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Holiday in D'Hara

Started by Sharpspeare, December 25, 2016, 08:04:23 PM

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Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (42 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

Kateera smiled as she signed the letter and slid it into a small envelope. On the cover, she took her time to write Baron Drizztle's name over it. She usually let the scribes do this part but today she wrote everything personally because it was a special day.

It was a miracle she had even remembered what day it was, in fact some days she didn't much care for it; they all seemed to blur together into one long and endless moment. Her weeks had been filled with so much fighting and traveling lately, she didn't really find much joy in it.

Her only comfort was that she had finally found her sea legs. She did have to thank Drizztle for his advice on the matter though, had it not been for him she may have continued her sea travels sporting the greenest of colors. At the thought, she laughed a little. Ironically, that's how she had met Drizztle in the first place, unable to settle her stomach or remember her own name, she had greeted him as best she could. It couldn't have been a worse moment on her part but he had been a gentleman about the entire affair and had done his best to put her at ease. She wished she had felt better so she could make the best of their first meeting together, though the situation made it a memorable moment nonetheless.

Since that moment she had thought of him often but she had rarely seen him. They had shared a dinner together, another time he had gone out of his way to make her smile making the moment memorable. On occasion they glanced at each other from across the battlefield since they were in the same army and followed each other across D'Hara to eradicate undead and monsters upon the streets of their beloved realm, but they hadn't spent any time together since that dinner.

She hoped he was doing well this day and even better once he received his gift. She looked to the wrapped box, and slid the letter over it and wrapped a big red bow around it. It wasn't an ideal situation, considering all the fighting still going around but they had to take a moment to enjoy what was truly important in life, if not they wouldn't really remember what they were fighting for.

Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (40 minutes ago)

A courier delivers a box to you. It is quite long in length and narrower in width, making you curious as to what it could contain. Beneath the red big bow there is an envelope with cursive letters flowing beautifully around the letters of your name. You remove the letter and read:

Dear Drizztle,

I hope this letter finds you well. I know this isn't much, but it is dear to me and I hope one day it becomes dear to you as well. Have a merry day.

You unravel the bow and the ribbon from around the box, and open it. Inside is an elaborate long sword the glint of the metal shining in the light. The tip of the pommel is adorned with the McDowell emblem of a horse, three stars and half moon below it. As you take the weapon into your hand, you see the grip is worked expertly beneath your palm. The cross guard is worked into braided steel that dips down towards the blade itself, like claws. Upon closer inspection, you notice the fine craftsmanship of the weapon and the eerie letters worked into the metal so as to not weaken the blade. You do not understand the words engraved into the blade as they are in a foreign language. You find another note inside the box.

“The words over the blade are a sacred battle prayer, meant to ward off those who would wish you harm, and protect you. Only the bearer of the weapon should know what they mean… you must seek me out if you wish to find out their meaning for I will only speak them to you… I hope to see you soon. Kat"
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (7 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

Drizztle stared at the sword gifted to him by Kateera. "A fine weapon this is. And the pummel with the strange words, how mysterious" he thinks. He re-reads the letter again. "you must seek me out if you wish to find out their meaning for I will only speak them to you…" she writes. He laughs, a big belly laugh. "Try and stop me!" He shouts. His Captain, the young Captain Warmund, cries "St-stop you, Sir?" Drizztle just turns to him. One look keeps any response from forming on his lips. "FIND me Dame Kateera. Where are her and her men camped?" Drizztle orders. Warmund snaps to attention and heads off without answering his lord. "Hmmmm...still needs work." Drizztle mutters to no one.

Drizztle goes to his tent and brings out a package. It is a simple box tied with simple red thread. He had been saving this gift, hoping to run into the young Kateera. He had felt so alive the night he ran into her and ended up having dinner together. They had fought together. They had danced together. She had hit him with a rock and he hadn't even minded. She had risked herself to save a child. Going alone with the child to find the child's parents. Not many he knew would be brave enough to do that during monster raids.

A while later, an impatient Drizztle is anxiously awaiting Warmund's return. His men sense his mood and do their best to avoid attracking his attention. They feel sorry for Warmund, for he will be the one to get the brunt of Drizztle's ire should the news be bad. When one man coughs, there is dead silence. After a moment it is apparent Drizztle didn't notice, his gaze still searching the area for Warmund.

Finally Warmund shows up. Breathlessly he explains he found where they are encamped. "Good, Captain Warmund, stay here and keep the men ready. Rotating watch. I'll take 5 men with me to visit Dame Kateera." With that he starts walking off caring the box himself. His men do not know what to do, who is staying and who is going. Warmund picks 5 men and they rush off to catch up to the swift moving Drizztle.

Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (just sent) message to all nobles of D'Hara

Drizztle arrived in the area where Kateera's men are camped. Caring the box he has for her and wearing her gift on his hip, he makes he way towards her tent. Her men demand he halt his advance and to state his business.

"I am Baron Drizztle of house Sharpspeare, Sponser of the Royal Navy. And if you do not recognize me, I could demonstrate my prowess to you using this fine sword your liege lady sent to me." Shifting the box into one hand he brought out the sword. He showed the men the pommel with McDowell emblem on it. "Now do you need me to state my business?" He asked with deadly calmness belying the storm beneath the surface. "No Lord Baron. But please wait a moment while we inform our lady of your arrival." One quickly states.

"Be quick." He states, brokering no discussion from these men.
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (14 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

One of her men scratched at her tent’s entrance before entering. Kateera looked up with a frown at being disturbed. “There is a Baron Drizztle, My Lady, he wishes to speak with you.”

She blinked blue eyes at the man and cocked her head. Well she couldn’t be that surprised he had shown up to see her, she had after all goaded him to seek her out with her letter. Smiling to herself, she waved her hand at her man, “show him in.”

She watched as he turned around to do as commanded and quickly took a once look over at her appearance. She brushed a quick hand through her long red locks and placed her hands at her sides. Her grey eyes watched the entrance for a moment until the man in question was let through.

She immediately noticed the blade at his hip and smiled. Watching him for a moment, her gaze found his. “Baron Drizztle, what a pleasant surprise.” She greeted him softly. She suddenly had a memory of them dancing together and her cheeks colored softly.
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare all nobles of D'Hara

"My apologies, dear Kateera. Your gift was wonderful. I shall carry it with me always. I have a gift for you as well." Drizztle stated quickly. He hands her the simple box with the red thread. "Please accept this." He handed the box to her, barely keeping his hands from shaking.

Kateera, smiling at Drizztle, open the box. Inside was a dress, tailored to her size. It was emerald with actual emeralds at the hem. Also inside was bottle of Red Langor. "I hope you like the dress. I had it made for you. I hope I got the dimensions right. I went by memory," he said before wistfully adding, "and what a memory it is." While Kateera admired the dress, for it was made by the finest dress maker in Port Raviel, Drizztle grabbed out the bottle. "And this I made myself. A taste of home. A bottle is not made overnight; like most things, it needs to be nurtured. I hope you enjoy." Drizztle then sat the bottle down and stared into Kateera's grey eyes. "I could get lost in those eyes," he thought pleasantly to himself.
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (12 hours, 58 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

Kateera took out the dress and admired the fine cut with wonder in her eyes. He had the garment made from memory alone? She not only blushed at the idea but was also pleased by it. She then looked to the bottle he set nearby, he looked up and his eyes stared into hers. “I am pleased that you are pleased by the Guardian.” She gave it its proper name and looked to the dress in her hands. “As for this beautiful dress, I thank you” she smiled fondly. “Please allow me one moment...”

She left the small entrance of the tent, and went further into another closed off space and disappeared for a few moments. When she returned, she was wearing the emerald dress. Her long red locks flowed over her shoulders and she smiled sheepishly. “It’s beautiful...” she turned around to show him the end result and faced him once more. “As for the bottle, I would much prefer it if you shared it with me... it is after all a taste of home for you is it not? Please, say you will...” She waited patiently.
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare all nobles of D'Hara

It took a moment before her words registered to Drizzle. He was just enchanted by Kateera in her dress. "Of course, I would be happy to share with you." He smile rather big at that. While Kateera retrieved two cups, Drizztle opened the bottle. After it was opened, Drizztle breathed in deeply, having always enjoyed the smell of Red Langor. Opening his eyes, he sees Kateera staring. "The smell reminds me of bygone days," he states a little sheepish after being caught.

Kateera holds out the cups and Drizztle pours. They hold out their cups to each other and Drizztle toasts, "To good times with great company". She smiles, her face going a little red. They drink deeply, laugh, and then drink some more. They spend a few hours, talking and enjoying each other's company. But it eventually has to come to an end.

"Dear Kateera. I would love to stay longer, but I am expected elsewhere. But you can expect to see me again." Reluctantly he leaves, but not before pausing at the entrance and looking deeply in her eyes. He departs and his men fall in behind him.
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (11 hours, 46 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

Kateera watched Drizztle walk away with a disappointed expression on her face. She'd had a wonderful evening with the man but he was right it had to come to an end. She looked down to the emerald dress and wondered if she had done it justice. She had caught him staring at her a few times while they talked and hoped that was the reason why. She sighed as she picked up the glasses and the bottle of Red Langor and set them aside.

She then removed her dress and got ready for bed, at least she would sleep off what remained of the night. Laying down into her cot, she looked up at the canvas and blinked sleepily. Just as she started to fall asleep, she sat up quickly and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. The Guardian! She had written Drizztle a letter with the sword, telling him to seek her out to find out what the prayer meant, but as the night had progressed they had both been too preoccupied with one another and had completely forgotten about it.

Laying back down into the cot, she grinned lightly and covered her eyes with her arm. Soon her grin turned into heartfelt laughter and she shook her head. Well, he would simply have to return to her if he wanted to know the meaning of the words. Perhaps she would tell him or she would simply distract him into forgetting once more. It could be interesting to see how many times he would seek her out, but she had to admit she wouldn't tire of the attention.

Smiling, she turned over and fell asleep...
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor