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not enough roleplay

Started by mik87, January 16, 2017, 11:50:32 AM

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It seems to me we don't really get much of this. There's very little character interaction. Most people seem to act like turn bots.
Game mechanics don't amuse me much. I know mostly how thay work now.


Nothing stops you from starting a Roleplay and involve everyone. I know I've enjoyed group RP's quite a lot. At this moment I have less time to actually write something up. And it's true probably less people will pick up on the RP and join in.

Encouraging people to RP more is definately welcome.
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)

Gabanus family

There are some players who roleplay less and some who roleplay more and it also depends on the realm. I for instance RP quite a bit with my character on EC and Oligarch has quite some RP, but I don't RP as much with my other chars due to time constraints and I know some realms have more RP than others.

I think the war Islands Ikalak has quite some RP, but a very specific kind.

On East Continent I know both Greater Xavax and First Oligarch have quite some RP, don't know about the others though.

Dwilight the last time I left Luria Nova didn't have a lot of RP, Astrum has some but not that much and I don't really know about the other realms. I know in the old days D'hara was known for quite some RP, don't know if that's still the case.

On Beluaterra the daimon serving realms have quite a bit of RP which is generally shared throughout their guild. During my time in Nothoi I didn't see as much RP in the 'human' realm(s) though.

Colonies is generally the more slow paced continent and I don't know much about it concerning RP.

New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


There's also different kinds of roleplays. Some people write long green-papered narratives, others just flavor how their characters act and speak.

I've written my share of "roleplays", but unless it's over critical events (religious rites, a royal wedding, the death of an important character, etc.), roleplays for the sake of roleplays tend to bore me. Greater Xavax has a bunch of those if that's what you like.

And some people will be reactive, they are just tired of doing the first steps.
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I am more on the RPing with character instead of writing long narratives. Talking to your captain gets old pretty quick.


Some things that I find help sow the seed of RPing:

1. RP about something. Short conversations your character has are great to try to develop a personality, but as Zakky said, talking to your captain gets old pretty quick. It also doesn't leave much room for others to get involved.

2. Continuing from the first point, make your RPs open to other people. If your RP is just about you slaying mad amounts of godless heathens on a battlefield and there is no way for another player to inject their character, you can't really complain. Try to set something up that freely involves other characters. Duels can be great for this. Heck, even training matches. We had one in GX not too long ago, where a training match was announced. There were RPs from both fighters, spectators, bets were made, etc. It has to be something that more than just one person can get involved in. Some other ideas:
-Perhaps your character wants to throw a swanky party or ball. Invite everyone! Wine, bread, cheese, political conversation, the works!
-Two characters in love? A wedding is a great place for characters to interact.
-Need some scout reports while waiting for a battle? Why not collaborate with a couple other characters to RP a reconnaissance mission?

3. Give your character some personality. Make other characters want to be involved in what you are doing. Don't constantly be the "big fearsome warrior who can fell any enemy and is nigh invincible". Have character flaws, have real personality traits, have interesting faults. This is the point I find most lacking in BattleMaster. Think about characters you have read in books. What appeals to you? Actually try to define your character as a person.

4. Do not control someone elses character. Don't do it. Nothing will alienate a player from RPing with you faster than having their character do things in your RP.

5. Be prepared for opportunity. Sometimes you will fire off an RP and have someone respond immediately. If you find yourself online with someone at the same time, it is a great chance to bounce back and forth shorter RPs that move along quickly, making for an enjoyable read. If you find yourself in this situation, take advantage of it!

These are all my personal observations on Role Playing and what I have found to work and not work. Don't take it as gospel by any means, but I hope it does provide some insight.
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.


Cooperation with another player is good. Most roleplays  I've seen were long  naratives.
I did get something when I beat an adventurer. It was quite suprised to see a reaction.


A long narrative isn't a terrible thing as long as it is interesting, pertains to other players, and is open ended so that other characters can get involved. Open RPs are the key!
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.

Gabanus family

The best RP's for me that work through in character and I've had the luck of having 2 RP partners in Oligarch where we RP quite regularly where you see a lot of the 'older' stuff return. Brings a nice form of consistency, but as said everyone has a different style.

As to your other remark:

Quote-Two characters in love? A wedding is a great place for characters to interact.

Yeah we tried that once... It ended in a poisoning of a PM, a bloodbath and virtually eternal war afterwards  ::) Best wedding ever  8)
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Quote from: mik87 on January 16, 2017, 11:50:32 AM
It seems to me we don't really get much of this. There's very little character interaction. Most people seem to act like turn bots.
Game mechanics don't amuse me much. I know mostly how thay work now.
i think depend on where you come from, which realm and which island. But most players mind us all, are working people. As some people have posted, some realms and islands still doing the Roleplays.

Quote from: Zakky on January 16, 2017, 01:23:28 PM
I am more on the RPing with character instead of writing long narratives. Talking to your captain gets old pretty quick.
I have been talking to my Captain for ages... in Nivemus. And it gets old. Now Brock the Priest has no more Captain, I do not even know who Brock plan to Roleplay with. All the temple servants next? :o

Quote from: Gildre on January 16, 2017, 03:40:12 PM
A long narrative isn't a terrible thing as long as it is interesting, pertains to other players, and is open ended so that other characters can get involved. Open RPs are the key!
I agree. My character try Roleplay in Morek along with other nobles, and it helps you to get another player to Roleplay back, it motivates you, kind of :D

Now my adventurer in Dwilight also do Roleplay which is rather surprising turn for myself as there are other Players Roleplays as well.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


If you want to know what happens when you talk to your captain or to yourself every day for a month straight, - Scroll down a bit to the roleplay section.

you can check my old RPs out. I've written over 100 RPs in a month thinking people would join in. Nope. They didn't even bother.


RP and strategy are my two fave elements of the game. I prefer RP that comes from heavy characterisation in open letters rather than long green papers, but different strokes for different folks.

I think there's generally great RP going on in EC, Dwilight, Ikalak on SI (which got a little out of hand....) and then the devs did a great job with the daimon story-line on BT. Colonies seems to be dull though.

Great ways to get involved in RPs are to take Gov positions (since you get the leader's etc channel), Guilds, Secret Societies and Religions. Do all of that and you will have RP coming out of your ears!

PS. Anyone know where Lapallanch has gone? His madcap mayhem is massively missed (sorry, I do love an alliteration)!
Daedalus: Vix Tiramora - Draco: Westfold - Dido: Ar Agyr - Deirdre The Younger - Ikalak


Quote from: Zakilevo on January 17, 2017, 02:13:57 AM
If you want to know what happens when you talk to your captain or to yourself every day for a month straight, - Scroll down a bit to the roleplay section.

you can check my old RPs out. I've written over 100 RPs in a month thinking people would join in. Nope. They didn't even bother.

I glanced over a few, and it seemed to be 1 on 1 action between your character and an NPC. Not really the kind of stuff that incites participation.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Step 1: Desire to RP
Step 2: Find a JeVondair
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit

::) ;D 8)
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


If you can get an adventurer toward the southeast of Dwilight, I'm trying to gather people who want RP. Might try head toward Luria, if you have to travel. Drowenton may be longer than I thought. :)
Dwilight: Septimus the Hero (Westguard)
Beluaterra: Lilly the Courtier (Angmar)