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Sacred Obia'Syela

Started by JeVondair, April 27, 2017, 04:51:28 AM

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So I didn't want to lose track of this discussion and thought it would be best to move towards the forums.

Recently in OS JeVondair posted this:
QuoteOut-of-Character from Rania Eastersand JeVondair(3 days, 2 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Obia'Syela

Ok y’all, so I’ve been thinking on the various critiques offered publicly and privately regarding the confusing system of titles between the realm and the three organizations Obian society has been built upon. Someone, I forget who, suggested a unified title system so as limit confusion.


==Elder Rank==
•Guild Leader:            Arch Herald/Templar/ Inquisitor -OR- Herald/Templar/Inquisitor Archon
•Ruling Councilors: High Herald, High Templar, High Inquisitor

==Full Rank==
•Regional Lords:       Lord Herald/Templar/Inquisitor
•Knights:                      Herald/Templar/Inquisitor

=Entry Rank==
•Adventurers:             Initiate

I am not locked on these, per se, but I figured this would be a good platform to start the conversation. Do you agree with this list or have suggestions to contribute? Please do! All are welcome. Once we get a consensus, I’ll make it official

While I see how that "could" be useful, I have to express my firm and unyielding disagreement with this notion in the case of Obia'Syela. I think unifying titles and, in essence, mandating that each organization (in this case, The Heralds, Inquisition, and Templars) must have similar titles/naming conventions kills the creativity and uniqueness of the groups. We have separate groups for a reason, forcing them into a similarity, in my mind almost defeats the purpose of the different groups. I really don't want to come off as childish here, but were we to "mandate" this.. I can see Vahanian, as a character, and myself as a player, losing interest in the different organizations. I understand that we are getting a little.. "excited" with our titles and so I am all for looking at revamping the nomenclature we use, but I think mandating a uniformity across the three groups is a terrible idea.

Myself and a few others have worked hard on developing a culture in the Templar order and establishing a "ruling council" that works similar to the Roman Senate for the order, whereas I imagine the Inquisition is structured differently. I think that is a special attribute of the groups that we should maintain, as there is already a rivalry among them, and conflict drives great storytelling.. Unifying them diminishes (in my mind) some of that conflict.

I also have a feeling that as soon as we get the groups wiki pages up and running (I am working on the Templars and I think the Heralds and Inquisition already have a pretty good foundation) that some of the confusion can be mitigated by pointing players to the wikis where they can read through the different organizations, their ranks and so on.

There has been some discussion in game via OOC chat about this topic, but it seems like it may have fallen to the wayside.. wanted to bring it back up because I think it's an important discussion to have. I would love to hear others thoughts/opinions.
A good chess player plays 3 moves ahead, A great chess player plays 1 move ahead, but it's always the right move.


What the problem at this moment is are the double meanings of ranks. In the church erheas is a high Templar, which is the rank of the Templar leader in the Templar order. The grand Templar council role in the rank, is the rank for rulers in the church. Stuff like that makes that there need to be some uniformity between the ranks, in the sense that they don't mean something different in every organisation.


Fun fact: Military branches had the same issues with naming conventions for ranks when new branches (navy, air force, etc.) came into service.

soooooooo I don't wanna see anyone blaming ME for not thinking far enough ahead!
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


You're not some measly military, you're JeVondair! Have some standards damnit!
New family - Arnickles Renodin: Maura(OS), Myr(LN)
Old family - The (dead) Bennets: Max(SF), Joran(VT), Jarra(OS)


    Clearly we're caught between two distinct branches of thought: Mechanical Uniformity and Organic Decentralization. Both have unique merits and vulnerabilities.

    It may seem innocuous but experience has shown many a veteran how titles carry meaning and intent beyond conscious design. Clever minds can and will use every tool, situation, and word at their disposal to uplift or denounce the veracity, influence, and reputation of said titles. Sometimes these clever word-games become canon; whether foreign or domestic.

    For example, note the complex attitudes, widespread rumors, mythical legends, spiteful foreign propaganda, and domestic humor that resulted from the "Lich-Queen" bit about Xerarch Selenia JeVondair of Xavax. A single word, "Lich", which continues to evolve and be applied in numerous ways to both deify and slander a woman, a culture, a people, and now, one of the realms they inhabit. Its truly quite genius, and a hallmark of roleplayers' skill in propagandist wordplay. There's a reason why many modern-day intelligence agents are Dungeons & Dragons types rather than your stereotypical buff bravado-filled spy novel protag/antag. The ability to communicate complex ideas custom-tailored to the viewer's perspective is a powerful tool... Arguably the most powerful tool in the arsenal of Humankind.

In many ways our choice defines both perspective and behavior for generations to come.

Do we strive for a more orderly centralized federalist approach with uniform titles, ranks, and methodology?

Or do we purposely infuse our factions with individual flair, variable personality, and deviation from the norm?

It all depends on our long-term goals according to the vision of both the Faith/realm's Founders and the successive generations of character personalities who call it their own.

I'd love to look back at this thread a year-or-three from now and see how it all played out! Xavax was one hell of a psychological experiment and look how that turned out. JV and I used every trick in the book, and I personally spent long nights researching potential additions to the Xavax concept and its proposed off-shoot sub-realms. (which never came to be, unfortunately.) Every vital mechanism of early Xavax was discussed both publicly and privately, IC and OOC, with various individuals and factions who each presented and preferred alternate proposals of cultural, religious, and strategic identity. Despite quite a few purposeful handicaps thrown in for good measure, (because a perfect template is the opposite of entertaining!) our fun little thought-project turned into a long-standing militant theo-culture that people alternately love-hate across the continents - a tale of strife and betrayal, vision and passion, expansion and isolation, brotherhood and rivalry, and so much more. Despite starting Xavax as a sneaky way to build a multi-party storyboard for a story I was writing, it evolved into so much more than I - or likely JV - had ever dreamed.

I have absolutely no doubt that Obia'Syela will achieve such a level of infamy and complexity, if not more.

"Love us er hate us, our name's on the tip o' yer tongue... And 'at is the greatest honor you can b'stow upon our people. Thank you for thinking of us all these years. Friend or foe, we wouldn't have made it without you." ;)
Apsu@Legends. BM: Yxevarii Auru'in, Grandmistress [Ruler;Priestess-Inquisitor] (Obia'Syela-BT); Sigrid Gudrun Auru'in, Avenging Exile of Xavax, Countess of Slimbar (Redhaven-EC);  Masalu Auru'in, Linguistically-Challenged Sumerian Death-Cultist (D'hara-DW)

Gabanus family

I must agree with Blint here. I'm much in favor of not dictating things ooc too much. The chaos actually adds to the fun I think to a certain degree and 'organized chaos' is how I planned to lead the Inquisition.

*Note to JeVondair, you still have to hand over controll of the guild for that matter... I can't even do a thing atm

Another option would be is to add some titles to the church and make a separation between the two as well. Those faithfull becoming Inquisitors will also be inquisitors in the church and same with Templars. That should solve 90% of the confusion I think.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Quote from: Gabanus family on December 05, 2017, 07:23:42 AM
*Note to JeVondair, you still have to hand over control of the guild for that matter... I can't even do a thing atm

Rania made G2 an elder, did she not? If so, there should be only two things he can't do.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Quote from: Gabanus family on December 05, 2017, 07:23:42 AM
Another option would be is to add some titles to the church and make a separation between the two as well. Those faithfull becoming Inquisitors will also be inquisitors in the church and same with Templars. That should solve 90% of the confusion I think.

Would you mind expanding on this further? I, for one, am all ears
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Quote from: D`Este on December 04, 2017, 10:58:12 PM
What the problem at this moment is are the double meanings of ranks. In the church erheas is a high Templar, which is the rank of the Templar leader in the Templar order. The grand Templar council role in the rank, is the rank for rulers in the church. Stuff like that makes that there need to be some uniformity between the ranks, in the sense that they don't mean something different in every organisation.

I think rather than changing the government and guild titles, changing the religious ones makes more sense. Especially since we started moving away from referring to all OS nobles as 'Templars' and instead calling them the Enlightened.

Which I think might be what Gabanus is getting at..
A good chess player plays 3 moves ahead, A great chess player plays 1 move ahead, but it's always the right move.


Liiiike changing "Templar" to "Enlightened"?
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


I think Gabanus ment that he can't do anything in the Inquisition guild. Inquisition guild is pretty much dead atm and for no reason as there's[b ] huge[/b] need for inquisitors to organize themselves.
New family - Arnickles Renodin: Maura(OS), Myr(LN)
Old family - The (dead) Bennets: Max(SF), Joran(VT), Jarra(OS)



Quote from: Blint on December 05, 2017, 03:13:10 PM
Especially since we started moving away from referring to all OS nobles as 'Templars' and instead calling them the Enlightened.

I gave you credit for that.. But also, I think reworking faith titles might be more effective then changing inquisition & Templars & heralds.

A good chess player plays 3 moves ahead, A great chess player plays 1 move ahead, but it's always the right move.


Quote from: Blint on December 05, 2017, 07:26:11 PM

I gave you credit for that.. But also, I think reworking faith titles might be more effective then changing inquisition & Templars & heralds.

Np. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

In the meantime... RUMBLES... :o 8) ;D
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Unfortunately this realm really wasn't for me. Not a fan of theocracy. Already have a character in one and it is super annoying.

But I've been recommending people this realm since I heard it has a lot of RP going on. Hope that is true.


It had a LOT of RP, and not just RP but damn GOOD RP.

Well... Sometiimes damn-evil RP for those who use the theocracy bit to be douches, but we welcome all RP. :)
Apsu@Legends. BM: Yxevarii Auru'in, Grandmistress [Ruler;Priestess-Inquisitor] (Obia'Syela-BT); Sigrid Gudrun Auru'in, Avenging Exile of Xavax, Countess of Slimbar (Redhaven-EC);  Masalu Auru'in, Linguistically-Challenged Sumerian Death-Cultist (D'hara-DW)