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Most Roleplay-Heavy Realm in Atamara?

Started by House le Drake, February 16, 2014, 03:19:03 PM

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House le Drake

I'm not going to disclose which character of mine is in Atamara or the realm they're in, but I was wondering which is the most roleplay-heavy realm?  I'm trying to engage the other players in the one I started in (sending letters to the nobles of the cities I visit giving greeting, offering to provide relief in monster-ridden regions) but communication is scarce.  I don't need to be around people who are "active": just willing to throw me a bone now and again.  I don't care how far I have to travel.
"what is best in life?" "To see your enemies driven before you and laminate their women."


I am only just now returning to BM after a few years, but I have found that RP begets RP in a lot of cases, and it only takes a few people that are having fun to get things going. That said, some realms are just boring.

I have characters in Silnaria and have had fun there... it's not very RP heavy, but the other players appreciate it when you do RP, and play along as they can. It's a small, new realm so there is room to flex your chops without getting drowned in the white noise that some realms present.

Just 2 cents!

Blue Star

Hi ;D :o ::)

I personally don't think RP heavy realms are great, mainly because stories get lost and it is hard for those to keep track of what is going on.

Few have time to RP eh but it would be fun to do so once again.
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)

Forbes Family

Strombran is not what most would consider RP heavy. You won't read a lot of RP's and stories but you will find that if you send someone a letter it gets answered. Personally, I like conversations more than stories but that's just me.
Forbes Family


Please rp with me in the cagilan empire <3

That being said, your best bet is probably lyonesse.


i also have a Char in Silnaria we are good about responding to RP with RP but there is never a constant use of RP and many players speak plainly when were talking game mechanics. Our Rp isnt about the mechanics at all. mostly its about religion,war,politics,celebrity relations and such.



I'm not on Atamara anymore. Is Lyonesse still in existence? It broke my (character's) heart to leave.


Quote from: Buffalkill on April 05, 2014, 07:37:31 AM
I'm not on Atamara anymore. Is Lyonesse still in existence? It broke my (character's) heart to leave.
For now but it's down to one region, and it is not a city.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton