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Earning Respect

Started by Attano, November 10, 2016, 08:37:07 AM

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Roleplay from Corvo Attano
message to all nobles of Greater Xavax
Light rain drizzled down upon the streets of Igno. Corvo had removed his mask and was holding it, staring into the blue glass lenses. Luckily for him, he still had his hood up to defend against the inclement weather, but unfortunately, his cloak, breastplate and chainmail were going to need a check over for rust.

Cries of agony resounded from the streets as villagers and townspeople were beaten by Xavaxian soldiers. It was uncomfortable to the twenty-five year old, but he tried to ignore it, especially since three of his men had gone a little too far. These men were bound behind him, they had beaten civilians to the point of a surgeon being called in. He turned to them.

"What were your orders?" he calmly inquired. At first there was an uneasy silence, but one meekly spoke up "To rough up the folk, M'lord." obviously worried. "Where in that did you get 'beat to death'?" Corvo's voice raised. Thankfully, only a few ribs were broken and there was no internal bleeding, most of the damage was superficial. Another soldier spoke up"M'lord we didn't do too-" Corvo swiftly cut him off. "I don't want excuses, now answer the question. Where in 'rough up', did you get 'beat to death?" he was yelling now. "I- nowhere, M'lord." the first soldier bowed his head as he spoke, "We submit to punishment."  the soldiers had obviously given up. Corvo removed his hood and donned his mask, his vision lightly tinged with blue. "As punishment," he began, voice distorted to rasping sound by the mask, "will be ten lashes and half rations." he winced beneath the mask, he knew the punishment was harsh, but he had to earn the respect of his troops. There were no protests as Corvo called his Sanctiones.
Once the Daleborn family, now the Attano family.

Rhynehardt Blood

Next time we go to war you and MUST DO a Dual role play! That would be awesome!!


Quote from: Rhynehardt Blood on November 18, 2016, 05:36:46 AM
Next time we go to war you and MUST DO a Dual role play! That would be awesome!!
Yes! *high fives*
Once the Daleborn family, now the Attano family.