Author Topic: Anti adventurer or the Immortal adventurer game  (Read 5362 times)


  • Testers
  • Mighty Duke
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  • Posts: 1093
  • Too weird to live, too rare to die
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The adventurer game is a sidegame experience. We aren't going to be adding such a large expansion with the current available volunteer coders and other coding priorities.

I understand. correct me if i am wrong, but this could be easily coded as it works on the same mechanics as normal adventuring.
The mechanics need some alterations but mostly remain the same.
What i like most about this addition is that now advies have more the idea that they play against other players instead just mechanics.
Your advy could have heard that his friend died somewhere near by and then goes looking for this friends items and unique items.
By investigating the advy can find his friend back as an anti advy and hunt him down, claiming the unique item(s) it was holding.
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog