Author Topic: The Phoenix's Firstborn  (Read 9572 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #15: November 01, 2016, 06:15:53 AM »

Roleplay from Gia Dragonfyre   (31 minutes ago)
message to all nobles of Greater Xavax
As the hooded figure of Kanchelsis approached the Eyrie Gates Gia momentarily shifted her focus to him...... silently watching. As he spoke she flicked her eyes to Cadewyn and caught her gaze ..... directing Cadewyn's attention to him. Gia's expression clearly indicated she thought him.......... suspicious.....
She was listening to Kin, who seemed to feel exactly as Gia did.  When Kin spoke about Lupa Gia turned her full attention back to the discussion at hand. She greeted Kin's gaze with a nod and faint smile. Looking down at Lupa she made a little whistle and nodded toward Selenia's darkened sleeping chamber. Lupa melted into the shadows except for when she curled up protectively by Selenia. She turned and her eyes glowed in the dark for a moment.  Surely several attendants shivered at the site. "sure glad your on our side" Gia mumbled ...... Then she looked back to the others.
"if there is a scroll and it will solve the issue of damage to either mother or child..... we should hear more of it .... and when she's rested Selenia should too"
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #16: November 01, 2016, 11:24:35 PM »

Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair
all nobles of Greater Xavax
The Physician looked around, arms still crossed as he huffed.

"So that's it then?" He scolded "Your just going to let this...this hedge knight root around in the Xerarchs personal effects because she told you some kind of god spoke to her? None of you are going to challenge that any further?"

He looked around, waiting to see if someone, anyone of these nobles would take his side and deliver him from this unfounded, manic talk.

None did.

"Bah!" he said explosively. "Fine, do as you please. Its not like I can stop you. But I'll have no part in the blame if you're wrong!" He sat down then, enacting an air of finality as he watched to see if Dame Lyanna was serious enough to cross the threshold into the inner chamber where the Xerarch rested and Gia's she-wolf stood guard...
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #17: November 02, 2016, 04:18:21 AM »

[size=80%]Roleplay from Gia Dragonfyre   (13 minutes ago)[/size]
message to all nobles of Greater Xavax
Gia's clenched her jaw. It gave her face a very hard appearance.

"What could it hurt? What damage could it do? It can't possibly make matters worse now can it? Selenia has struggled mightily and the odds of either surviving are already not good " Gia glanced at Kin. "Kin will you escort Lyanna?  To guard against the unlikely event of theft"  Gia glared at the Physician as she spat the last word out. Clearly displaying her displeasure at the implication.

"tell you what..... if the Xerarch survives and is displeased with our efforts here to save her and the child I shall bear the brunt of her wrath, But not allowing Lyanna to try her madness now when we are out of options that involve both surviving is more dangerous then Lyanna's madness........ if that's what it is......"

Gia glanced over her shoulder at Selenia's darkened chamber ....... it was reassuring to see Lupa thump her tail. The Xerarch still lived. She turned back to the room.

"as it stands we lose one or both ......most likely both, so let us try EVERYTHING.......before we admit defeat."
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #18: November 02, 2016, 04:19:54 PM »

Roleplay from Cadewyn Thunderborn   (just in)
message to all nobles of Greater Xavax
"Come on Lyanna!" Cadewyn grabbed at the fellow knights hand and hurried towards the room. "No time to waste! We must hurry! I shall gently wake her while you see if the glow is in the room. Mayhap we can find the item and prove your awareness of such things is valid."

Cadewyn gave the physician a pitying look. It wasn't his fault she knew. He was a man who had years of the world telling him how things were and most of the time the world looked like that. But not always and sometimes it took knowing when to shift your eyes to see how the world had tilted for a moment. This was one such and knew everyone was caught off balance.

But hope was bright in her breast for Lyanna being correct. And so she hurried to the Xerarch. She gave the great wolf a friend smile. "Thank you fine beast. Now we must gently bring her up from her sleep."
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #19: November 02, 2016, 04:23:14 PM »

Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair
all nobles of Greater Xavax
Dire-wolves, as Gia had often noted, were uncannily intelligent. Lupa in particular seemed always to have some inclination of what was going on in the human world. So when Caedwyn said she needed help to awaken the Xerarch, Lupa rose from the floor as though in understanding...

And started howling loud enough to wake the dead.
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #20: November 02, 2016, 04:55:10 PM »

Roleplay from Gia Dragonfyre   (just in)
message to all nobles of Greater Xavax
Gia walked over next to Lupa. The large wolf was (to her own mind) singing a song of encouragment and healing. Her tail thumping on the flagstones of the chamber floor. It didnt take more than an eye blink for the pups to join in. After several 'stanzas' Gia reached out to pat the beast. 'That'll do Lupa, if that doesnt wake her we are in more trouble then we realize'. Lupa glanced up at Gia and moved over to Selenia's bed. Her cold nose bumping Selenias form.
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #21: November 02, 2016, 05:09:39 PM »

Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair
all nobles of Greater Xavax
The howl of a wolf can be heard from a distance of over 6 miles.

