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The Chronicles of Josep

Started by Keuerleber Family, October 18, 2016, 02:49:17 AM

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Keuerleber Family

(OOC: Just a disclaimer here, this is from Josep's perspective and it will contain blatant lies. Feel free to discuss any of these lies and his interpretation of them here on this post. However, some of this will be hard fact. Remember, Josep is a genocidal maniac, and his self image is terribly bloated, this book he's writing is propaganda for his people. I'm only going to start with the intro, I will post more when I get the time. I will do it Chapter by chapter.)

The Chronicles of Josep

In the early hours of the morning, Josep stirred in his bed. Not one wink of sleep graced him and his sheets were tangled in a mess of stresses of rulership and personal demons. Night after night he would dream of the only death that truly ever weighed on him, a lost love that he missed more than he could truly fathom. Since that death the nights grew longer and the wrinkles upon his face grew deeper, just to feel that embrace again for just a second would make his life complete.

“I can’t keep up like this…” He said running his hand slowly down his face. “I’m much too old and I have supple young fiance to entertain…”

Josep was never a man to let things fall through the cracks, he made mistakes but not trying is something that he couldn’t be accused of. How would he allow himself to sleep when so many troubles burdened his mind? His scarred hand rubbed his equally as scarred chin, he pondered deeply on how to solve this problem. Then he remembered something his mother taught him. If you can’t sleep, sometimes it’s best to leave the room for a little while and read a book. Nothing tires the mind like a book of mathematics. Then he thought, to himself, “I should share my life with the people, they deserve to know.”

That was it, he would write down his life so it could be documented by the man who knew him best, himself. A smile stretched across his wrinkled and scarred face as he rolled out of bed and got to his feet. Quickly he grabbed the nearest parchment and made his way to the throne room, passing many guards on the way. The throne, something he never aspired for yet found himself in possession of was too dark for writing, but ever the problem solver he barked out orders.

“I need two slaves, one with a torch and one with a broad back!”

Two slaves came running forth, a small boy with a torch and a simple barrel chested farmer. The boy with the torch stood beside Josep and the simple barrel chested farmer was directed to kneel before Josep with his back to him. With that, Josep placed the parchment upon the slave's back and began to write the story of his life.

“Chapter 1: A Child is Born”