johnathan mused. Of course, he as a knight was in attendance, it was an honor to be invited to any such event, and he could draw parallels from it, to war. After all, battle was a dance. It had a rhythm to it; the march of the soldiers, the whistles of arrows through the air, the thunder of horses, all in a twirling flurry of death and glory. Not knowing the story of the men that you have felled, masked under the banner of the enemy. Johnathan took a sip from the mead he had been nursing in the corner, under his own raven's mask; crooked nose, goggled eyed, but mouth and chin uncovered.

He watched the dancers drift beautifully in time to the music, but it was fairly obvious that he had no will to partake. It was his opinion that those who bathe in blood, and send men to do battle under their command, should not partake in such freeing exercises. 14 men, 14 men under his command have already lost their lives. some in search for glory, some to just earn the gold to feed their families. All had left something behind. Johnathan was not a man to forget it. That loss of life weighed heavy on his heart, but he dared not show it. He was afraid that weight would be seen as weakness. It's why he chose to lead archers. They were the pinnacle of technology, while many frowned upon them, Johnathan praised his men. For every arrow that struck true, meant that the life of their fellow man was spared for the moment. His personal army was small, a mere 37 men, but the more archers he could secure, the more loyal soldiers of Xavax would be spared fatal wounds of the enemy.

The Ambition was ever present in Johnathan. To do his family proud, to lead an effective force, but never would he allow himself, or his men to be prideful. He would make them work occasionally as laborers, not only to make sure that restoration was completed, but because the men needed to be reminded of what they would fight for. The peace of the land. The Glory of Xavax, and for each other. The men did not need a reason to die for, but a reason to live for. That would make effective warriors.

Johnathan once again took a sip from his glass of mead as he watched the merry around him. Perhaps I should take part in the dancing after all, there is much to be gained from unity thorough celebration.
[/color][/color]Roleplay from Gia Dragonfyre   (11 hours, 48 minutes ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

    Tsubhia ----"My Lady Gia. I've been paying attention to you for several days now. I have a deep admiration for your... spirit, and I wanted to speak
to you about working with me for the betterment of the realm. I think we can lead -"    Gia  who has quietly managed to get fairly drunk waves a frantic hand at Tsubhia while not giving up her pull on her tankard. As Tsubhia's voice trails off Gia bangs to table indicating for Tsubhia to have a seat next to her. She finishes her tankard grinning out the side at her and motioning to her drinking companions that she will be the first to finish. Apparently they are engaged in a competition who could drink the brew fastest. Gia slams her tankard down on the table with a look of pure satisfaction as she is clearly the winner. She turns the greet Tsubhia with her characteristic warm smile "Lady T" Gia grins obviously a bit intoxicated, "what wonderful news! I am very flattered! and we will! We will lead our young sister and brothers to victory! but tonight we make merry!" Gia slaps Tsubhia hardly on the shoulder "tell me lady have you ever heard of the game the peasants play called thumb war? I haven't thought of the game since I was a child. But I've had strange dreams this last night and it has reminded me. Would you like to challenge me to a round?"  We can let the soldiers take bets!"  Here Gia's gaze slips off
Tsubhia face. She is watching something behind her. Gia nods still grinning and focuses back on Tsubhia face. "our Great Lady looks very striking tonight don't you think?" She asks speaking with admiration for Selenia. Gia giggles.....snorts is more like as she takes Tsubhia's hand to teach her the rules of "thumb war" she asks "did anyone ever tell you how I first met the Xerarch" She hides her face in laughter "It was on the field of battle.........." Gia begins her tale and thus a friendship is born.

* earlier in the night*  Gia has been sitting in her alcove for sometime, enjoying the sounds of the party . She nods a greeting to lady Jane and then to Kin and later to Liam. So many new nobles she thinks to herself. It warms her heart as she turns her attention to her companions and gets embroiled in a drinking game. The fame involves drinking large tankards of mead as fast as possible. Seems simple enough .....until the 4th round...... suddenly it becomes harder to find the space to put the mead .....but Gia is determined and she guzzles on.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


[/color][/color]Roleplay from Cadewyn Thunderborn   (7 hours, 15 minutes ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

Cadewyn arrived, dusty from a hard ride, and immediately heard about the party. Part of her wanted to say she couldn't go, that she had rode too hard to be able to attend. But she knew better. She needed to be seen, to meet and speak to others, some like her, some who had been noble born. And so she saw to her horse and lodgings and then set out for a costume. A merchants daughter knew how to find a deal. She would not be some bold thing, no, but she would be herself, and that always mattered.

She finally found the perfect grey on grey material and wound and pinned it to her like the nomads of yore. It matched her mare, a sign of her status and responsibility, for the quality was evident in the breeding of her Cloud. And such a horse was deserving of care, like those she now fought for and lead. She was to care for those that carried her, and on this night, presenting herself in her new title, she would be how she saw herself, both servant and leader, blade and banner.

The Imperial Guards gave her pause, but she steeled her spine. Head held high, like a parade horse, she strove for graceful, but hoped at least she didn't seem to stiff or nervous as she made her way inside. And perhaps, as she scanned the crowd, from beneath her grey mask, with its velvet soft ears and wisps of hair, Daxion would be here.
[/color][/color]Roleplay from Cadewyn Thunderborn   (55 minutes ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

The party was in full swing. Drinking and dancing and merriment surrounded her. It made her head spin but she made her way through it. She passed without hesitation the figure in the gold mask and felt pride at knowing how to act in such a company, which had rules she had to learn as circumstances happened. And yet she hid for a time in a corner, watching.

Cadewyn milled about until she found the musicians. Her voice was fair, she had been told and so she approached with a request. A newly made knight was not rebuffed and so she removed her horse head mask, long dark hair falling to her hips, blue eyes shining as she sang a song she learned at her gram'a knee. It felt fitting here and now.

"The North Star has arisen, and brighter none did stand,
No other shines as fairly all over sea and land.
It shimmers in the daylight, it sparkles in the night,
It kindles our hearts, and new hope is burning bright.

A call has gone out to woman, child and man,
From ages long gone by that are living once again,
And though the call is gentle, the heart will hear it still,
And some have come to follow, and many others will.

A road is newly traveled where long there had been none,
Both home and destination as we walk on and on.
The road is never ending, is beautiful and strong;
It spans through all the countries, and all may come along."

And so she sang in a soft alto, not intending to reach the whole room, only those who had paused revelry to sit for a moment. It was a small gift, but proudly given to all who listened. And she donned her mask gain and slipped from the center of the musicians circle to make way for a song suited to dancing.
[/color]Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair   [size=-1](28 minutes ago)[/size][/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]
As Cadewyn turned, donning her horse-masque, she found that far more had been paying attention to the soft alto of her voice than she'd initially thought. Countess Gia, her face hidden behind a wolf-mask, had stopped nursing her tankard. Sir Jonathan, his back to the wall, focused intently. Sir Liam watched, arms crossed, his face unreadable behind his Dragon-mask. Dame Tsubhia, rubbing her now-bruised thumb sat in silent contemplation. Even new guest still streaming in had done so quietly.

And sitting cross-legged on a table, the woman in the Golden Mask sat attentively looking right at her. Cadewyn had been so focused on ignoring the Golden Mask that she had not noticed its design or detail. She'd expected a Phoenix, of course, but now that the figure held her gaze, she could see clearly that the gold was worked into the image of a lion with the wearer's own blond hair worked up in a mane behind it. Blue eyes framed by gold pierced right into hers and despite herself, despite knowing 'the rules' Cadewyn stared back. Like a deer in the eyes of a hunter, she was unable to look away, and it seemed as though those blue orbs read deeply into her. It was as though if she were to look away, she would surely be leapt upon and consumed.

And unknowable amount of time passed, and endless stretch that Cadewyn knew, intellectually, could only have been a span of moments, for the music revved up again and the attendees at the Black Swan returned to their drinks. It was then that the figure in the Golden Mask gave the tiniest of nods in Cadewyn's direction, the barest hint of a smile, and Cadewyn knew she'd been released. Passed over, she felt as though she'd succeeded in some sort of test.

The Golden Mask rose, still standing on the table. Patrons studiously ignored her as she leapt from one table to another, as graceful and sleek as the great cat itself, landing easily amid the dishes and tankards of another table, whose noble patrons did there dead level best not to leap out of their skin in surprise. She leapt again and was gone from view as though she'd never been there, leaving Cadewyn wondering if she'd dreamt it all. But as she looked around, she saw faces tracking a  figure in the crowd that was now obscured from her own view.

Bizarre as it was, it had happened.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Why hide the text in such miniscule font? Its a pain to read.


Damn, Kevaver is gonna miss a great party being busy with OI and all.
Once the Daleborn family, now the Attano family.


Roleplay from Eoghan Ui Briuin[/size]   [/size](13 hours, 37 minutes ago)[/size]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/size][/font][/color][/size]
The Black Swan:
Earlier in the evening:

Eoghan and his men had come in on a hard march from Xavax after having received the orders that his unit would be needed in Isadril to gather with the rest of the Phoenix in preparation for war. Though the men and women of his unit were small in number they were also a hardy bunch. Most he had known since he was a child, hunting his father's lands and getting into all sorts of trouble with him and his brothers. A few more were of his father, Art Ui Briuin's own personal guard. Yet all were good for the fight, and some of the finest archers he had ever known. The Sparrows, as he named them after getting a hold of a copy of his father's letter to the nobility of the land, would be his arm and in turn he would be their pillar. Their fortunes rose with his and his rose ever higher with theirs. So he did his best to make sure that he was never above the unit when it mattered. In the long forced march he bore the pace upon his own two feet and let his horse rest. He broke bread with his soldiers during their brief rest to make sure their stamina was fresh for the rest of the pace; and by the time they arrived he emptied a little of his own purse to allow them a night to enjoy themselves.

It was only in this manner that Eoghan did not attend his men, for shortly upon his arrival a letter was brought to his Captain Ruairí for Eoghan's eyes only. It seemed, according to the invitation, that he had been expected and that a night of revelry was to come about before the army moved on. The very notion of the masquerade was intriguing to the youth and considering who all might attend it was in his best interest to join the festivities. Thus he took to the streets, and once again his purse would come out lighter as he sought out a mask for the night.


Night had truly fallen over Isadril by the time the young country noble made his approach to The Black Swan and the gathering within. He had come tonight dressed in his best attire. A long sleeved tan linen tunic adorned his upper body and extended down to his thighs. The tunic covered the upper half of his form fitting truis which were trimmed with buckskin leather. A long sleeveless cloak of sky blue was then set over the tunic and wrapped about his upper body and held together with a stags head pin. The finery was not so grand as potentially that which some others might wear. But it was some of the best his family had for their minor status and Eoghan bore it proudly. The mask he wore bore the features of a hunter of a different sort. While some might choose the wolf or bear, Eoghan's choice was that of the owl. For no hunter had near as good of sight, and could strike so silently as the avian creature. It truly seemed fitting then that his sparrows be lead by an equally avian commander, and thus the horned owl mask was his. The form was made of high quality light leather that had caught his eye almost immediately while browsing the stalls earlier. Its style was that of a half mask which, with the right earth toned dyes, looked as if it possessed actual feathers from afar. The lower half rounded out some beneath the circular eyes where his rich blue gaze looked out, and his nose would be covered by a blackened "beak" of sorts. But the lower half of his reddish beard, and his lips were left in plain sight. To Eoghan it was a masterpiece that seemed to have gone largely unnoticed. A crime to which the young noble could not abide, especially knowing the night's festivities.

As he approached he came to pause and embrace the cool breeze which caressed along clothed frame; for the sensation and touch he felt was one he was all to familiar with. After all Eoghan had always been fond of the evening hours and found himself most alert at dusk. One could say it came from a life of hunting where all the game woke in the evening hours, or bedded down in the early morn. Others might swear it was in the blood, as the Ui Briuin were a young noble line that only spanned three generations starting with the founder of his house, his Grandmother Fíona Ui Briuin. They had come from those who hunted the lands for others, and kept little of what they caught. But the strong ties to nature and by extension the night could be thought to carry on in each generation of their line. Now those very ties drew an excitement from deep within as he bore his invitation and moved passed the guards outside the tavern. For on this night he was hunting quite the different game, alliances, and potentially power. Yes there was the merriment to consider, and that was part of the night as well. But Eoghan had a duty to fulfill to his family, his men, and if he were being completely honest than to himself as well. The ties and bonds he might forge tonight could potentially last him a lifetime, and among the nobility it was always about who you knew which could be the rise or fall of you. These were the thoughts that occupied Eoghan's mind as he entered into the tavern proper, and they were what promptly left when he befell the hushed crowd and heard Cadewyn's song. He must have come in only half way through for the young noble found it had ended all too soon, and with it came the return to the evening's revelry. Yet for him it was a beginning, for he was certain he would make the singer's acquaintance on this night. If only to just praise her for the song that had, for a time, enchanted a great deal of the room. Before that though there was one matter which was most important to Eoghan, and that was getting a drink to start the evening off right while simultaneously easing the fatigue from the day's long march.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Kieran Dubhlain[/size]   [/size](13 hours, 33 minutes ago)[/size]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/size][/font][/color][/size]
Dubhlain walked to The Black Swan still wearing his stiff riding boots and a bit of mead on his black tunic with silvered embroidery from his men's gathering. A group of former mercenaries for Alara, ​No no no the Bandits of the Black City of Itorunt really need to remember that, ​his men thought it best they stay with the mustered troops and do a bit of their own celebrating. There were a few nobles outside the hall all dressed for a masquerade. ​Well, that figures. I've no time to go get a mask and I should really spend my coinage on new gear for my men anyay.  He drew a folded black cloth from the pouch at his belt. The cloth,a large square of silk he liberated from a noble who's been mistreating his vassals, bore a small sigil on a corner. Dubhlain drew his sgian dubh from his right boot and cut the crest from the silk and added a few eye holes. Tying the cloth over his head made him look slightly more bandit like than planned,but it worked as a mask. His hair laid in a long braid down his back a few of the curly red hairs sticking out of it. After sheathing the boot knife and giving his green and black plaid pants a quick pat to knock road dust off, he strode confidently into the party. I... what in the hells? He witnessed a well dressed noble woman with a golden mask leap from table to table while everyone else tried really hard to ignore it. Dubhlain approached the only person who seemed to be looking about for confirmation of the act. "Greetings lady! Might you know the one who just leapt about the tables? She looks like one who knows how to enjoy a good romp!" Cadewyne stared back horrified for a moment before replying.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Cadewyn Thunderborn[/size]   [/size](13 hours, 20 minutes ago)[/size]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/size][/font][/color][/size]
Cadewyn looked up the man who had so boldly asked after the one figure no one was supposed to remark on. After a moment of disbelief she laughed, her soft voice husky in merriment. Stormy blue eyes glanced at the others nearest them, the spell of the leaping lioness slipping from them as the music began anew. Then she took in the man who had addressed, seeing his clothes and simple mask and she leaned in close to whisper in a friendly fashion.

"I am sorry good sir, for my laughter, truly it is not at your expense. Earlier this evening I had congratulated myself on knowing social rules I was sure all would already be aware of, born to it I assumed. To meet someone else who is new to the ways of this world we find ourselves raised to is a wonder, and a good one. The lady you speak of is good for much more, though you had best pretend you did not inquire of her. A gold mask in this company means the lady wishes to be here, but not be publically known, should it prove necessary later. Did you mark the Imperial Royal Guard outside? Can you guess who you so openly admired, when none before dared remark on her?"
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Gia Dragonfyre[/size]   [/size](13 hours, 10 minutes ago)[/size]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/size][/font][/color][/size]
After Lady Cadewyn's beautiful song Gia felt even more nostalgic then ever. The song has touched such a cord with her for the duration she had quite neglected her tankard. She was still lost in thought when she heard a voice say "Greetings lady! Might you know the one who just leapt about the tables? She looks like one who knows how to enjoy a good romp!"  Gia almost choked on her gulp of mead. She could not help but laugh loudly. As she turned she saw Cadewyn's horrified look. As Cadewyn is speaking to Kieran Gia walks up and wraps her arms around both sets of shoulders. She is obviously intoxicated but she grins warmly at the two young nobles. "greetings my friends, I am lady Gia. You sing beautifully Lady Cadewyn.  and you sir..... I have a feeling you and I shall get on rather well. I like best persons who say what they mean. Come lets us get you both a tankard and we shall sit and talk" With that Gia steers the pair toward mead.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Roleplay from Kieran Dubhlain[/size]   [/size](13 hours ago)[/size]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/size][/font][/color][/size]
Realization slowly dawned on Dubhlain and his pale skin flushed a bright red. Whispering back as the lady had so kindly done for him "The Xerarch! Good gods... Thank you." He looked about the room and saw the gathered nobles, knights, and the leaders of the realm. "Madam, were I to retrieve some drinks for us would you perhaps be willing to instruct me on how to best not alienate the people I've just sworn myself and my men to?"
​He dashed off before she answered to retrieve wine and mead two glasses of each as he wasn't sure which she'd prefer and he knew that he'd need more than one.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Letter from Cadewyn Thunderborn[/size]   [/size](12 hours, 56 minutes ago)[/size]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/size][/font][/color][/size]
Cadewy was about to answer when Lady Gia grabbed onto her and the man attempting to rush off and instead guided them both to the bar. Cadewyn politely took the mead and sipped. Her eyes were light with good humour and ease. She had done well to sing and mayhap again, but a brighter song she decided.

"I think sir, you made a fine impression and this lady here would do much better to teach you than I. I know no one else, most likely, though all seem eager to meet those of us newly minted knights. You asked a simple question, and were willing to stand by the consequences I can tell. May I know you, and you lady? I am Cadewyn."
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"