Direwolves, some as large as small horses, range over much larger territories, detectable from a long range away.

And apparently there was the full grown mother plus all of her pups howling in the enclosed space of the Eerie...

Selenia, exhausted, woke with a start, knife in hand and disoriented, delirious look, curling protectively over her stomach with no clear idea of what was happening. No one would ever figure out where the weapon had come from, or how it seemed to simply appear in her hand, but Selenia held it point out, eyes still blinded by sleep. Her expression was calm, as it usually was, but she was hyperventilating, panicking...

The tip of the blade pointed this way and that with lightning speed every time she picked out a new sound. She rubbed her eyes, trying desperately to clear her vision and protect her baby. It's common knowledge that Selenia fought her way into the nobility, hunting undead and direwolves. She must be reliving the trauma of a particularly bad hunt.

One where she'd ended up being the one that was hunted...
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #22: November 02, 2016, 05:29:01 PM »

Roleplay from Cadewyn Thunderborn   (just in)
message to all nobles of Greater Xavax
Cadewyn winced at the howling. She spoke softly as the howling quieted. "Xerarch. It is alright. You are safe, the babe is safe. My lady... it is Cadewyn. Please see us, see you are safe. Selenia... come back to us."

Cadewyn was soft, quiet, and almost singing as she whispered to the Xerarch, wanting to calm and soothe the panicking woman she most admired.
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #23: November 03, 2016, 09:08:21 PM »

Roleplay from Gia Dragonfyre   (24 minutes ago)
message to all nobles of Greater Xavax
Gia, froze. Cadewyn's gentle approach seemed to not be having a swift enough effect in this tense and dangerous moment. Lupa was startled by the Xerarch's sudden violence. The big wolf scuttled back. Selenia sensed the movement and the knife flashed in the dark.
"Selenia JeVondair! You are surrounded by friends! Do not attack!" Gia roared the command as if to her unit. Her voice brooked no room for disobedience. It shocked even Gia to hear herself sound so. Esp to the Xerarch.  But at the sound of her full name Selenia halted her lunge at Lupa. Gia squatted down so Selenia could see her face ..... praying the Xerarch did not take a slash at her. "Do not attack" Gia repeated much more softly "we are your friends and here to help lady, clear your eyes and see us"
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #24: November 03, 2016, 09:08:38 PM »

Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair
all nobles of Greater Xavax
Before Selenia could register and respond to Gia's voice of command, her unborn child made it's displeasure fealt at its mothers unbidden movement. Selenia doubled over, still gripping the knife as her labors began anew, her attention almost completely consumed by the life within her that was struggling to be born.

Her gasps, following the shouts and howling, drew the others into the room along with Cadewyn, Lyanna, Gia and her...pets...
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #25: November 03, 2016, 09:34:58 PM »

Roleplay from Gia Dragonfyre   (15 minutes ago)
message to all nobles of Greater Xavax
Gia slowly reached out toward the knife..... gently touching the back of Selenia's hand.  "give me the knife" Gia said softly
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #26: November 03, 2016, 09:38:49 PM »

Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair
all nobles of Greater Xavax
Selenia twirled the blade around in her hand, displaying prodigal dexterity as she used the flat of the blade to slap Gia's hand away.

"Just what in blazes-"She began, sounding more like her usual self as she took in all the faces, and muzzles, in the room "-are all of you doing here? Can't a woman deliver in peace?-AAGH"

A strong contraction pulled the sting from her words as she reclined against her pillows and focused on her breathing.

No one saw where the knife went...
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #27: November 03, 2016, 10:12:39 PM »

Roleplay from Gia Dragonfyre   (6 minutes ago)
message to all nobles of Greater Xavax
"Xerarch" Gia said ..... rubbing the back of her hand, relieved Selenia didn't miss and that she was coming back to herself. "In light of your ......struggle...... and our worry for you ..... we have been willing to entertain........unorthodox idea's......Lyanna has an idea"  ......... Gia began to explain the situation.....
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #28: November 03, 2016, 10:12:55 PM »

Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair
all nobles of Greater Xavax
Selenia's cheeks puffed as her brow reddened, her struggles causing the lines of her muscles to stand in stark relief against her nightgown.

"Ahhhgggg-then bloody well GET ON WITH IT! Whaterver it i-aaarggh!"

....she said eloquently.
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Re: The Phoenix's Firstborn
« Reply #29: November 04, 2016, 05:30:58 AM »

Roleplay from Lyanna Perry   (45 minutes ago)
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Lyanna oblivious to everyone and everything around her finished praying. Looks up and sees the knife...

"Put that away you fools! The scroll! Use the scroll!" She puses people back and begins searching about the Queens person. Upon finding it she opens it for the Queen and begins coaching her...

"Your Grace, you must read this scroll. I recognize it! It is the fountain of youth! Quickly now, your Grace!"
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