Author Topic: The Feast of the Black Swan  (Read 7658 times)


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Re: The Feast of the Black Swan
« Topic Start: September 11, 2016, 01:33:08 AM »
[/color][/color]Roleplay from Cadewyn Thunderborn   (7 hours, 15 minutes ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

Cadewyn arrived, dusty from a hard ride, and immediately heard about the party. Part of her wanted to say she couldn't go, that she had rode too hard to be able to attend. But she knew better. She needed to be seen, to meet and speak to others, some like her, some who had been noble born. And so she saw to her horse and lodgings and then set out for a costume. A merchants daughter knew how to find a deal. She would not be some bold thing, no, but she would be herself, and that always mattered.

She finally found the perfect grey on grey material and wound and pinned it to her like the nomads of yore. It matched her mare, a sign of her status and responsibility, for the quality was evident in the breeding of her Cloud. And such a horse was deserving of care, like those she now fought for and lead. She was to care for those that carried her, and on this night, presenting herself in her new title, she would be how she saw herself, both servant and leader, blade and banner.

The Imperial Guards gave her pause, but she steeled her spine. Head held high, like a parade horse, she strove for graceful, but hoped at least she didn't seem to stiff or nervous as she made her way inside. And perhaps, as she scanned the crowd, from beneath her grey mask, with its velvet soft ears and wisps of hair, Daxion would be here.
[/color][/color]Roleplay from Cadewyn Thunderborn   (55 minutes ago)[/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]

The party was in full swing. Drinking and dancing and merriment surrounded her. It made her head spin but she made her way through it. She passed without hesitation the figure in the gold mask and felt pride at knowing how to act in such a company, which had rules she had to learn as circumstances happened. And yet she hid for a time in a corner, watching.

Cadewyn milled about until she found the musicians. Her voice was fair, she had been told and so she approached with a request. A newly made knight was not rebuffed and so she removed her horse head mask, long dark hair falling to her hips, blue eyes shining as she sang a song she learned at her gram'a knee. It felt fitting here and now.

"The North Star has arisen, and brighter none did stand,
No other shines as fairly all over sea and land.
It shimmers in the daylight, it sparkles in the night,
It kindles our hearts, and new hope is burning bright.

A call has gone out to woman, child and man,
From ages long gone by that are living once again,
And though the call is gentle, the heart will hear it still,
And some have come to follow, and many others will.

A road is newly traveled where long there had been none,
Both home and destination as we walk on and on.
The road is never ending, is beautiful and strong;
It spans through all the countries, and all may come along."

And so she sang in a soft alto, not intending to reach the whole room, only those who had paused revelry to sit for a moment. It was a small gift, but proudly given to all who listened. And she donned her mask gain and slipped from the center of the musicians circle to make way for a song suited to dancing.
[/color]Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair   [size=-1](28 minutes ago)[/size][/color]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/color]
As Cadewyn turned, donning her horse-masque, she found that far more had been paying attention to the soft alto of her voice than she'd initially thought. Countess Gia, her face hidden behind a wolf-mask, had stopped nursing her tankard. Sir Jonathan, his back to the wall, focused intently. Sir Liam watched, arms crossed, his face unreadable behind his Dragon-mask. Dame Tsubhia, rubbing her now-bruised thumb sat in silent contemplation. Even new guest still streaming in had done so quietly.

And sitting cross-legged on a table, the woman in the Golden Mask sat attentively looking right at her. Cadewyn had been so focused on ignoring the Golden Mask that she had not noticed its design or detail. She'd expected a Phoenix, of course, but now that the figure held her gaze, she could see clearly that the gold was worked into the image of a lion with the wearer's own blond hair worked up in a mane behind it. Blue eyes framed by gold pierced right into hers and despite herself, despite knowing 'the rules' Cadewyn stared back. Like a deer in the eyes of a hunter, she was unable to look away, and it seemed as though those blue orbs read deeply into her. It was as though if she were to look away, she would surely be leapt upon and consumed.

And unknowable amount of time passed, and endless stretch that Cadewyn knew, intellectually, could only have been a span of moments, for the music revved up again and the attendees at the Black Swan returned to their drinks. It was then that the figure in the Golden Mask gave the tiniest of nods in Cadewyn's direction, the barest hint of a smile, and Cadewyn knew she'd been released. Passed over, she felt as though she'd succeeded in some sort of test.

The Golden Mask rose, still standing on the table. Patrons studiously ignored her as she leapt from one table to another, as graceful and sleek as the great cat itself, landing easily amid the dishes and tankards of another table, whose noble patrons did there dead level best not to leap out of their skin in surprise. She leapt again and was gone from view as though she'd never been there, leaving Cadewyn wondering if she'd dreamt it all. But as she looked around, she saw faces tracking a  figure in the crowd that was now obscured from her own view.

Bizarre as it was, it had happened.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"