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The Shameless Westgard Recruitment Thread

Started by Foxglove, November 29, 2016, 09:35:36 PM

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Anyone who likes constant battles, we've still got about 30k CS of rogues in our lands to deal with, plus countless at the borders. And open estates too!

Westgard's army is always up to something.  8)
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Gabanus family

Quote from: Chenier on August 30, 2017, 01:50:46 PM
Anyone who likes constant battles, we've still got about 30k CS of rogues in our lands to deal with, plus countless at the borders. And open estates too!

Westgard's army is always up to something.  8)

Maybe, maybe I'll consider it in a while. Westgard did shrink a bit again in my absence of BM
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Yea, I was never there for its glory days. It was brought to the brink of extinction at least once, and then cycled growth and bust repeatedly since. When I did rejoin the game 10 months ago, we had but a few regions left. Took, lost, and retook a great many regions since. Monster behavior was tweaked multiple times since, though, so I'm more confident than before in our perspectives against the endless hordes, though we also did lost a bunch of nobles in those 10 months, so that kind of negates the gains.

I can't see Westgard ever regaining the extent it once had.
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Gabanus family

K, we now know the glory aspects of Westgard, what are the downsides? Money issues, food issues? Is there much chatter and some RP within the realm, or is it more following orders, hunting monsters and that sort of stuff?
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Not an extremely chatty realm. Some realm-wide talk, but not much, a decent amount of technical talk in the military council. Almost all chatter is military stuff, though, like what kind of RCs to build, what regions to reclaim, how to optimize taxes, what order to hit monsters in, that kind of talk. Every now and then we get riled up by Avernus looting us. I think the realm is fairly responsive, though, when someone writes out, such as when joining the realm, there's usually multiple responses, but there's certainly a kind of routine established where everyone knows fighting monsters has been on the agenda for a while, still is, and forever will. Every now and then we get crazy ideas, but the reality remains that any act in the East would leave us defenseless towards the hordes migrating from the West.

Money: not the poorest realm, not the richest either. We make by. Food: kind of the same, I don't ever remember starvation issues, but food is often rationed and purchased as a precaution. I think our current extent has us on the safe side.

It's mostly chasing monsters, doing battles, doing takeovers. It's great for gaining h/p. If you are looking for political intrigue though I don't think there's any to be had.
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Gabanus family

Political intrigue nope, got my hands full with EC.

My char in Astrum was highly political however, but has now taken a background position. H/P is not so much my main concern (although infil actions do take it out of ya). If I'd join it would be mostly to do some fun RP stuff or so from time to time (I tend to prefer more frequent smaller RP's over once a month essays) and some fun chatter now and then about random stuff. "Hey look I saw some monsters I've never seen before, they were big animals, mainly black but with black and white striped heads, what are they?" and then someone yells badgers and runs. *Granted, that is maybe oldschool Atamara, but you get the idea. Is that something that could work there, or better keep him in Astrum?

Side question, is there an academy in Gelene?
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Physical Age:    25 years
Main Class:    Warrior
Sub Class:    Cavalier
Honour:    453
Prestige:    42

Yea that can be handy as an infiltrator, both to attain the minimum to become one and to maintain it afterwards. This character is about 10 months old, starting "young".

Different people offer their inputs every now and then. I think I'm the most talkative, though. Barely anything gets sent to "realm council only", the ruler more or less regularly keeps us up to date on world events, and most non-technical talk is public (and for the rest, well, I was made a vice-marshal and dumped into the military table less than a week after recreating this account, I think, I don't think people showing interest would be blocked out).

Yes there's an academy.
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Sounds much less boring than where my noble's at. My advy is in Westgard though. Pretty much same as any other realm for advies. I don't believe there is a realm-based community for commoners at all on Dwi.

There's one international one, obviously; and then there's this awesome RP one Malus started but it died down over the recent months. I think Malus may've went inactive?
New family - Arnickles Renodin: Maura(OS), Myr(LN)
Old family - The (dead) Bennets: Max(SF), Joran(VT), Jarra(OS)


Well, Luria does a fair bit of adventurer organizing. Nobles can join the Royal Rangers too, there's a guildhouse in most places, including Westgard. Granted I left it, didn't really appeal to me. So Luria might stand out a bit in terms of adventurer experience, while most realms will be similar. I've got an adventurer in Westgard, often there's no other adventurer nearby to share my links to, and where there are, I rarely get any from others, and I rarely get retroaction from those I share. Pretty much the same as elsewhere I played with that advy though.

It's hard to organize adventurers, imo. Noble-directed efforts feel awkards, while adventurers themselves have few tools. There's also not much to strive for; organizing to what ends? Groups of two could find champions more quickly I guess, but more than that and you are just travelling more often than not. Westgard adopted a policy to have bounties in all regions, but gold is also of limited use to adventurers. It can go towards buying equipment, but that's capped by skill anyways.
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Gabanus family

Quote from: Chenier on August 31, 2017, 06:22:12 PM
Yea that can be handy as an infiltrator, both to attain the minimum to become one and to maintain it afterwards. This character is about 10 months old, starting "young".

Different people offer their inputs every now and then. I think I'm the most talkative, though. Barely anything gets sent to "realm council only", the ruler more or less regularly keeps us up to date on world events, and most non-technical talk is public (and for the rest, well, I was made a vice-marshal and dumped into the military table less than a week after recreating this account, I think, I don't think people showing interest would be blocked out).

Yes there's an academy.

Goriad still has 93 honor and 30 prestige, that'll last an infiltrator quite a long while.

It's not so much though that I see positions and rise of power (can get those back in Astrum in 10 seconds prob) but just some inner realm chatter and fun. I am looking at another alternative for Goriad as well, so will let you know what I decide to do. Depends on a couple of IG stuff.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Also, we are currently expanding again. :)

Influx of regions and nobles always creates opportunities. For the military-minded, we often cycle between two and one army, depending on our resources and noble count. Whenever the situation allows we split our forces for as long as it's sustainable (until said armies dwindle to the point of not being able to stop a basic horde anymore).
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I might be interested in case Astrum destroys us  >:(
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)


Ooooh, maybe you should hasten its downfall!

That'd be interesting if Westfold nobles came to Westgard. Westgard and Astrum had a complicated past, but have been very friendly as of late. This migrant influx could complicate neighborly relations.

Westgard has access to vast territories too that it can't/won't annex for mere lack of nobles. We are just around our sweet spot for density right now, but more nobles heightens the bar.

Also not sure how things go internally, but Westfold seems like one of the more dynamic realms of the continent. With monsters now swimming to the over-expansionnist eastern realms, Westgard may no longer be forever locked into the "monsters' eternal punching bag" status it's had since ages. The removal of Westfold in the East and the migration of its nobles West would displace densities, and thus further incite the hordes to move East into of to Westgard, while at the same time directly bolstering our capacities. Westgard could very well gain the capacity to project might abroad, for the first time in ages. It's not really in our culture to do so, but 11 nobles could have some power to shift mentalities, especially if it results in unprecedented prosperity.  8)
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Whoa man, hold your horses  :)

There's only 10 of us, and I think some will probably look up north for realms to join.

I don't quite follow politics (or anything really) in DWI, but a constant fight to gain much H/P doesn't sound like a terrible idea to me.
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)


Quote from: Wimpie on September 01, 2017, 03:20:21 PM
Whoa man, hold your horses  :)

There's only 10 of us, and I think some will probably look up north for realms to join.

I don't quite follow politics (or anything really) in DWI, but a constant fight to gain much H/P doesn't sound like a terrible idea to me.

Horses? My alpaca-driven carriage is unstoppable!

Realm list page says 11 nobles for Westfold. Are you forgetting yourself? :P

Westgard is north! If you exclude the Cayun exclave, our southernmost tip is forther north than your northernmost tip!
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