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Rejected: Assigning Heirs

Started by JeVondair, October 26, 2016, 03:22:02 PM

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Heir requests do come and go. I requested one some years ago myself and got shot down as well.

You can completely RP it though. Would be nice if you can give people meaningless titles like in CK2 but you can probably do that through a guild. So if you really do want an heir,  make a guild called nobles of GX and give someone a title called 'heir to the throne' or something.


Quote from: Constantine on October 26, 2016, 06:47:32 PM
That doesn't make sense. Right now only two or three people in a realm can appoint nobles to different positions of power. With this feature every person holding a title will be able to choose his own heir. How is this increasing concentration of power? Please explain.
Actually without this Feature, all Dukes(who are region lords with own duchy) able to appoint Grand Duke(ruler) in Morek. If you wish to do like this, that can be workable. In order to be appointed as Grand Duke, you have to first get appointed as Duke and Region Lord. I think our election system already put some check and balance on that.

Quote from: Chenier on October 27, 2016, 01:55:45 AM
Well new characters can't really run for rulership right away, nor do they have enough h/p for any position (though I don't know what's the max h/p one can start with), so that's mostly an issue with democracies (or any government with monthly elections), and I have a hard time seeing how heirs would make sense for democratically elected titles.

For elected once/appointed titles, though, I have a hard time seeing how it would concentrate power any more. The way I see it, it would help diffuse promotions, as each title would have its own aspirants, instead of the ruling clique having a years old hierachy where newcommers can't aspire to anything significant because people have already been waiting in line for years.
I remember H/P becoming an issue to appoint a region lord in Morek and Nivemus. I used to tell them go fight alone against monsters and undead. That should settle the H/P issue. Though on Dwilight against monsters and undead that usually grow to big size, that is suicide :o

I do agree each title has its own aspirants. True many people not wish to step up to replace certain positions, but that is their rights. For our part, we can encourage them, tell them this region lordship bring you extra income, even shiny titles like Duke or Banker give you even more slice of income.

We can RP the Heir though, especially for those realms with Government System Monarchy. This feature probably helps to bring more flair and RP in much black and white terms.

Quote from: Zakky on October 27, 2016, 02:28:40 AM
Heir requests do come and go. I requested one some years ago myself and got shot down as well.

You can completely RP it though. Would be nice if you can give people meaningless titles like in CK2 but you can probably do that through a guild. So if you really do want an heir,  make a guild called nobles of GX and give someone a title called 'heir to the throne' or something.
I do like the giving meaningless titles like in CK2, I am a fan 8)

The guild proposal with title of heir sounds incredible!
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No don't use guilds.... Use religions for each family!  Then you can legit have family alliances and fueds and have family retainers fighting in the street and patriarchs hitting the street to garner favour with the towns folk. The temples should be restricted to one family home in your Family capital. You can still use the hierarchy to establish who the head of your family is.

"You best git, Hatfield, we're McCoys men, through and through".


That is a horrible idea. You can only play 1 char per continent. If you use religion as your family house, you will be forced to stay as a priest. Then what? How are you supposed to fight? Having a realm full of priests isn't exactly the best way to run your realm.


Well I'm not saying it's a perfect system. Not everyone is going to want a household of their own, only the major players.

In a game when ppl can be stripped of titles just for being afk for a few days, I imagine a system of heirs would see those abdicators wanting their position back or at the least back into the list as heir, how do you deal with that?

How many realms play king for life anyway?


I'd like to point out the example of Swordfell, where Duke Crixus is very, VERY often at odds with the the rest of the realm besides those of his own duchy. In the current system, if anything were to happen to him that would lead him to be knocked out of office (wounded, captured), it is very likely that he will be replaced with someone that is completely loyal to the ruler, ridding that realm of much of its internal conflict.


He's also at odds with some in his duchy.  :P


If every title holder could assign a heir, and that nobody would have a say about it, and that nobody could be heir for more than any given title type (lordship-duchy-government), it would actually be a huge step for decentralization and, one would hope, greatly stimulate peer-to-peer interaction. Ideally it'd be a government option to tick on or off, like all the election settings currently are. As a bonus, it wouldn't necessarily induce further internal strife: while intra-realm conflict has been deemed fun for a lot of players over the years, the game also appeared to have greatly dissolved the community spirit of realms, making many aspects of the game that relied on teamwork less functionnal. With clearly-established heirs and vastly decentralized hierarchy, it'd probably be easier to both pursue self-interest without also needing a huge realm-breaking conflict to bring about power shifts, while also reinforcing local and regional allegiences.

I think the a generic heir suggestion frequently props up and is hastily shot down because of how bad it could be, usually with the thought of some form of implementation that only favors the current ruler's stability. But pre-determined successors don't have to work towards this, and it's really quite rather easy to have it concentrate power less than some current government settings are. I mean, seriously, a duke ruler of a 1-duchy realm can set ruler elections to once, and only dukes get to vote, with all positions appointed. You literally cannot concentrate power any more than this. There's some new mechanics to remove dukes I think, but even then...

I certainly wouldn't think it desireable for every realm, but having it as an option for certain realms would be nice.
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Seems to me it's better as it is now. Players can announce who they want as a successor but then it's up to other people in the realm if they want to honor that or not. This creates intrigue and conflict.


Quote from: pcw27 on November 02, 2016, 02:07:28 AM
Seems to me it's better as it is now. Players can announce who they want as a successor but then it's up to other people in the realm if they want to honor that or not. This creates intrigue and conflict.

I could see rp opportunities with this. Intrigue aplenty
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