Author Topic: The Feast of the Black Swan  (Read 7662 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: The Feast of the Black Swan
« Reply #15: September 11, 2016, 05:13:50 PM »
Roleplay from Daxion House Thunderborn[/size]   [/color][/size](10 hours, 51 minutes ago)[/color][/size]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/size][/color][/size]
Looking around the crowded gathering he finds himself wrapped in the sounds of music, laughter some of which seems to have a dandy's empty headed hysterics to it and conversation. The smells of perfumed bodies that should instead have bathed, beer, food and tobacco seem to fill the room as much as the noise. Moving around through the crowd he made his way through the fanciful menagerie of nobles in their finery. Finally arriving at the bar he took his drink and found a table to sit at putting his back to the wall and people watching for a time.

As much as he tended to rail at being forced to attend such events at least this time the pageantry was interesting.  He found himself at times even straining his neck to look at some new costume that probably cost more then his men made in a full year. The drink was good even if the room was to hot making him feel trapped by the press of bodies and the noise that seemed to hammer at him like the hammer of the gods.

And that's when he noticed her. Across the room dressed all in grey to match her horse he was sure. Even with the over-sized horse mask he knew who she was. He smiled beneath his own mask she seemed to be making friends at least. It had been weeks since last he saw her. The last missive he had received had been full of  pleasantries but under her words he knew that she was unhappy despite being on the road away from her stifling family.

His face once more set itself in its more customary scowl as he thought about their family visit that started all of this. The wailing of her mother, the gnashing of teeth of her father...but the look on her grandmothers face that was the sting that followed him. She was so fiery, independent, smart, funny...but young. He stared down into his drink contemplating that point, the one her grandmother had hammered so fiercely at him alone behind closed doors.  "She's barely old enough to make this decision, and you her first longing it won't end well for her Daxion. She doesn't understand the way it is in the world, she's never had any real time to spend on dalliances like a girl should and now she's ready to declare her love for you. In the'll ruin her if you don't let her go."

He put down his drink. Perhaps it would be better if he simply left his thoughts were not in a very festive mood his hands flexed as he considered his options.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"